What should I use friend points for? I've got 376.
18 pulls. 17 A and a single S. fml
I guess the silver lining is that among them was a single A healer that has group heal, so I finally have a decent healer, I hope. Edit: Scratch that. It's just a single heal. There is no silver lining.
Edit: 2 Combined for an SS and got Swordsman Vurch. *sigh* I guess he's not too bad. He's got Taunt and a defence-increasing skill, which makes for a good tank. Though Maxing him is gonna be a pain. I have enough units for another SS, though Maxing Vurch would be a better idea?
Hit 30, got to Gram.
Getting peaced out.
Oh man Deathcrown does not want to drop the Buster Armor. Did drop the mage/ priest offhand...it most of it rolled nice but I'm using the other SSS drop which has Max Attack, Int, Stam and Crit Damage on it. Losing that stam / int gonna hurtttt
And it just dropped, Just need the gloves now. Though could use a better roll on the weapon, and boots
I cleared Gram at 29, but I needed two healers, a tank friend, and a stack of HP scrolls to get past him. ._.
Vurch is a very good tank. Better than what I had when I beat legend.
I would focus on getting more SS before I focused on maxing current SS.
Got a dupe SSS Archer Ur today ugh...
So far my SSS combines have been 3 low tier characters (2x Ur , 1x Dark Gnarl) and 2 mid-ish tier characters (Percy , Farq).
y u do dis rng ;o;. Even burnt through some of my A rank fodder because i was impatient lol.
Guess i'll stick with combining for some SS ranks. Hopefully can get a high tier DPS with some AOE ability (I do have Urk tho...).
This game HAS to be trolling me ....got a SSS from a premium summon....Dark Gnarl.....dupe....LOL wtf
I should probably try the arena again this week. I didn't do it last week because I wasn't really feeling my party. Still got 3 rubies and 2 coins even though I didn't participate, heh. Got 50 rubies the week before that though, so it wouldn't hurt to at least try this time around.
All these new players to feast on in the arena.
Finally rerolled a SS again. Dark Lance. Is he good at least? I'm so tired of rerolling. Must have done it 50 times now. Bleh.
Is Dark Lance the next level Abyss Lance (lizard man)? If that's the case I want it. My Abyss Lance is still the best in my party, despite only being S.
Man the last couple levels in the story are really brutal. To make matters worse I feel like I'm really underlevelled, I'm only 25 and somehow at the second to last battle of the game, even though the level range for the area says 25-30. I really hope I don't have to somehow grind out 5 levels before I can tackle these last 2 stages.
The problem is just those Archers that do the ridiculous AoE damage. I'm a tank, and I have a +5 S healer, but just one round of those arrows wrecks the shit out of everybody.
Manually control your main and blow your cooldowns trying to off them as fast as possible.
Otherwise unlock your item slots and fill them with scolls. Also have a Friend Summon healer handy too
Best of Luck. Im in the same boat for HERO mode Gram and I came within a hair of beating him already only to lose cuz I messed up my manual play >.<
Manually control your main and blow your cooldowns trying to off them as fast as possible.
Otherwise unlock your item slots and fill them with scolls. Also have a Friend Summon healer handy too
Best of Luck. Im in the same boat for HERO mode Gram and I came within a hair of beating him already only to lose cuz I messed up my manual play >.<
Is there any way to single target? I know I can click an enemy and it draws an almost invisible red circle around them, but that doesn't seem to affect the AI's targeting at all, everyone still just spreads their damage around like idiots.
Finally picked up some accessories by farming Deserted Tower. Pretty sweet. Give a nice boost.
I got one from the World Boss. It was alright, I guess.
What was it?
My earring from world boss had something like 10% crit.
What was it?
My earring from world boss had something like 10% crit.
And I just got through hero mode woo, just 1 level away from magnify ultimate.
How do arena titles work between characters? The points are shared, i suppose the title must be redeemed by the character you want it on?
giant priest Viri please.Magnify ultimate should turn the character into a giant covering the whole screen. So swoll.
It was definitely easier to get top 5% 2 weeks ago for me. Now I usually get stuck at top 10% due to strong teams.I've been able to win streak my way to the top 10% the last two arena weeks just by fighting teams obviously weaker than mine (and decline "Challenges" since you have no way of knowing who it's going to be against). Once I got up to around the top 9%-7% I started seeing nothing but strong teams, so it was hard to cheese any higher than that.
I'm hoping to do the same this week but we'll see how the rest of the community has progressed.
I somehow got boosted up to 9% for world boss and my earring from it is crap
8 atk speed, 12 accuracy, 40 rage so useless for my priest lol
And I just got through hero mode woo, just 1 level away from magnify ultimate.
I got the SS reward on my rogue and it was +30dex +30sta. I'm pretty happy about it
I got the SS reward on my rogue and it was +30dex +30sta. I'm pretty happy about it
Anyone got a referal name I can use? I'm on the US servers.
Edit: Both used, KimChi.
[U] Current Enhance Level [/U]
[U]| |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |[/U]
|SSS | | | | | | | | |
|SS |1740 | | | | | | | |
Ally |S |1180 | |3540 | | |7080 | | |
Rank |A |780 | | |3120 | | | | |
|B |540 | | | | | | | |
|C |380 | | | | | | | |