Anyone? Would like to know as well!
1. Go to
2. Download and install AHK (Autohotkey).
Autohotkey can run one or multiple scripts at a time, the scripts are written as plain text and saved with the .ahk extension. You can write them in AHK itself, Notepad, whatever basically. The idea behind the Lab script is that it keeps pressing Try again and accept for you to burn through all your tickets. To do that it will need to know the screen positions of those buttons. Luckily you can use an AHK script to find out that information
Copy and paste the code below into a new Notepad document and save it as screenpos.ahk. Double click on screenpos.ahk to load the script, you should see a little green H appear in your system tray area, this lets you know that the script is loaded and active. Now just press CapsLock and it will give you the X,Y co-ordinates of your mouse pointer.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Recommended for catching common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; While CapsLock is toggled On
; Script will display Mouse Position (coordinates) as a tooltip at Top-Left corner of screen.
; Also allows to copy them (to clipboard) with a PrintScreen button.
#SingleInstance force ; only one instance of script can run
#Persistent ; to make it run indefinitely
settimer start1, 0 ; "0" to make it update position instantly
if !GetKeyState("capslock","T") ; whether capslock is on or off
tooltip ; if off, don't show tooltip at all.
{ ; if on
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen ; makes tooltip to appear at position, relative to screen.
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; makes mouse coordinates to be relative to screen.
MouseGetPos xx, yy ; get mouse x and y position, store as %xx% and %yy%
tooltip %xx% %yy%, 0, 0 ; display tooltip of %xx% %yy% at coordinates x0 y0.
PrintScreen:: ; assign new function to PrintScreen. If pressed...
clipboard == %xx% %yy% ; %xx% %yy% to clipboard.
Start up Bluestacks, launch Dragonblaze, access the Labyrinth and start a run, if you're in a hurry just quit the run or wait for it to complete. When you see the window with "Try Again" pop up hover your mouse over the center of the Try Again button and note the x,y co-ordinates. Press try again, make a note of the X,Y co-ordinates of the "Ok" confirmation button.
You can now unload the screenpos.ahk script by right clicking on its icon in the system tray and selecting exit.
Open a blank Notepad file and copy in the code below:
WinWait, BlueStacks App Player,
IfWinNotActive, BlueStacks App Player, , WinActivate, BlueStacks App Player,
WinWaitActive, BlueStacks App Player,
MouseClick, left, 604, 708
Sleep, 200
MouseClick, left, 832, 609
capslock::Pause, toggle
Save it as labgrind.ahk then double click it to load it up. What this will do is when you press the Scroll Lock key it will make Bluestacks the active program and will automatically click on the two areas of the screen listed in the first and second MouseClick statements. You want to enter the X,Y co-ordinates for the Try Again button in the first MouseClick and the X,Y co-ordinates for the Ok confirmation in the second MouseClick. You can pause the script by pressing CapsLock.
To use it you start Lab for the first time and then hit Scroll Lock to start up the script.