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Dragon Blaze (iOS/Android) |OT| Looks Like Vanillaware, Tastes Like F2P


Do you need to use essences to limit break Draco units, too? I just realized I have some spare Bloodwind essences lying around and it couldn't hurt to boost him some more.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Yeah, you need essences for everything!

I think my next ascended character is going to be the rogue. Not feeling these angels and I know GS is still used in current KR meta.


Finally getting an essence drop and then having it fail to enhance is so annoying.

Yes it is. I caved last week and bought essences to get that last point to max my Draco BS. Took two :(

Not even going to bother with my blackaria. She'll probably be +2 until the essences get combined at this rate.


Golem @ 2.6m. (long way off last week's best of 2.9m ;-;).

Well if its any consolation you might double your best when they fix ravengale not taking attack from both WB.

I combined for Ur yesterday and just so happen to have left over archer aqualis gear and a SSS boss damage card I had lying around. If only I combined before enhancing gram to max T_T. Hopefully he can bump my score for golem only having 3291 attack.

On the otherhand, max Gram is way more awesome in labyrinth than Byron. I can't get passed wave 45 though, twice I saw 4-5 mages spawn with the boss and that is basically instant wipe for my warrior and gram lol.
Are you guys running gems in your gear? I have quite a bit of Phoenix and Aqualis (sp) gear now but haven't used any gems yet. I've been saving and combining green and blue gems but it'll take eons to completely gear up in S+.

Are you all just running the low level gems or not bothering with anything until you can buy the arena gems? I've been scrapping the C level ones but maybe I should start saving and combining those too as they drop fairly often. I don't have the inventory space though and don't really want to spend the rubies to expand. >_>


Neo Member
Are you guys running gems in your gear? I have quite a bit of Phoenix and Aqualis (sp) gear now but haven't used any gems yet. I've been saving and combining green and blue gems but it'll take eons to completely gear up in S+.

Are you all just running the low level gems or not bothering with anything until you can buy the arena gems? I've been scrapping the C level ones but maybe I should start saving and combining those too as they drop fairly often. I don't have the inventory space though and don't really want to spend the rubies to expand. >_>

i keep all of them and i use A rank gems in all my gear, you get enough to use them freely, S ranks take too long and without spending its really not worth it since new gear appears every month


i keep all of them and i use A rank gems in all my gear, you get enough to use them freely, S ranks take too long and without spending its really not worth it since new gear appears every month

Pretty much what I'm doing. My rogue still has 4 level 55 raid pieces lol. I just haven't gotten anything better to the degree that it would be worth replacing the set. I used almost 200 tickets over the weekend on 100% raid bonus with a single red bow. Ridiculous.

But I have my allies all loaded up with A level gems.
Copy that. I'll throw on some A gems then.

Too bad we can't trade or gift items. I received 3 or 4 SSS whirlpool and phoenix bows and 2 quivers this last weekend, garath. I need swords or daggers so the bows are just taking up space in my inventory. >_>



Are you guys running gems in your gear? I have quite a bit of Phoenix and Aqualis (sp) gear now but haven't used any gems yet. I've been saving and combining green and blue gems but it'll take eons to completely gear up in S+.

Are you all just running the low level gems or not bothering with anything until you can buy the arena gems? I've been scrapping the C level ones but maybe I should start saving and combining those too as they drop fairly often. I don't have the inventory space though and don't really want to spend the rubies to expand. >_>

I'm running A gems as well mostly. If you have the arena coins to spare get the SS gems imo since the SSS cost too much and removing them will make you broke lol. I've got 3 of the Stamina SS arena gems on my Blackaria+Max has 40k hp. She only has phoenix gear too so could definitely bring her hp up more. Funny thing is she has the 2nd most hp in my party since everyone else is 27-32k hp beside my tank lol.


All these people doing all this high lvl/end game stuff, and I'm struggling my ass off to even get through normal Myth lol
You and me both, bud. Can't get the right item drops to strengthen my party, and I can't progress through the campaign because my gear is subpar. At least I finally got a nice AoE healer in Blackaria, but I'm still stuck in Yellow Rock with my level 55 party. Can't beat the level that opens up when you hit 55, either (with Byron at the end).

Can't see the game lasting much longer at this rate. Devotees are hating the grind, and newbies have too large a mountain to conquer. I just hope I get to see some endgame stuff before they shut things down for good.


You and me both, bud. Can't get the right item drops to strengthen my party, and I can't progress through the campaign because my gear is subpar. At least I finally got a nice AoE healer in Blackaria, but I'm still stuck in Yellow Rock with my level 55 party. Can't beat the level that opens up when you hit 55, either (with Byron at the end).

Can't see the game lasting much longer at this rate. Devotees are hating the grind, and newbies have too large a mountain to conquer. I just hope I get to see some endgame stuff before they shut things down for good.

The first time getting through myth is definitely hard, it is actually easier now since they gave the whole chapter 1 content an attack buff to help newer players. You could try grinding for exp by doing deserted tower 9 or john's pumpkin patch 9 since the extra levels do seem to help. Aside from that maybe try farming storm tyrant for gear since that is the easiest of the raid bosses in Myth.

Taking a look at the smart package they just added, its a decent step in actually getting me to finally throw maybe $5-10 at this game lol.
Oh and if you want some help you can add me if I don't already have you on friendlist, look for Sakia/Katene
You can add me as well if you want though I don't have as much to offer as my main is a tank warrior. Definitely utilize higher level friends; I relied on Ventara's rogue to go nuclear for me on numerous occasions when I was going through myth.

Also, unlock the two extra item slots and use revival scrolls if you haven't done that already.


I have a couple slots available. Garyck is my character name. Just let me know if you try to add me so I can accept. I rarely look at the friends tab.

Having a few high level friends will make a huge difference getting through myth.also try using two healers - one aoe and one single target if you have them. And unlock all three item slots for revive scrolls.


Friend requests sent (name is Kruphix)!

Shalashashka, you didn't list your ID - unless it's the same as here.

I've just been doing Legendary Deathcrown for gear with little success. Keep getting the same items with poor rolls.


Honestly how did they manage to get Ravengale's name wrong AGAIN.

Right now its Ravengal the merciful (mispelled ravengale + no caps for Merciful)
I finished in the top 10% in arena for the first time, yay! Man, it was a battle though. I was sitting around 9% at 12:30am or so and my rank just kept steadily decreasing but teams that I could beat were few and far between.

With about 20 minutes to go I was bumped out of the 10% bracket so I started just challenging teams that didn't have multiple max dracos/angels even though I didn't think I could beat them. That didn't go too well. I ended up losing about 6 battles in a row which pushed me to about 10.3% at around 12:50am. I kind of gave up and resigned to trying again this upcoming week.

Well I kept refreshing (a ton) and cherry picked a few battles that were worth trying but the matchups still looked like I'd get my shit pushed in. Amazingly, I won 3 or 4 in a row which put me at about 9.8% with 5 or so minutes to go. I thought that would be enough but nope, I watched my ranking drop to 9.9% and knew I was going to miss the cutoff by a hair.

With literally 2 minutes or so remaining I picked a battle (again, all bets would have said I'd get stomped) and somehow (luck) pulled out a win at the finish line! Yay progress lol!

Here was my ranking at about 12:55 or so. >_>


Friend requests sent (name is Kruphix)!

Shalashashka, you didn't list your ID - unless it's the same as here.

Woops, sorry. My name is Inbachi. I just sent you a request. :)


I am able to rank top 5% in WB with just one ultimate, I feel that I need a second to get in a top 1% at least but I don't plan to ultimate archer angel yet because I wat to warrior angel instead, lol.

Getting round 50 in lab is pain and rely a lot on luck if you doesn't have 3 tanks in your team and maybe also a blackaria ultimate. I need to max my Aria asap if I want an easier life in lab imo. Azur doesn't have any defence skill so he kinda die fast but not as fast as angel archer tho.

Thanks to my Brightspark and with my GB partner, I can go into the top 50 of GB without too much trouble, only top 10 is a real pain because from that part, it's like arena and lab, luck play a lot of part.


Finally made my angel archer last night. Feels so good to have two ascended units now. I think now I can spend my time focusing on MAXing and ULTing who I already have.


Oof, I had a slightly higher Golem score as this week but dropped out of the top 5%, all the Ravengales and Llewellyns must have bumped up the bar. Really need those 4 fodder SSS ASAP to finish my Llewellyn.


I've never done well with world bosses. Best I've ever done was 10% on hydra. Average is 20% rward for me on both though. Just not a strong WB team. No Archer, only player character rogue, no UR.

I think I'm skipping these angels too. Save my fodder for later angels.
How far out again do we think that the Angel Paladin (Kamiel?) will be? I've got the essences to get Llewelyn, but I also have a Tiel that's pretty much ready to ascend... If it's still a couple of months away, though, then I guess I'll ascend as soon as I get the SSS fodder.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Okay guys. I have 2 essences. Let's see if I can get my Llwelyn from +1 to +3!

Attempt 1 at 52%: Success!!!
Attempt 2 at 25%: Success!!

Oh man, what are the odds!


How far out again do we think that the Angel Paladin (Kamiel?) will be? I've got the essences to get Llewelyn, but I also have a Tiel that's pretty much ready to ascend... If it's still a couple of months away, though, then I guess I'll ascend as soon as I get the SSS fodder.

I'm guessing next month? Most likely before December. I'm on the very same situation but I think I'll hold on for Kamiel. So far I'm doing somewhat fine with my team, although I could use some damn Blackaria essences to max her.


Neo Member
How far out again do we think that the Angel Paladin (Kamiel?) will be? I've got the essences to get Llewelyn, but I also have a Tiel that's pretty much ready to ascend... If it's still a couple of months away, though, then I guess I'll ascend as soon as I get the SSS fodder.

it wont be till either late november or early dec, there is 1 more wave of angels in between kamiel and our current version


9.5m on hydra with double Blackaria summoon. Quite a big increase on last week. Probably need to enhance by bloodwind/Blackaria to break 10m.


Wow. I just had a llewlyn wreck me in arena. I didn't think there was any possible way to lose it.
Their team:

Max black snow
+1 Draco BS
Max llewlyn
Max tiel
Priest char
No helper

My team:
Max Byron
Max belle snow
Max Draco BS
+2 blackaria
+4 shabelle helper

Either I grossly underestimated llewlyn or I just got RNG'd.

Edit: nope. Lost again. Priest was specd to heal and I couldn't beat the sustain. Amazing. What a weird and strangely potent arena team.

Edit2: beat her handily third try. Who knows. Lots of RNG at work.
Wapple keeps showing up as an opponent whenever I'm arena battling. I kind of want to challenge just to say hi but I don't want to get stomped! :D


Only person from gaf that I have seen (read recognized) in arean is Yaari. I fought against his team but don't remember if I won or lost. Probably both.


Wapple keeps showing up as an opponent whenever I'm arena battling. I kind of want to challenge just to say hi but I don't want to get stomped! :D

Go ahead, take your free score. Maybe I'll take off couple allies.
On that note, I take off some allies in arena just keeping ulti dbs, max black and Max +3 llewlyn as helper to invite more challenges.
You'll be surprise how much free score I earn.


Last 3 SSS ranks:

3 days ago, combine for Dark Knife Freyd

Today use my laby ruby reward to pull, pulled a Dark Knife Freyd

Today, combined for....a Dark Knife Freyd.

This game lol.


I've come to the conclusion that it is not worth the shoes to try to farm dark essences. They drop rates are abysmal. It's a better use of time to just use those shoes to level up another character if you still have slots. I can place in the top 5% in the weekly events usually and have been using rubies to buy essences. With the way they've been giving out free S ranks it's been sustainable for me to do that rather than use rubies to do pulls.


I've come to the conclusion that it is not worth the shoes to try to farm dark essences. They drop rates are abysmal. It's a better use of time to just use those shoes to level up another character if you still have slots. I can place in the top 5% in the weekly events usually and have been using rubies to buy essences. With the way they've been giving out free S ranks it's been sustainable for me to do that rather than use rubies to do pulls.

It won't take long before you run of out characters to farm, and only Friday is really worth farming the Daily Dungeon.

I would just be patient with the essences and try not to blow your rubies on them. I've broken down and bought some Draco essences because of the 25% chance of getting the one you want, but Dark Essences are luckily much simpler. I get anywhere from 0-3 essences a day, probably averages out to like 1 every two days. It takes a LOT of allies to get a full fleet of ULTIMATES, and you're gonna need to pull a lot of allies for that.
I've come to the conclusion that it is not worth the shoes to try to farm dark essences. They drop rates are abysmal. It's a better use of time to just use those shoes to level up another character if you still have slots. I can place in the top 5% in the weekly events usually and have been using rubies to buy essences. With the way they've been giving out free S ranks it's been sustainable for me to do that rather than use rubies to do pulls.

Is there a point in leveling another character?


It won't take long before you run of out characters to farm, and only Friday is really worth farming the Daily Dungeon.

I would just be patient with the essences and try not to blow your rubies on them. I've broken down and bought some Draco essences because of the 25% chance of getting the one you want, but Dark Essences are luckily much simpler. I get anywhere from 0-3 essences a day, probably averages out to like 1 every two days. It takes a LOT of allies to get a full fleet of ULTIMATES, and you're gonna need to pull a lot of allies for that.

You have way better luck then me. I've gotten 4-5 dark essences to drop since the patch. And I was farming for them pretty aggressively for the first 2 weeks. Plus I will farm them again soon. I'm not going to spend all my rubies until I max Llyweyn. Mine is at +5 now so I think I will stop buying rubies.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
You have way better luck then me. I've gotten 4-5 dark essences to drop since the patch. And I was farming for them pretty aggressively for the first 2 weeks. Plus I will farm them again soon. I'm not going to spend all my rubies until I max Llyweyn. Mine is at +5 now so I think I will stop buying rubies.

Same. I burned through hundreds of shoes, and the essence drop rate is brutally low. BRUTAL.

I'm also getting pretty low drop rates on the raid. I used to get quite a few SSS but now, I think it's been a week or two since I received anything.


Neo Member
You have way better luck then me. I've gotten 4-5 dark essences to drop since the patch. And I was farming for them pretty aggressively for the first 2 weeks. Plus I will farm them again soon. I'm not going to spend all my rubies until I max Llyweyn. Mine is at +5 now so I think I will stop buying rubies.

ya im at 9 essence, hoping for 10 before saturday so i can make ravengale for the event
Quick question on Boden units. I have a Fire Wizard Whay that people keep telling me to turn into a Margarette or something? Thing is I see no guides on how this process works. Essences are for the 5 Draco units right? How does one go about getting these uber "Boden" units?


Neo Member
Quick question on Boden units. I have a Fire Wizard Whay that people keep telling me to turn into a Margarette or something? Thing is I see no guides on how this process works. Essences are for the 5 Draco units right? How does one go about getting these uber "Boden" units?

boden wont be released for another 2-3 months and the boden summoner margarette is in the 2nd wave i believe so you would have to wait another month after that
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