Posting again, can anyone help me fill out this table with the enhancement costs based on ally rank and current enhancement level?
Code:[U] Current Enhance Level [/U] [U]| |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |[/U] |SSS | | | | | | | | | |SS |1740 | | | | | | | | Ally |S |1180 | |3540 | | |7080 | | | Rank |A |780 | | |3120 | | | | | |B |540 | | | | | | | | |C |380 | | | | | | | |
All you really need to do is look at your ally list and find a few values that are missing and then post how much it costs to enhance.
Edit: Actually I just need the value for SSS at any enhancement level. I think the formula for going up an enhancement level on the same rank is to just add the base cost.
Since draws apparently get cheaper if you do more (Premium ones) do you guys save up Rubies before you use them?
SSS 0 to +1 is 2460 gold.
SS +1 to +2 is 3480 gold.
S +3 to +4 is 4720 gold.
SS Limit Break Max to Max+1 is 13920 gold.
...and i just discovered you can't limit break anything below S. Didn't know that.
Dont forget guys, labyrinth resets tomorrow. (always like to remind people) Now i'm grinding equipment and trying to get to level 50, got a nice accessory that gives 2200 health , some health bonus and +11 or so to Eva.
Is there anywhere that drops accessories in Hero mode?
Is there anywhere that drops accessories in Hero mode?
Is there anywhere that drops accessories in Hero mode?
Oh, i got my accessory from the boss event. level 30 SS accessory, hopefully by next week i'm able to get below 3% ... which is where i generally hit in arena/lab , Guild would be a nice story, but hey if we participate more, we get better perks XD
Should I bother levelling up my equipment? It's really expensive and I feel like I've burned a lot of gold on it that would have been better spent on allies. But at the same time, the content I'm at now is like a wall, so I feel like all the help I can get, and levelling up items is easier than levelling up allies.
It's been worth it for me personally. I'm not really a number cruncher though, so I'm not sure if it's a placebo effect. Yet, when I get stuck, I'll level up my character once or twice and enhance my equipment/allies and I'm able to push through. For item enhancement, I recommend only using material the same grade for 100% so you lose less gold. And if gold is getting low, spam Labyrinth runs. You don't have to get that deep. If you can get to at least floor 4 or 5, you get a good chunk of gold.
I can get to floor 5, but even getting to floor 5, I only get about 2,500 gold. idk, is that considered a good chunk? lol, seems like it costs that much for just one *attempt* of an ally enhancement.
Ironically I survived on floor 5 for almost 5 minutes, but it's these fucking mushrooms that have a ridiculous heal and they never seem to run out of mana, so they just keep healing themselves forever and I can't out-damage it.
I can get to floor 5, but even getting to floor 5, I only get about 2,500 gold. idk, is that considered a good chunk? lol, seems like it costs that much for just one *attempt* of an ally enhancement.
Ironically I survived on floor 5 for almost 5 minutes, but it's these fucking mushrooms that have a ridiculous heal and they never seem to run out of mana, so they just keep healing themselves forever and I can't out-damage it.
Can I have some friends (lol). I'll do Labyrinth a bit so that I'll get something out of it before it resets. My name is Yirra (That's what came up after I used up my all my names due to wrongly deletion previous characters. Sigh).
Can I have some friends (lol). I'll do Labyrinth a bit so that I'll get something out of it before it resets. My name is Yirra (That's what came up after I used up my all my names due to wrongly deletion previous characters. Sigh).
Crying forever while grinding Hero mode if you canWhat's a good stage to farm to get units to enhance with? I'm kind of stuck with a bunch of mastered units but not max enhanced so I can't combine them.
Anybody else getting lots of crashes on ios lately?
Crying forever while grinding Hero mode if you can
Or just collecting FP
What's a good stage to farm to get units to enhance with? I'm kind of stuck with a bunch of mastered units but not max enhanced so I can't combine them.
Man, these stories of you guys doing 20 pulls and getting nothing are making me want to wait for some kind of rate up. Also, 60 slots for allies doesn't seem like a lot. Can you increase this limit somewhere?
How do I set my title?
Do you guys play at all, as in, I enter Arena and I just leave everything on Auto. Any use in doing it manually?
Do you guys play at all, as in, I enter Arena and I just leave everything on Auto. Any use in doing it manually?
I don't think I ever take auto off.
edit: BTW, pikko marx was able to transfer leadership of the original NeoGAF guild to me. He's not going to play much anymore. I went through and accepted all the pending requests except for a few guys that hadn't played in over a week so I'm not sure what we want to do with the guild but it's there again has 15+ spots open. More if I purge all the inactives.
does this mean we can do guild battles again
Probably, we lost all the higher level people though. I would like to start getting that going to build up another weekly ruby source.
Just started Legendary (in the second area) and already I've gotten 1 A, 3 Bs, and 3 Cs at the end of levels. Pretty nice that you can get As and (rarely) Ss from Legendary.
okay guys, buy a second accessory slot, or spend the rubies on summons. (on legend mode)
Got the guild invite yesterday thanks EinbrochSo how do guilds work? Can anyone explain how I can help contribute to the guild level? I just hit 30 yesterday and am working our finishing normal mode.
Anyone else love getting 3 FP from doing PVP? I was able to get top 30% on Tuesday with my lvl 27 team and that title is pretty good. Took a while to figure out how to equip it though lol. I think I'm at the final battle of Normal mode and just hit 30, been kinda distracted trying to master all these C rank dudes I got from FP pulls. I'm a bit OCD about getting allies mastered before using them as fodder (unless I got doubles).
Anyone got a good guide to enhancing and combining?
okay guys, buy a second accessory slot, or spend the rubies on summons. (on legend mode)