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Dragon Blaze (iOS/Android) |OT| Looks Like Vanillaware, Tastes Like F2P


I thought 3400 was safe and it simply isn't, got 6%. Looks like I need to get above 3800.

I'm hoping it won't be as bad this week. They gave out a lot of tickets last week. Probably pushed the average way up.

Thanks for writing this down, I was always curious what the total cost was. That said. Why the heck didn't you wait for a discount night, you crazy man.

Some of us east coasters can't play the game late enough for the enhance discount. I have a 1 year old who wakes up at 5am. No way I can do it. :(


Oh crap, they have to be at ultimate too? What a painful grind, haha.

After seeing a video, seriously, I don't really understand why we would need it beside for worldbosses and maybe lab because it's even not for us (player) but one ally and we can''t bring our ally during raid.

So unless they make super raid or world boss those gundams aren't a must (for me) and I can't imagine how pvp is gonna be unbalance with them.

I would've prefered instead some new classes where player can involve into them. Gamevil is nelgecting player character since season 2 :\


They simply need to rework the player characters. They need to give them more passives they need to separate the abilities and the ultimate abilities.

Archer is unique with their Aim ability, but there aren't enough choices. For example, imagine if they had an ability that made your team have 50% dodge for 5-15 seconds depending on Aim. Mages could get an ability that buffs the next ability an ally uses by 100%, requiring some timing and making them more team based. Rogues could make it so your team has 50% increased crit chance for 5-15 seconds depending on their resource. Warriors, 50% less damage taken. And so on.

Every class should have an ability to help their allies. The fact that only Priests have one makes them (and Paladins) the only choice in season 3.


I'm hoping it won't be as bad this week. They gave out a lot of tickets last week. Probably pushed the average way up.

Some of us east coasters can't play the game late enough for the enhance discount. I have a 1 year old who wakes up at 5am. No way I can do it. :(

They should just make 2 hour buffs instead of 3 hours and make them occur earlier.


1 10 10
0 0 1
0 6 9 0

Some people go 1/10 in the other 2 Passives too, but I just skipped them.

Crap, I went the other direction and pumped up INT instead of weapon max attack. Ah well, my sheep mage is my secondary character anyways, I'll just wait for the season 3 free respec.


They should just make 2 hour buffs instead of 3 hours and make them occur earlier.

For sure. I'd rather see 1-2 hour windows multiple times a day rather than a single window later. I haven't gotten a single freebie A ally this month since it pops at midnight my time.

They've ignored the global aspect for this long, I don't see that changing unfortunately.


I have a few friends spots open for my fellow Gaffers. I have lvl 60 mage and rogue and working on my lvl 54 priest. Let me know wats your charcter name and add me if you can.

Character name : Kassi
Ugh, I dropped to 42 on labyrinth. It's really going to be down to the wire.

In other news, combined for a Gram last night, but I already have one :( My first ever duplicate. Feels bad.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I combined for a Belle Snow. Wanted a healer, but shall not complain. Very pleased. Wish I had the resources to max her out.


Ugh, I dropped to 42 on labyrinth. It's really going to be down to the wire.

In other news, combined for a Gram last night, but I already have one :( My first ever duplicate. Feels bad.

I find needing fodder has taken the sting out of duplicate SSS a little, its still shit, just not as shit


Ugh, I dropped to 42 on labyrinth. It's really going to be down to the wire.

In other news, combined for a Gram last night, but I already have one :( My first ever duplicate. Feels bad.

You think that's bad? My last two SSS combines were Byron and Tiel.

I already have both at MAX. Not just two dupes, but two of really good characters? Thank god I need fodder for a Draco or I might actually be angry!


I can't pass Stage 30. Only my Rogue has 3 item slots, so I don't really use them anyway. I'm not sure what part of my team would get me through it. I just get hit way too hard in there.
What class is best for it?

Probably going to get rid of that skill point in Charming Light on my priest. It is quite annoying of a skill to have when you don't want it. I just want the priest to keep auto attacking instead.
I got the Rubies to spare, so why not.

I think sheep mage or taunt warrior(they are some of the top rankers for labyrinth) are the best for labyrinth atm. Having some CC is the best way to approach labyrinth imo. After wave 30 you have to deal with the lamia's that can sheep you in wave 33~35. Hell even with Draco Brightspark I can only beat wave 30 sometimes.
Having a tank with invulnerability is also a must since you need them to stall time for revive scrolls.

Another thing to keep note of, make sure your allies have defense penetration or they will be dealing little to no damage. I haven't been able to find a single decent weapon for my loki so he has 0 Defense Penetration and he was doing 90 damage to the monsters on wave 30 lol.

Currently with sheep mage highest I can score is 540k in labyrinth which at the time I've checked my rank is 69(lol) at 0.447%. Hopefully i'll be safe for top 1%.
I can't pass Stage 30. Only my Rogue has 3 item slots, so I don't really use them anyway. I'm not sure what part of my team would get me through it. I just get hit way too hard in there.

I got to round 40 for the first time a few days ago. Put me at rank 37 at the time, but now I've dropped to rank 42. Kinda nervously awaiting to see whether I make top 50.

There's a couple of things that help me get through round 30. First is two very strong tanks with high HP and evasion. When everyone else is dead, you want your tanks to be able to survive for a while so that scrolls can come back around. I wait until it looks like I'm in danger of dying on the next attack before I use scrolls. By that time, everyone's AoE abilities have come back around and as soon as I pop the scroll Turq's meteor and Bloodwind's AoE arrow rain get popped right away. If I can time it so that I use a scroll right before my warrior's Taunt is up then even better, because as soon as he uses taunt everyone gets a damage reduction.

Best I've done is to get through 30 with a single scroll used but usually I have to use 2-3.

From 31-33 it's pretty easy. All my DPS and heals still get one shotted by Lamia's multi-shit, but they do jack shit to Gram and my warrior, so I will literally just sit there until Gram and my warrior have almost killed everything by themselves.

34 and 35 is a bit harder, as you start getting sheeped (and AoE sheeped on 35). These are all about luck. You need stuns and skill disables to hit the right enemy at the right time. Only beaten 35 3 times (but all 3 of those were this week, so I haven't had *that* many attempts).

From 37 you start getting enemies who can one shot your non-tank charactesr *and* heal themselves, so you can't play the waiting game with them. When your guys die you need them raised ASAP


Its bad enough when you go over the "average" of five when combining using 10% mobs, but just took 9 A's to get a +1 on a SS. Stings I tells ya.


Its bad enough when you go over the "average" of five when combining using 10% mobs, but just took 9 A's to get a +1 on a SS. Stings I tells ya.

That is one hell of a waste dude. Usually for SS I use 2 A's then some B's until I get around 20% then spam C's.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
That is one hell of a waste dude. Usually for SS I use 2 A's then some B's until I get around 20% then spam C's.

Exactly what I do as well. I'd only bump it up to more As if I was out of B/C and needed one more to enhance.


PSA kinda

I'm going on vacation for about 3 weeks and might not be able to log in to the game for a while, but please don't kick me out of your friends list if you have me. I'll leave my lv 60 rogue on, who is pretty well equipped.


PSA kinda

I'm going on vacation for about 3 weeks and might not be able to log in to the game for a while, but please don't kick me out of your friends list if you have me. I'll leave my lv 60 rogue on, who is pretty well equipped.

You can't play on your phone ?


PSA kinda

I'm going on vacation for about 3 weeks and might not be able to log in to the game for a while, but please don't kick me out of your friends list if you have me. I'll leave my lv 60 rogue on, who is pretty well equipped.

ah np, enjoy your vacation :D


I got an S unit up to 51% bonus using C fodder. If you want to do the math that's 17 fodder.

That's rough, I know its just confirmation bias, but the upgrade success rate seems terrible over the last week or two

That is one hell of a waste dude. Usually for SS I use 2 A's then some B's until I get around 20% then spam C's.

I agree it was a waste, I dont have any more SSS to max out so I have no real reason not to use A's on SS, normally I wouldnt use that many but it was partially really wanting that +1 and part just getting pissed off, a stellar combination for wise decision making ;) Hadnt really thought of using C's, I find that I prefer to use them on S units to keep the upgrade mill running


That's rough, I know its just confirmation bias, but the upgrade success rate seems terrible over the last week or two

I agree it was a waste, I dont have any more SSS to max out so I have no real reason not to use A's on SS, normally I wouldnt use that many but it was partially really wanting that +1 and part just getting pissed off, a stellar combination for wise decision making ;) Hadnt really thought of using C's, I find that I prefer to use them on S units to keep the upgrade mill running

Yea I understand that. Had that happen to me a few times leveling up a SS around the time the game launched and I hadn't really considered what units to use for enhancing properly. Wasted so many B's on just 1 SS the failure bonus was up to 60% or so purely off of B's. RNG with combine can be so damn frustrating at times.
Amazes me how much some people spam arena. This morning at 9:30 AM the #1 already had 15k points. I spammed arena constantly last night after reset, and in 1 hour I had earned about 2,000 points. To get 14,000 should therefore take about 7 hours. So in the time between 1 AM and 9:30AM, which is only 8.5 hours, someone got 14,000 points meaning they were literally doing almost nothing except spamming arena for almost 9 hours.

I think these people must go buy about 4,000 rubies, use everything on tickets, then make a bluestacks script to just spam arena and accept every challenge. Only works if you have a crazy strong team, but I don't see any other way to get these kind of crazy points short of hacking.


Amazes me how much some people spam arena. This morning at 9:30 AM the #1 already had 15k points. I spammed arena constantly last night after reset, and in 1 hour I had earned about 2,000 points. To get 14,000 should therefore take about 7 hours. So in the time between 1 AM and 9:30AM, which is only 8.5 hours, someone got 14,000 points meaning they were literally doing almost nothing except spamming arena for almost 9 hours.

I think these people must go buy about 4,000 rubies, use everything on tickets, then make a bluestacks script to just spam arena and accept every challenge. Only works if you have a crazy strong team, but I don't see any other way to get these kind of crazy points short of hacking.

I imagine they also have a ulti team and accepts all the challenges. Those 64 bonuses add up fast. Had 5 in a row today so 320 in less than 3 mins I think.


For people still having problems getting past Floor 30 in Lab, check your tank's defense. They need about 4000 defense to live through Nordic Hammer and the aoe gnoll spam. After the hammer drops just use a rez scroll and smash them down.

The next major defense check seems to be floor 35 then floor 45. I've made it past 45 once but can't seem to repeat.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I imagine they also have a ulti team and accepts all the challenges. Those 64 bonuses add up fast. Had 5 in a row today so 320 in less than 3 mins I think.

Running into a full team of ultimate dracos on a double reward challenge is so frustrating!


Yea I understand that. Had that happen to me a few times leveling up a SS around the time the game launched and I hadn't really considered what units to use for enhancing properly. Wasted so many B's on just 1 SS the failure bonus was up to 60% or so purely off of B's. RNG with combine can be so damn frustrating at times.

On the plus side I got a Belle Snow when I combined, on the one hand, great as now I have access to the Summoner unit!, on the other Dammit I need some fodder! Dragon Blaze giveth and Dragon Blaze taketh away ;)


I pulled another 10 since it's the second to last day of the +2 and ended up pulling another SS. Wow. I still haven't been one of the blessed to get a SSS but I've gotten two or three SS from premium summons now. Nice.

I'm nowhere near another SSS but I'll get about halfway there from this batch I think. I have 23 S fodder now. Getting up there.
I pulled another 10 since it's the second to last day of the +2 and ended up pulling another SS. Wow. I still haven't been one of the blessed to get a SSS but I've gotten two or three SS from premium summons now. Nice.

I'm nowhere near another SSS but I'll get about halfway there from this batch I think. I have 23 S fodder now. Getting up there.

I suspect I've pulled 2-3x as many premium summons as most people, and I've still only ever gotten a single SS. Ever.


I suspect I've pulled 2-3x as many premium summons as most people, and I've still only ever gotten a single SS. Ever.

I think I got like 3 or 4 SS from it. And a single SSS. The SSS is just insane luck. Probably never happening again. Rates are ridiculous.

Got a ton of S's though. But saving those for when I really need them.
I think I got like 3 or 4 SS from it. And a single SSS. The SSS is just insane luck. Probably never happening again. Rates are ridiculous.

Got a ton of S's though. But saving those for when I really need them.

Yea after getting Bloodwind up the well has run really dry for me. I'm now scraping at the bits to get SS because I've got almost no S's left. I used to have 15-20 S's sitting around that I could constantly evolve into SS, but now I make an SS and I have no more S's at all. Really need to build up the supply again.


Yea after getting Bloodwind up the well has run really dry for me. I'm now scraping at the bits to get SS because I've got almost no S's left. I used to have 15-20 S's sitting around that I could constantly evolve into SS, but now I make an SS and I have no more S's at all. Really need to build up the supply again.

In the same situation myself, sort of tempting to upgrade A's to get some S's


Oh man on one of my challenges I got an all ultimate team but I guess my meteor mage crit and so did Draco brightspark. Was able to win but on that happy train the next challenge was another ultimate team which proceeded to beat me. Oh well I have learned my place!


Oh man on one of my challenges I got an all ultimate team but I guess my meteor mage crit and so did Draco brightspark. Was able to win but on that happy train the next challenge was another ultimate team which proceeded to beat me. Oh well I have learned my place!

Luck can play a pretty big role in Arena, the worst is when you have another team "on farm", they get lucky and goodbye bonus
Starting to upgrade S's with A's lol. Idk why but i seem to be really bottlenecking on fodder much more than i used to. I used to have lots of b and c fodder. I think the removal of that ally encounter rate buff has really hurt


My Priest is 45 and in Myth now. I'm not sure when I started, but it went pretty fast. Those Shoes helped me a lot.

Will stop at Landing Garden to hopefully farm some of those ASPD Accesories. Hopefully it won't take too long. And then onwards to S2 again.

I do have some ASPD accesories already but they could easily be better.

Noticed we got 8~ inactives again. Hate to say it but I doubt we're ever really going to be competitive.


Do people bother unlocking accessory or equipment slots with their alts? The accessory slots seem like too big of a loss not to unlock but unless you're using your alt for raids/arena the equipment slots are arguably a luxury.


Do people bother unlocking accessory or equipment slots with their alts? The accessory slots seem like too big of a loss not to unlock but unless you're using your alt for raids/arena the equipment slots are arguably a luxury.

Well once u them to 60, they become useful. Each class is better than others at an event so I spec and gear them accordingly.


My Priest is 45 and in Myth now. I'm not sure when I started, but it went pretty fast. Those Shoes helped me a lot.

Will stop at Landing Garden to hopefully farm some of those ASPD Accesories. Hopefully it won't take too long. And then onwards to S2 again.

I do have some ASPD accesories already but they could easily be better.

Noticed we got 8~ inactives again. Hate to say it but I doubt we're ever really going to be competitive.

This makes me sad..
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