Go ahead, take your free score. Maybe I'll take off couple allies.
On that note, I take off some allies in arena just keeping ulti dbs, max black and Max +3 llewlyn as helper to invite more challenges.
You'll be surprise how much free score I earn.
There will be an essence drop rate buff next week so save your shoes if you can.
Not gonna lie. I got suckered in by your team. Thought it would be an easy win in continuing my 60 win streak.
boden wont be released for another 2-3 months and the boden summoner margarette is in the 2nd wave i believe so you would have to wait another month after that
Im a new player, just now got to level 51 and I only have 4 SSS units so far which I gained from combining SS units. Have around 720 rubies to spend right now. Do they ever have a sale on premium summons?
They have done a discounted summon once, and a 10 premium pulls get 2 free a few times. I wouldn't bother saving up waiting for those though. I usually do pulls on sunday during the enhance fail boost to get the most out of it for enhancing purposes. Plus, the rates from premium is a hell of a lot better now than it was compared to release.Thanks.
Im a new player, just now got to level 51 and I only have 4 SSS units so far which I gained from combining SS units. Have around 720 rubies to spend right now. Do they ever have a sale on premium summons?
There will be an essence drop rate buff next week so save your shoes if you can.
How do you know this? Doesn't seem to be any announcement on the official forms.
Its updated under Oct GM Event.
Cool, I saw the updated happy hour stuff but not the GM.
New GM Events
10/7 ~ 10/20: Premium Jewel 10+2 Event
10/7 ~ 10/20: Platinum Equipment 10+2 Event
10/13 ~ 10/20: Increased Essences Drop Rate Event
10/13 ~ 10/20: Increased SS~SSS Raid Item Drop Rate Event
10/13 ~ 10/20: Platinum Ally Summon 1+1 Bonus
Receive an additional ally whenever acquiring one through the Platinum Ally Summon bonus.
EXAMPLE) Summon 3 [A] Allies and receive not only the bonusAlly, but an additionalAlly. Summon 3Allies and receive 2 [SS] Allies and so on.
10/13 ~ TBD: Special Popup Bonus Rubies
Guess I'll go easy on blowing through shoes and tickets this weekend and wait until Tuesday.
If you want to improve your wb scores, I think getting the angel archer is the way. Unless your Draco Brightspark is geared really well, getting her to Ult might not be as big a boost as you think. My wb team is Bloodwind+Max, Blackaria+Max, Ur and DBS+Max+3 and can barely break 1mil(5% rank) on golem and 2.5mil(7% rank) on hydra. It will likely improve a bit with enhancing Ur but the higher scoring wb teams have that angel archer. Also Ravengale if her buff is working now helps wb even more.I have about 850 rubies right now. Gonna hoard some more. I missed even 20% on hydra this week. Rough. My team is just not built for WB. Really need a solid archer. Too many mages.
I have over 400 shoes ready to go for essence drop bonus. Not sure if I should focus on angel or Draco. Draco I need to get my +2 blackaria up more and I'd think getting my max Draco BS to ultimate would be a big boost.
Who is the best character to take to ultimate right now? The most useful long term...
I see myself using Llwelyn for the foreseeable future and already ult Blackaria. Will always need a healer right?
I go back and forth on taking Black to ult because in Arena and GB I kinda want her to die first to get the benefit of her death rattle.
I'll never get the essences for taking Llwelyn to ult :\ Stuck at +3.
That is the right approach to take really if your team is all equally enhanced. There is nothing more hilarious than seeing Blackaria being the last one standing.I go back and forth on taking Black to ult because in Arena and GB I kinda want her to die first to get the benefit of her death rattle.
I'll never get the essences for taking Llwelyn to ult :\ Stuck at +3.
imo, blackaria is a hell of a lot more annoying if she is alive. A person playing the korean version on reddit did note that arena matches will end up lasting a lot longer in chapter 3, most likely when allies get the full 6 equip slots along with certain bodens and an angel releasing. Doubt relying on her death for 8 seconds will be a reliable tactic moving forward.
10/13 ~ 10/20: Platinum Ally Summon 1+1 Bonus
Receive an additional ally whenever acquiring one through the Platinum Ally Summon bonus.
EXAMPLE) Summon 3 [A] Allies and receive not only the bonusAlly, but an additionalAlly. Summon 3Allies and receive 2 [SS] Allies and so on.
Going just by the numbers I can see how that makes sense. Golem hits harder when enraged and since the damage reflect will only be down every 5 seconds it should be reliable, with the passive that mitigates 38% damage total if its correct to just add it like that. Add in Ravengale stealing 60% atk from golem you could last much longer. She could be ranked lower on hydra since Ravengale alone is probably enough to lower the damage so you can fill the party with more dps allies. But then it also means you have to rely on having Ravengale first, so idk.That is the right approach to take really if your team is all equally enhanced. There is nothing more hilarious than seeing Blackaria being the last one standing.
That said, does anyone know why Farael is so highly rated for WB (S+/A) in KR? I'm actually toying with the idea of making her instead of Grael but can't seem to see how she will help me.
Passive: Debuff
Active 1: Heal skill
Active 2: Heal skill
Active 3: This looks good on paper. However the def boost + reflect damage would be totally useless in Golem since you will wipe once he enrages. On paper, it looks better for Hydra since it hits pretty hard once enraged and the reflect + def bonus will help rack up your score....However....she is rated higher for golem than hydra.
Passive 1: Sub-par passive.
Passive 2: Again -10% damage seems more useful for Hydra than golem.
I'd it confirmed that ravengale works on WB finally now? Maybe I should get her over llewlyn for my first angel?
I don't think they fixed her yet, saw someone complain it still being bugged in-game earlier on the reddit channel.
Looks like we are finally getting raid shop, woo!
Whats the raid shop?
Oh wow, so I guess I should save my rubies now until this goes live? Seems like a decent time to spend all the ones I've been saving.
Also out of curiosity, has anyone actually ever pulled a SSS from the platinum summon?
I did once. Just once. But damn if you don't feel like the king of the goddamn world when it happens.Also out of curiosity, has anyone actually ever pulled a SSS from the platinum summon?
Cool, I saw the updated happy hour stuff but not the GM.
New GM Events
10/7 ~ 10/20: Premium Jewel 10+2 Event
10/7 ~ 10/20: Platinum Equipment 10+2 Event
10/13 ~ 10/20: Increased Essences Drop Rate Event
10/13 ~ 10/20: Increased SS~SSS Raid Item Drop Rate Event
10/13 ~ 10/20: Platinum Ally Summon 1+1 Bonus
Receive an additional ally whenever acquiring one through the Platinum Ally Summon bonus.
EXAMPLE) Summon 3 [A] Allies and receive not only the bonusAlly, but an additionalAlly. Summon 3Allies and receive 2 [SS] Allies and so on.
10/13 ~ TBD: Special Popup Bonus Rubies
Guess I'll go easy on blowing through shoes and tickets this weekend and wait until Tuesday.
If you use your friend points,shoes, and free allies efficiently, you should be able to make 2 SSS every week without spending any rubies.
If you use your friend points,shoes, and free allies efficiently, you should be able to make 2 SSS every week without spending any rubies.
If you use your friend points,shoes, and free allies efficiently, you should be able to make 2 SSS every week without spending any rubies.
I think its far too dependent on RNG to make any kind of categorical statement like that. Unless I'm missing some super efficient manner of getting B rank or better fodder and combining (e.g. its easy to burn through 500 FP, even with the 50% reduction and get none or a bare handful of B's)
Should I turn Belle Snow into Ravengal? She will make impact in WB but I am not sure if it is an upgrade otherwise.
I think Ravengale is a flat out improvement over Belle Snow, with a particular bonus to WB. The Boden Summoner is an improvement over Ravengale in other areas. Of course she's months off, so it depends on whether you want to bank on getting another summoner between now and then I suppose.
WB is my main focus now, I do so bad there.
Who's the Boden summoner and where does she excel?
A screenshot so far of my enhancing just from using friend points, shoes, and free dailies for this week. I've gotten down the efficiency method needed to make 2 SSS a week so its possible for you too as f2p.
Any reason to hold onto Porin if I have Blackaria and Mercedes?
Magritte, the goth loli looking one, though I think she's a wave 2 boden so she's ages away. She can summon ascended units and buff them with 102% ATK, 71% ATK SPD, she also has the highest INT out of all the casters and solid AOE damage. She's basically like an upgraded Belle Snow so she's good for most things.
What fodder do you use for your SS, just B's or do you use A and S rank fodder as well?
Same as what the guide say but I set limits and adjust accordingly. You just have do with with what you are comfortable with. For me always start with a 1 B then 1 A. Followed by Cs, and if after 10 Cs with no success, put in another B. If after another 5-10 Cs with no success then its cursed and move to another SS and try that one later. Never go over +5 without the decreased enhance cost buff as it will turn costly. I never start enhancing without at least 25-40 B/Cs in stock so you have to prepare accordingly. You should be able to acquire 25-40 B/Cs every day just from shoes and friend points.
Nope, I can't gather more than 5-10 B every day, maybe 10-15 in the week but not the amount you get. Yes even with shoes or friendship points.
I always need to pull rubies to make a second SSS during a week.
Yeah, same. I don't see how I could reliably make 2+ SSS a week without a lot of luck or much higher rankings in the various events for lots of rubies.
I never have enough B's for enhancing. Friend point summon gives me 95% C's. I end up using a load of A's to enhance SS because I'd never make anything if I waited until I had a ton of B's.