Code failed; is what it tells me.
It's EU only.
Code failed; is what it tells me.
I was able to reach lab 40. That gets you in top 1%. Currently sitting out rank 69. I switched out Shabelle for Mercedes because I liked her immunity passive and debuff better.
Sheep mage
Mercedes +4
Bright spark max
DBS max
Tyran Max
This week seems to be a slow week for Arena as I have 6k and sitting at number 25. I plan to always stay 1k above the number 50 guy so I can get the title for my rogue and call it a day.
Lacking any tank has become my lamentation song for this game. Thankfully the labyrinth is the only place where my struggle is real.
In terms of ascended units who is currently the top tank dog in season 3? Not that I am in a hurry to get one anytime soon but at this point draco DC essences are just taking up limited inventory space. I need to figure out what to do with them soon.
I was able to reach lab 40. That gets you in top 1%. Currently sitting out rank 69. I switched out Shabelle for Mercedes because I liked her immunity passive and debuff better.
Sheep mage
Mercedes +4
Bright spark max
DBS max
Tyran Max
This week seems to be a slow week for Arena as I have 6k and sitting at number 25. I plan to always stay 1k above the number 50 guy so I can get the title for my rogue and call it a day.
It'll be slow for arena because everyone is spending tickets on the raid.
The new raid is terrifying. Can't take down the adds in 5 seconds? ALL DEAD.
And they spawn faster than my ultimate meteor cooldown. Just wtf.
I should have just used my tickets for top 50 again this week, 1/3rd of the raids have been failed at least :/
Sounds like you are doing too much damage. If you do too much damage from the start then it will summon like 2 waves in a row. I've had more successful runs without rogues funnily enough. Even beat it with just 2 mage 2 priests and 2 mage 2 warrior.
Since I am a sheep mage I usually wait until the adds are summoned then sheep and meteor usually kills off a portion of them.
Really should just start the fight using only auto or single target attacks and save aoe for the adds. Do that and you should pass no problem unless you get dumb auto rogues that force too many adds to spawn. Thankfully Aqualis doesn't have any heals.
Sounds like you are doing too much damage. If you do too much damage from the start then it will summon like 2 waves in a row. I've had more successful runs without rogues funnily enough. Even beat it with just 2 mage 2 priests and 2 mage 2 warrior.
Since I am a sheep mage I usually wait until the adds are summoned then sheep and meteor usually kills off a portion of them.
Really should just start the fight using only auto or single target attacks and save aoe for the adds. Do that and you should pass no problem unless you get dumb auto rogues that force too many adds to spawn. Thankfully Aqualis doesn't have any heals.
I don't understand how so many people still do the raid wrong. Just don't use any of your attacking skills until the first wave comes at the very least. To be honest, just auto-attacking would probably be a 100% win.
No, weapon atk is not better than base atk. Weapon ATK is pretty much what it sounds like. It increases the number on your weapon by a certain percentage. But you get atk power from other places too. Like DEX, STR, INT, etc. So the Base ATK card multiplies the final number . I almost want to say that Base ATK +X% is the identical to Weapon ATK +X% and DEX +X% (for rogue/archer, similar for others), but I'm not 100% if that's all there is to it
Sounds good, I'll slap one of my A's on Shabelle, I got 2 more after that post lol.
So is it just me, or is the drop rate for SSS items on Aqualis waaaay lower than Phoenix? I got my 5/6 SSS set on Phoenix pretty quickly, but I think I've burned 80 tickets of Aqualis, and I think I've only seen 1 SSS item drop (not including the 10 rubies item). I only raid during the drop rate bonus times, and even right now during the 100% drop boost I don't think I've seen a SSS drop.
Sounds good, I'll slap one of my A's on Shabelle, I got 2 more after that post lol.
So is it just me, or is the drop rate for SSS items on Aqualis waaaay lower than Phoenix? I got my 5/6 SSS set on Phoenix pretty quickly, but I think I've burned 80 tickets of Aqualis, and I think I've only seen 1 SSS item drop (not including the 10 rubies item). I only raid during the drop rate bonus times, and even right now during the 100% drop boost I don't think I've seen a SSS drop.
70--80 kills and just 2 Reds. Just bullshit lol.
Someone in the guild is hauling them all in while I sit and watch. haha.
All the reds seem to be in the paybox in my case. oh well.. no rush in getting the set.. Phoenix set is still best for Allies anyway.
I've been pretty lucky so far and have about 10 or so pieces, with some being dupes.
Have to disagree with this. I assume you mean the Fiercely Blaze set (bonus of 3000 hp and 19 immunity). Current set gives 20.4 to def pen and 15.1 to crit rate. I like the HP/Immunity for GB for my GB ally, but for every other mode, I prefer the increased offensive stats of the new set - lab, both world bosses, story mode. Arena is more about picking a fight you can win than anything, so I could go either way.
Overall my haul wasn't too bad but wish I would get more variety, 3 caster offhands, 2 gauntlets, 1 sword. The 40-50ish raids that failed prob had the magical goodies I wanted.
I don't understand how so many people still do the raid wrong. Just don't use any of your attacking skills until the first wave comes at the very least. To be honest, just auto-attacking would probably be a 100% win.
Thats a lot of fails. I get about 70% success rate when I go auto rogue.
So sad when people go auto-rogue![]()
So you guys still spend rubies on later essences to enhance the dracos? I'm starting to get a little low on A fodder but I've been using rubies to get my draco brightspark. Might want to back off a little now and just hope some more drop so I can buy more fodder.![]()
So you guys still spend rubies on later essences to enhance the dracos? I'm starting to get a little low on A fodder but I've been using rubies to get my draco brightspark. Might want to back off a little now and just hope some more drop so I can buy more fodder.![]()
I only ever bought them for my first Blackaria, and after that not a single one. I'll spend so much time leveling that eventually I'll get them all up there. The worst feeling will be selling Essences for gold, for a unit that I bought them for using Rubies.
So that's not going to happen.
The way I went about it was get 1 draco then focus on leveling. While grinding, I use whatever essence I find to enhance which leads to eventually having a stock of the others. That's how I've reach Max+1 on D. Brightspark and +5 on Bloodwind. If I am lucky I can get a few more enhances on Bloodwind tomorrow with the fail boost. Have like 5 bloodwind essences saved atm.
Personally, I think it also helps to not worry about essences. Just focus on leveling and they eventually drop.
I've been thinking on making Loki into Greysoul or Ult D. Brightspark. I think Greysoul would be pretty decent for golem and a nice addition for arena. I could prep Windlune for angel but rather do something to boost my team now instead of waiting.
For the starting formation not sure whether to get the Stam for the tank or the Eva for the back ones
Conventional wisdom has always been to that a single unit takes about 6 shoes to rapport, but that kind of breaks down now that we're so strong that it's hard to get 3 full waves of enemies out on bosses. And for levels that we can get 3 waves out on, they're so strong that it's very hard to keep your weak guys alive for so long.
So here's a pro tip I just found. If you're lucky enough that you have multiple guys to rapport, you can do it with up to 3 at a time using Draco BS or Draco Bloodwind (preferably BS). I just rapported 3 units in 8 shoes by running Fog Region boss stage. After about level 25 or 30 they won't get one shotted anymore, and Draco BS is enough to one shot every enemy in the level, so it's super easy
I went full attack for everyone, didn't put a single point into anything else
Your tank isnt likely to die first so better to get def stats for your dps/healers.
Conventional wisdom has always been to that a single unit takes about 6 shoes to rapport, but that kind of breaks down now that we're so strong that it's hard to get 3 full waves of enemies out on bosses. And for levels that we can get 3 waves out on, they're so strong that it's very hard to keep your weak guys alive for so long.
So here's a pro tip I just found. If you're lucky enough that you have multiple guys to rapport, you can do it with up to 3 at a time using Draco BS or Draco Bloodwind (preferably BS). I just rapported 3 units in 8 shoes by running Fog Region boss stage. After about level 25 or 30 they won't get one shotted anymore, and Draco BS is enough to one shot every enemy in the level, so it's super easy
I went full attack for everyone, didn't put a single point into anything else
Oh I should have probably mentioned that my attacks are both maxed its for the final 10 points, not sure whether to do stam or evasion.
The dps positions in this formation don't get defensive stats though, they get attack. Currently I'm Lv. 10 on both of the 2 DPS +Atk slots
Oh in that case the choice is clear, go with the defensive stats. Do you already have the formation at Lv. 30?
I'm 64 on my rogue and the formation is only level 20. I probably won't even get the last 10 levels because I'm planning to switch to Dauntless Breakthrough or the second free formation.
What is the name of the formation you are using? I havent used any points yet.
I'm still on that EXP formation. I still don't really know what I'm supposed to do, I've not leveled anything.
Second one seems interesting for labyrinth being so defensive. But idk. For defensive stat id go for the eva. You want to protect your squishiest ppl, not your tankiestCurrently at lvl 23, The second one looks less ideal to me so not going to level it up.
If I were to buy one it would be either Incredible Concentration as of now or if I had rio Fire All at One
You say defensive but which one would that be? To me Stam / Eva are both defensive stats heh!
I've been pretty lucky so far and have about 10 or so pieces, with some being dupes.
Have to disagree with this. I assume you mean the Fiercely Blaze set (bonus of 3000 hp and 19 immunity). Current set gives 20.4 to def pen and 15.1 to crit rate. I like the HP/Immunity for GB for my GB ally, but for every other mode, I prefer the increased offensive stats of the new set - lab, both world bosses, story mode. Arena is more about picking a fight you can win than anything, so I could go either way.
This is just getting silly. After getting two Mercedes with my recent pulls,and thats after getting Shabelle recently, RNG has blessed me with another healer with a lolipop pull.
This is just getting silly. After getting two Mercedes with my recent pulls,and thats after getting Shabelle recently, RNG has blessed me with another healer with a lolipop pull.
The new raid is terrifying. Can't take down the adds in 5 seconds? ALL DEAD.
And they spawn faster than my ultimate meteor cooldown. Just wtf.
It's going to be even more painfull when Kamiel will come, that rez party all on dying...My strategy for Arena:
Find any team without Blackaria or a Shabelle helper and then attack them repeatedly until my fingers fall off.
Blackaria is just so annoying to handle. My team just does way too much AOE damage not to kill her, and then 8 seconds of invincibility is hard to overcome.
I feel you.
I am actually tanking for my guildmates most the time on priest.
Beleive it or not when we've too rogues, they kill too fast the boss and we see the light so many times... that it's kinda stressfull to to be ready to spam scrolls at any moment, lol.
Anyway, I met yesterday in random raid an archer who was using scrolls and was timing her skills. So rare, lol. We became immediatly friends and added each to friendlist, since then we pm each other to raid together. And I can say that I didn't die once with her, even when she invited her friend mage. Her friend mage was also using scrolls and timing her AoE today in raid. Really a nice encounter.
My strategy for Arena:
Find any team without Blackaria or a Shabelle helper and then attack them repeatedly until my fingers fall off.
Blackaria is just so annoying to handle. My team just does way too much AOE damage not to kill her, and then 8 seconds of invincibility is hard to overcome.
Yea just made her and even with no Max's it's worth in arena.
On a side note i'm tempted to get those draco costumes.....especially that crit stat
I did 2 runs today and got 1 SSS, it was a quiver with the perfect stats I've wanted on it. Def Pen, Sta, Crit Damage, Crit Chance. Prolly never getting another SSS with stats I want lol.Yesterday I did like 80 runs on 100% drop, 2 SSS.
This morning 2 runs with no drop increase, and I got 2 SSS.
Pretty ridiculous lol. It was a Rogue dagger, I got 2 now (64 ones).
But it wasnt better than the 60 one at all. I like the new bonus better though so I'll keep using it.
Yea seeing so many Blackaria in arena especially when I am now sitting on 26 of her essences makes me so salty right now.My strategy for Arena:
Find any team without Blackaria or a Shabelle helper and then attack them repeatedly until my fingers fall off.
Blackaria is just so annoying to handle. My team just does way too much AOE damage not to kill her, and then 8 seconds of invincibility is hard to overcome.
I did 2 runs today and got 1 SSS, it was a quiver with the perfect stats I've wanted on it. Def Pen, Sta, Crit Damage, Crit Chance. Prolly never getting another SSS with stats I want lol.
Yea seeing so many Blackaria in arena especially when I am now sitting on 26 of her essences makes me so salty right now.
Dealing with the shield in arena is another reason why I'm considering to make greysoul as well.