Earlier I had a run where every single item, including the one in the bonus box was red. Except 1. I got that 1.
What gets me is seeing the bonus box filled with SSSes after every other fight. It's always so tempting.
Rich man's problems: I have about 30 S-rank characters ready to be used, but nothing to use them on. Waiting to make an ascended paladin and/or mage when they are released...
So I don't quite get the ally fusion. Every time.I've tried to fuse/enhance an ally it always fails. Is it because I'm trying to enhance my SSS ally with a d class trash that I've picked up?
Earlier I had a run where every single item, including the one in the bonus box was red. Except 1. I got that 1.
I was trying to get a SSS increased damage on boss card yesterday, and I always pick box 3. It popped in box 4, then 2, then 1 and finally the bonus box all one attempt after the other. Was pretty upsetting to see that, burned 60 shoes and it never popped in box 3. Next week I guess.
This is why I never choose a box. Let it be random. If I get lucky then great. If not then eh; nothing I could have done about it anyways. The entire process was out of my control. I did chose it to be out of control, but it was out of control nevertheless.
I was trying to get a SSS increased damage on boss card yesterday, and I always pick box 3. It popped in box 4, then 2, then 1 and finally the bonus box all one attempt after the other. Was pretty upsetting to see that, burned 60 shoes and it never popped in box 3. Next week I guess.
Yesterday I finally got my first SSS archer (Farq), so I'm finally in a position to create Llwellyn. I mean, not really, since I never got a single Dark Essence, but I could just purchase them.
So the big question is: Llwellyn or Draco Brightspark? Because according to this tier list:
Brightspark is better overall, but I've always heard better things about Llwellyn.
For a piece of armor is it better to stack defense or hp?
Have one with Main Stat, Immunity, Stamina and All resist
Another with Stamina, Max hp, all resist, defense
This is for my ally
Yesterday I finally got my first SSS archer (Farq), so I'm finally in a position to create Llwellyn. I mean, not really, since I never got a single Dark Essence, but I could just purchase them.
So the big question is: Llwellyn or Draco Brightspark? Because according to this tier list:
Brightspark is better overall, but I've always heard better things about Llwellyn.
You want to go with both eventually so either is fine. However, if you want to get a boost to your wb score then get Llywelyn, Draco Brightspark if you want a better arena, gb, and labyrinth team. Both are just as good for regular pve dungeons.Yesterday I finally got my first SSS archer (Farq), so I'm finally in a position to create Llwellyn. I mean, not really, since I never got a single Dark Essence, but I could just purchase them.
So the big question is: Llwellyn or Draco Brightspark? Because according to this tier list:
Brightspark is better overall, but I've always heard better things about Llwellyn.
For allies I try to give them anything I find with Max Hp Increase+Stamina, rather they have more hp than def.For a piece of armor is it better to stack defense or hp?
Have one with Main Stat, Immunity, Stamina and All resist
Another with Stamina, Max hp, all resist, defense
This is for my ally
Llywelyn just barely has more base hp than Draco Brightspark, so what do you mean by low hp? And she does just fine in my labyrinth team :3 though Draco Brightspark is much better to have first in a labyrinth team I'd say.Brightspark is jack of all trade, you can bring her with you anywhere. She will do good in anything.
Llwellyn is similar but her low HP poll make not ideal for lab (stil better than Gaela though) and specially guild battle, less in arena since she can be protected by others.
Tho, at the moment meta team for world boss need both of them so you can't go wrong here.
I don't know how much thing will change with Kamiel in pvp.
Should hit the auto button and then do something else while getting through normal. The last bit will probably be a bit tougher, but normal is a breeze, when you get to hero it gets to be a bit less auto-play. The whole game is pretty grindy regardless, only real action seems to be arenas and guild battle, the rest of just trying to make a better team for the various activities.So, at what point does this game become a bit more involved? I've only been playing pretty casually for about a week now, but it doesn't ever seem like I need to do anything. My guys just decimate everyone and I never need to worry. Does it ever become something more involved or is it basically I just kinda watch my party attack and every so often I use an ability?
That was a pretty awful game, imo. Played it for a bit and couldn't find anything fun about it at all. Sucks for those who did enjoy playing it, but it must not have been many for them to already abandon it.Gamevil already shut down Million Arthur. Lol.
Llywelyn just barely has more base hp than Draco Brightspark, so what do you mean by low hp? And she does just fine in my labyrinth team :3 though Draco Brightspark is much better to have first in a labyrinth team I'd say.
So, at what point does this game become a bit more involved? I've only been playing pretty casually for about a week now, but it doesn't ever seem like I need to do anything. My guys just decimate everyone and I never need to worry. Does it ever become something more involved or is it basically I just kinda watch my party attack and every so often I use an ability?
Are you guys mixing raid gear? or just pure Rag/Val gear?
Are you guys mixing raid gear? or just pure Rag/Val gear?
Are you guys mixing raid gear? or just pure Rag/Val gear?
Are you guys mixing raid gear? or just pure Rag/Val gear?
Well there's 2 takeaways to reach lab 59. You don't need DDC to do so or the noble chivalry formation. I used lvl 15 determined concentration.
What skills did you max for Llywlyn and Brightspark?
The most commonly used are 2-3-2 for Lly and 2-2-3 for DBS.
How consistently can you beat 55? That's the roadblock for me. I've beaten it like 3 or 4 times, and I always get to 58 or 59 when I beat it, but I die on it about 90% of the time.
I hate it when I pick up my phone again, look at the auto-retry results screen, see that a SSS item dropped, and then look into my inventory to see it's a pumpkin. Give me dark essences!
I did get a SS gem from the GM gem ticket though, which was nice.
I have nearly all my A-team allies geared with Ragnarok items. Two of the armors I bought rolled the lowest possible defense though. >_> I can't be bothered to get them another so they'll have to make do I guess. Now I just need to work on my main character who's still rocking Phoenix gear.
Wow, haven't gotten a single set of earrings from Scorched Terra 9, but I've gotten 2 Dark Essences and 4 spicy pumpkins from there today.
Edit: Just did an arena where I was left with my max Tiel vs. max DDC as the only survivors, was so pathetic to watch, but Tiel's heal won out. I hope I can pull another Tiel or Ari soon so I don't have to get rid of her, first SSS I pulled and still my favorite.
Take one of mine. Please. I really don't need 3.