So now they're adding p2w stuff into the game. That's great. That brooch can kiss my butt. So far the game has been quite fair in terms of f2p 'cause the ruby transactions are shit. Few premium pulls with some shoes and tickets is bullshit. But so is that brooch.
The brooch?
Oops, should have space now.
Yup, that is the 2 archer formation @ lvl 28. Can't be bothered to max it haha.I could have that team if I didn't go for that stupid Draco Deathcrown. Bleh.
Is that the 2 mage, or the 2 archer formation?
I actually think the score is low-ish for that team composition. My guys (DBS/BW/Aria) are still mostly using phoenix gear w/o any gems. Valmut is just too much of a pain in the ass to farm.Man I could make 95% of this team today if I wanted, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't reach 8.3m. Nuts. I feel like I'm not equipping my guys properly.
7.3m hydra run if anyone wants to watch.
Best score so far is 8.3m
Blackaria +2 using SS or SSS? Losing an Essence even if the enhancement fails sucks, so I'm not sure how I'd proceed.Made the blackaria +2. Long road of equipping and enhancing now.
Blackaria +2 using SS or SSS? Losing an Essence even if the enhancement fails sucks, so I'm not sure how I'd proceed.
So I'm level 61 right now, and I still can't get to level 25 in Labyrinth. What the hell am I doing wrong?
Team is Meteor Mage, Blackaria, Brightspark +6, Loki +2 and Ari. Reserve is Shabelle, Gram, Fulson and Tiel.
Poll: Is the Valmut Raid too difficult?
Yes, it's too hard. I stopped running it completely. No thanks. Having to rely that much on random people is just too annoying.
Using S. It took me 4 or 5 essences. Sucks but what are you going to do.
Relying on randoms can make raid toughers anyway, but composition seems to be critical for this as well. You might as well re-start if you dont get a priest (or if you do get a mage)
Did this latest patch make it so that you don't gain any friend points beyond 500 for using friends? I always made sure to use my friends to stack the points. Sucks.
Also, it'd be nice if they did an essence drop rate happy hour (or whatever they're called) buff like the +50% exp, item drops, etc.
Did this latest patch make it so that you don't gain any friend points beyond 500 for using friends? I always made sure to use my friends to stack the points. Sucks.
Also, it'd be nice if they did an essence drop rate happy hour (or whatever they're called) buff like the +50% exp, item drops, etc.
Kind of quiet around here, huh?
Made another SSS this morning, Captain Turq. That gives me a choice now of who to deify and who to use for fodder for getting to ULT. Think I'll use Caberra as fodder and save Turq for eventual deify.
Kind of quiet around here, huh?
Made another SSS this morning, Captain Turq. That gives me a choice now of who to deify and who to use for fodder for getting to ULT. Think I'll use Caberra as fodder and save Turq for eventual deify.
Out of literally nowhere I got the SSS Wpn Atk card. Who should I give it to?
Blackaria is the most likely to remain forever in my team, but she already has a 12% buff to healing, which I'm guessing is more useful in her. Rest of my team is Brightspark, Loki and Tiel.
Out of literally nowhere I got the SSS Wpn Atk card. Who should I give it to?
Blackaria is the most likely to remain forever in my team, but she already has a 12% buff to healing, which I'm guessing is more useful in her. Rest of my team is Brightspark, Loki and Tiel.
I got 8 SS's and they need to be upgraded. I don't know where I am going to get all the fodder from. I don't want to use them for upgrades simply because I know I will need them more than I need an early advantage on my Llewyn.
Oh my, what is this? I used 200 shoes yesterday and got one Brightspark essence (it wasn't a Blackaria one)?
And what is this today? Used only 30 shoes and got 5 essences, but none of them are for Blackaria?
I hate you, game.
I think it's worse when you have the essences you need, then fail a >50% chance to enhance.
3 times in a row.
All these people doing all this high lvl/end game stuff, and I'm struggling my ass off to even get through normal Myth lol
The grind is so obnoxious. 100% raid bonus and I'm still not getting any reds. Its just mind numbing. That's why my rogue is so under geared.
It has been up for 1-2 weeks now but it's gonna end with tomorow patch.Huh, I just realized that the cost to get an extra raid item was cut down to 5 rubies. How long has it been like that?
I don't know about DB, but base Brightspark Ultimate should do an ass ton of damage, I presume.I'm just getting frustrated now. Four months playing and I've yet to pull a Priest who's higher than an S.
Also, I have an Ultimate Brighspark. Would it be better to continue using her and wait until I have enough fodder to upgrade a Draco Brightspark to like +5, or is base DB fine as is?