Been feeling kind of down on the game lately. Not sure why, hoping it passes. Doing pretty well in events at least, got to 55 in Labyrinth and finally started getting 1% in Hydra and Golem. But, idk. Arena especially feels like such a chore, I almost hate doing it now, but I can't pass up those rubies.
Anyone ever see this message? I was grinding some rapport, and had my tanks in without DPS, so I couldn't overcome the boss's healing. Fight lasted about 15 minutes, which has never happened before. This came up after about 10 minutes, and then every minute after that (I'm guessing it stacks). Things got pretty untenable after a while.
Been feeling kind of down on the game lately. Not sure why, hoping it passes. Doing pretty well in events at least, got to 55 in Labyrinth and finally started getting 1% in Hydra and Golem. But, idk. Arena especially feels like such a chore, I almost hate doing it now, but I can't pass up those rubies.
Guys need some advice here, help me decide my next deify.
This is my lineup
DBS ulti, Llywelyn max3, Bw max, Blackaria max
My target was Angel warrior or Ravengal (or save summoner for Boden since Ravengal in our server not as good)
I must REALLY be doing something wrong if you guys are making SSS a week. It takes me way longer than that; I just don't earn enough rubies OR find enough fodder above C to pull that off right now.
I'm not really complaining, though. I definitely don't spend enough time playing to burn shoes/tickets at the rate I probably need to for that and I've already got two ascended units anyway. Plus I'm not even max level yet! I imagine my thinking will change once I get there.
I must REALLY be doing something wrong if you guys are making SSS a week. It takes me way longer than that; I just don't earn enough rubies OR find enough fodder above C to pull that off right now.
I'm not really complaining, though. I definitely don't spend enough time playing to burn shoes/tickets at the rate I probably need to for that and I've already got two ascended units anyway. Plus I'm not even max level yet! I imagine my thinking will change once I get there.
Sweet. They probably saw that no one was bothering with him.
Eh, I have a full Valmut set on my main as well as all my allies. I agree it needs a nerf though, if only because it's not PUG friendly. That said, the new raid will be out next week (although the rumors indicate that it's even harder than Valmut, so yay)
Cool, haven't seen that before.Anyone ever see this message?
So I think 1 SSS / week is playing it a little bit loose for most people's income level, I would expect most people to be closer to 400 rubies / week from events.
Cool, haven't seen that before.
Damn, I make maybe 150 rubies a week. >_>
I really need to focus my team so that I can rank higher in any event. I can't clear stage 30 of Lab, have no idea wtf to do on either WB, and don't have any good allies for GB.
I just hit top 10% in Arena for the first time last week but I barely made it. Arena is such a ticket drain too.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. T_T
Also, how the hell did you all clear Thorny Downs 9? I just get annihilated at the boss group no matter what I try.
Cool, haven't seen that before.
Damn, I make maybe 150 rubies a week. >_>
I really need to focus my team so that I can rank higher in any event. I can't clear stage 30 of Lab, have no idea wtf to do on either WB, and don't have any good allies for GB.
I just hit top 10% in Arena for the first time last week but I barely made it. Arena is such a ticket drain too.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. T_T
Also, how the hell did you all clear Thorny Downs 9? I just get annihilated at the boss group no matter what I try.
I have Blackaria but she's only +1.
My main team consists of:
Me - Warrior tank
Blackaria +1
Flame Wizard Whay Max
Deathcrown Max
Loki Max
They all have a mix of maxed Phoenix and Aqualis gear with a few SS Aqualis items thrown in.
My subs are:
Knight Tiel Max (I swap her in and out for things like Lab)
Rogue Un Max (will eventually deify)
Archer Pelas (eventually deify or fodder but using for WB right now)
Dark Swordsman Pagu (will deify or use as fodder)
Dark Marble Pearla +3 (was planning to deify into DBrightspark)
Ranger Kay (deify or fodder)
I have 17 SS waiting to combine but I can only scrounge up enough resources to make 1 SSS a week from that pool usually.
I guess I should have used my resources to make more SSS instead of using them to enhance my subs.
At least I've been lucky enough to pull a base unit from each class so that I can eventually deify into anybody. I know a lot of people are chasing a SSS priest, archer, etc.
I think I started playing in May.Holy christ all of you are nuts. How long have you been playing? I've done this for about a month now and I barely scrap the top 40% of the arena. Lab, and weekly bosses I am lucky to get 70-80%. I think I earn like 50-60 rubies a week tops doing all the daily/weekly quests etc.
Hopefully this SS+1 event can help change some of that.
Holy christ all of you are nuts. How long have you been playing?
Get blackaria to Max IMO
I got
ULT Llewyn
ULT Draco Brightspark
+7 Blackaria
+3 Draco Deathcrown
MAX+3 Belle Snow
I've been going for SSS since day 1 pretty much. My team is quite decent but I'm absolutely useless in WB or Labyrinth.
If you had a warrior tank you would be clearing round 50 in Lab easily and 1% on Hydra also easily
Is warrior good for Hydra then? I thought it was all about Priest in both WBs.
I'm working on a warrior. 62 now. I'm wondering, how much accesories and item slots have you unlocked on yours?
I kind of don't want to spend too mcuh rubies on that now that we have that nice bonus going on tomorrow.
Is DBrightspark useful in the long term or is she outclassed by whatever her angel and boden counterpart is? I was planning on making her my second draco but at the rate I'm going, the others will probably be out before I can make DBS.
with that many ss you should be able to make 1SSS without using any rubies just from gm/free A/S daily rewards, not sure if you are enhancing only on sundays but this week i didnt summon at all on sunday and still made 2SSS just from the stuff collected during the week, i got no As and 3Bs from 1k friend pts too so no real rngI have Blackaria but she's only +1.
My main team consists of:
Me - Warrior tank
Blackaria +1
Flame Wizard Whay Max
Deathcrown Max
Loki Max
They all have a mix of maxed Phoenix and Aqualis gear with a few SS Aqualis items thrown in.
My subs are:
Knight Tiel Max (I swap her in and out for things like Lab)
Rogue Un Max (will eventually deify)
Archer Pelas (eventually deify or fodder but using for WB right now)
Dark Swordsman Pagu (will deify or use as fodder)
Dark Marble Pearla +3 (was planning to deify into DBrightspark)
Ranger Kay (deify or fodder)
I have 17 SS waiting to combine but I can only scrounge up enough resources to make 1 SSS a week from that pool usually.
I guess I should have used my resources to make more SSS instead of using them to enhance my subs.
At least I've been lucky enough to pull a base unit from each class so that I can eventually deify into anybody. I know a lot of people are chasing a SSS priest, archer, etc.
New events added
Platinum Ally Summon 20% OFF (10/12 ~ 10/19)
Platinum Ally Summon Bonus 1+1 (10/12 ~ 10/19)
Receive an additional bonus Ally when you acquire a bonus Ally through summoning:
EX) Summon 3 A Allies and receive an additional S Ally for a total of two S Allies. Summon 3 S Allies and receive 2 SS Allies and etc.
Special Popup Ruby Bonus
Special Popup Ruby Bonus Details
$49.99 Popup Package >> +70 Rubies
$99.99 Popup Package >> +200 Rubies
In addition, all the events will be 24 hours a day until the event ends.
Increased Dark Essences Drop Rate Event (10/12 ~ 10/19)
SS~SSS Raid Item Drop Rate 2X (10/12 ~ 10/19)
In the case of the SS~SSS Raid Item Drop rate, since it is applied all day every day, there will be an even higher increase in drop rates when the daily SS~SSS Raid Item drop rate buff is applied.
Various fixes and improvements
Decreased Valmut difficulty and improved the Valmut AI Bots
Silly me. I thought the Platinum Ally summon bonus was active since the server came up with the new patch and the summon rates were cheaper.
"10/13 ~ 10/20: Platinum Ally Summon 1+1 Bonus"
I summoned a SS and didn't get the bonus 2nd SSS since it's not the 13th yet. Hope I can do it again with 1.5k rubies left
Platinum Ally Summon 20% OFF (10/12 ~ 10/19)
Platinum Ally Summon Bonus 1+1 (10/12 ~ 10/19)
Receive an additional bonus Ally when you acquire a bonus Ally through summoning:
Wonder what the emergency maintenance is
Greetings Bodens,
We will be undergoing a short emergency maintenance in order to fix some issues.
Apologies for the inconvenience especially after completing our previous maintenance.
We hope to have everything resolved quickly.
Global: 10/12 11:00PM ~ 11:30PM PDT
SEA: 10/13 14:00 ~ 14:30 SGT
EU: 10/13 8:00 ~ 8:30 CEST
Maintenance duration: 30 minutes
Fix an issue with being unable to claim Jewel Summons from Smart Package purchases
If you have purchased a Smart Package and are experiencing this issue, please do NOT delete the Jewel Summons from your mailbox. You will be able to claim it after the maintenance.
Thank you.
So I think 1 SSS / week is playing it a little bit loose for most people's income level, I would expect most people to be closer to 400 rubies / week from events.
I''d say 300 is closer to "most" peoples weekly income, and by most I mean people arsed to post about the game online, 5% in most events seems to be what F2P people aim for/manage, so leaving out GB you're looking at just under 300 a week.
I''d say 300 is closer to "most" peoples weekly income, and by most I mean people arsed to post about the game online, 5% in most events seems to be what F2P people aim for/manage, so leaving out GB you're looking at just under 300 a week.
How, exactly, do you get 300 rubies a week? I got 700 in a month or so, and that's only because I managed to finish Myth difficulty, which game me 260 rubies.
How long have you been playing? Seems like if you've been around since the beginning you can probably get 1% arena and lab, 5% everything else
Oh, that's how. I'm not even close to reaching 5% in anything, so small wonder I can't get close to 300 rubies a week.5% in all events should net you ~280, add in daily and weekly ruby bonuses (admittedly I rarely hit 5% in WB and my guild is terrible so my actual income is probably closer to ~250)
How long have you been playing? Seems like if you've been around since the beginning you can probably get 1% arena and lab, 5% everything else
Oh, that's how. I'm not even close to reaching 5% in anything, so small wonder I can't get close to 300 rubies a week.