Interesting list, makes me feel bad about making GreysoulLooks like the Boden Paladin is a beast. Glad I've held off on Brightspark in favour of Fredryk. I imagine higher levels and equipment also make a big difference. I mean Lly is listed as two stars for Lab but she gave me a fairly solid boost.
Interesting list, makes me feel bad about making GreysoulLooks like the Boden Paladin is a beast. Glad I've held off on Brightspark in favour of Fredryk. I imagine higher levels and equipment also make a big difference. I mean Lly is listed as two stars for Lab but she gave me a fairly solid boost.
Combined for an SSS, was hoping for fodder (what a world) but got Gram (terrible for me I know). My tank at the moment is Patta, am I right in thinking that Gram is an upgrade and I should change over to him as my main tank?
So is this a good time to spend rubies? Or should i wait for a better deal?
Hey guys, I'm looking for a new gatcha type game to get into. Would you say this game is welcoming to Newbies? Or is it designed and pushed more for established players at this point?
Bettr rewards for logging in daily. You can get like 2 SSS per month for just showing up.What starts next month that will make it better for newer players?
I've noticed a lot with these types of games that its hard to catch up, but if there is a lot of stuff to do before catching up even matters it shouldn't make a difference (to me, at least).
I'd say the game is very generous for beginners. Especially starting next month. But it might be difficult to catch up.
I got 2800 Rubies. Going hard for #1 in Arena next week. I hope I won't run out of available enemies though.
I think if I can do well on the first few days, most other people who are interested, will already be discouraged to even try to catch up.
I've seen people get 50,000 points. Don't underestimate the power of the $
Yeah not too worried about the points, more so the running out of opponents. If I can only get matches that I potentially lose, then it is too risky.
Anyway, you tried auto arena, how did that work?
Prepare 1000 ticket, auto arena and go sleep.
Yeah not too worried about the points, more so the running out of opponents. If I can only get matches that I potentially lose, then it is too risky.
Anyway, you tried auto arena, how did that work?
I lose about 1/20 with 3000 points. Certainly not the most efficient use of tickets, but otoh I don't have the patience for manually spamming arena
Hey guys, just started up the game. Anyone want me to put them as a referral?
i dont remember if you needed ign or account but my IGN is Linvala account is RedZone
Japanese patch note is out, only mention Val nerf, no sign of Rag nerf. I hope that's just a mistake.
Woke up at 2am CDT, bumped my Arena rank up to 42 with a 400 point buffer, went back to sleep.
I really hate the time zone advantages this game gives, not to mention the Arena concept is just whack in general. Wasted soooo much of my time this week on Arena :/
Thinking of just flat out quitting with all of the big console games coming out.
go to Myth: ShadowCrag Raid
cleared and collect the raid essence
go to the raid shop > under misc tab > buy the necklace
Lol Myth Shadowcrag is jam packed with level 70s right now. Getting full groups of 70s in seconds.
I guess the auto arena is fine if u dont really care what ure facing or if u cannot play by urself. Tried it for 30tix at the start of arena week and it chose some ridiculous teams Id never pick myself. I guess Ill use it if I cant bother burning tix manually but othrwise its bad.
Dman those new costumes and sweet!
Why so expensive ?! *cry*
Rag was nerfed so hard. I did 30 tickets with randoms with no fails. Even got 5 (!!!) pieces of gear. Think I had gone a decade before that without getting any raid gear, so it's just RNG at work.
I still get annoyed when I see the +all resist stat on my gear![]()
People that use the Fire all at Once formation, which positions did you guys level up?
I boosted the 2 archer and 1 dps slot, the 2 normal slots have pretty worthless stats imo.
Ah ok. I pulled an archer Pelas. I think I'll turn him into a Bloodwind.
Do you have Llywelyn yet? Because if not go with her before Bloodwind IMO
I boosted the 2 archer and 1 dps slot, the 2 normal slots have pretty worthless stats imo.
Ragnarok is certainly pretty handy now. Though wining can be worse than losing, saw two SSS items in the loot twice in a row, still got a blue both times![]()