Is there a best grinding stage yet?
No idea if this is based on any truth or not*Updated*&p=797170#post797170
so did the ruby summon rate get buff? I spent all of my rubies yesterday trying to get all the SS to max with the enhance fail buff![]()
Burned through 200+ shoes, zero essence drops. If this is how it's going to be, basically forcing us to wait weeks for the necessary essences or to spend money, then I'm done with the game. It will be next to impossible to get a max level Angel at this rate without spending a ton of money.
Edit: Okay I'm almost convinced they increased the pull rates. I'm getting SS from the cheap ally summons.
Burned through 200+ shoes, zero essence drops. If this is how it's going to be, basically forcing us to wait weeks for the necessary essences or to spend money, then I'm done with the game. It will be next to impossible to get a max level Angel at this rate without spending a ton of money.
Edit: Okay I'm almost convinced they increased the pull rates. I'm getting SS from the cheap ally summons.
Max + 4 ranran got me through 2-2 just fine, but dont bother using her in 2-3. She gets one shot at every stage.Is it worth it to limit break RanRan if I don't have any other AOE healers or will she still just be insta-nuked more often than not?
I'm gonna ask the stupidest question I've asked here, and by God I've asked stupid questions.
How the balls do I return to Season 1? I beat Byron, the portal to Season 2 opened, the hottest elf since Legolas greets me and sends me to kill some spiders I can barely kill and definitely can't auto.
And I can't find any button that takes me back to good old Belle Snow.
I hit 1.9m in golem yesterday by using Llywelyn Max+2 instead of Ur and +0 Ravengal (lol) instead of Loki. So she is very much worth it as long as you give her the gear/cards..Got angel archer at +0, my wb score lower by 200k. She better worth it when I max her.
I'm gonna ask the stupidest question I've asked here, and by God I've asked stupid questions.
How the balls do I return to Season 1? I beat Byron, the portal to Season 2 opened, the hottest elf since Legolas greets me and sends me to kill some spiders I can barely kill and definitely can't auto.
And I can't find any button that takes me back to good old Belle Snow.
You should get DBS (assuming its your first Draco). She will bring massive amounts of DPS. Ravengale is better when you have a stronger party (because of her buff).Hi, guys
got myself Flame Wizard Whay which I can upgrade her to Ravengale.
Before the patch, I'm about to deify Brightspark to Draco but now since I got Whay, which one should I deify? DBS or Ravengale or both?
anyone tried DBS and Ravengale in one team?
Llywelyn is fantastic. She has taken my Bloodwind's place in every event except for WB.I did eventually get passed those 3 bosses after a couple more tries, but you'd think they be consistent with them being killed but still appearing as bosses later lol. Really liking the story too.
So is Llywelyn a solid unit? I'll probably be going for her after getting blackaria(hopefully by the end of the month with free SSS). Also need to enhance gram to replace byron for labyrinth.
Hi, guys
got myself Flame Wizard Whay which I can upgrade her to Ravengale.
Before the patch, I'm about to deify Brightspark to Draco but now since I got Whay, which one should I deify? DBS or Ravengale or both?
anyone tried DBS and Ravengale in one team?
Spent hundreds of shoes, not a single black essence the entire day. Here's to hoping today is better. This new auto-run is the best feature ever added to this game.
Maybe wait for the weekend with the 100% buffs. Only 1 WB remaining for the week
An entire newspost about HIVE policies today lol. Guess they don't want people to cheat the thing for free items or whatever.
Aw YIS did another SSS combine and got Shabelle. Guess Porin can finally turn into Blackaria!
On one hand, it's awesome that I got a good SSS. On the other hand, DAMMIT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MAKE MY ANGEL WITHOUT FODDER SSS TO LIMIT BREAK WITH?!
So whats the general consensus on which SSS are worth keeping? From what I can gather you want to hold on to:
Captain Shabelle
Ur (for WB?)
One Summoner (to upgrade to Boden or Angel summoner)
One Paladin (to upgrade to Boden or Angel paladin)
The rest you should be using as fodder or as a base for Drac/Angel/Boden upgrades. Is that about it?
link? checked the subreddit and withhive, dont see anything so far
belle is nice too, pretty much the only thing i would keep at this pt too, maybe the new demon tank that just came out since most ppl dont want to deify DC
Rest easy because if you been logging on everyday, you should get a free SSS tomorrow as a GM event and another SSS in a few days for attendance.
Thanks! As soon as I create that Blackaria I have so much else to do. I Have to farm for equipment, go as far as I can on Season 2 and reach level 60 so I can use those rubies for stuff. It's been a while since Gamevil gave rubies for free, though. Some 100 should come in handy. More considering I'm not even planning on farming the essences, I'd rather use up the 300 rubies for that.Go to Adventure, should be arrows on top mid of your screen to put you back and forth.
I am surprised, nay, appalled, that she's not a summonable hero.Lol we definitely need to be able to recruit Silverbreeze or whatever her name is!![]()
Yo.. I cant get past the Cave of Demon's forst stage.. where you fight the 3 captains.. my team is (all max) Aria, DBS, DC, Tiel, and Priest.. am i missing something here or MAX units cant cut it anymore.
Yo.. I cant get past the Cave of Demon's forst stage.. where you fight the 3 captains.. my team is (all max) Aria, DBS, DC, Tiel, and Priest.. am i missing something here or MAX units cant cut it anymore.
Kinda surprised you're having trouble even with having blackaria. Bring a friend either sheep/meteor ulti mage or maybe rogue. You just want to kill them as fast as possible.
Wow first platinum pull today and got an SSS (folder).
I'm beginning to reconsider on getting Llywelyn and instead ULTIMATE my DBS. My team consist of Gram, Blackaria, BW/BS, and DBS. Since I already have BW, I dont feel Llywelyn will make much of a difference. I believe an ULT DBS will be much more of a game changer.
I'm beginning to reconsider on getting Llywelyn and instead ULTIMATE my DBS. My team consist of Gram, Blackaria, BW/BS, and DBS. Since I already have BW, I dont feel Llywelyn will make much of a difference. I believe an ULT DBS will be much more of a game changer.
Is there a list somewhere that shows the different battle formations? The ones that give you rubies for having different allies in your group. I searched but I didn't see anything, though my Google-fu is rather weak.
According to that tier chart that was floating around Llywelyn is a step above BW, but on the other hand beyond the stat increases pushing DBS to ULT will let you increase her skills as well, which as you say would more than likely make up for any difference betwen Llwy and BW.