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Dragon Blaze (iOS/Android) |OT| Looks Like Vanillaware, Tastes Like F2P


There's also a turtle world boss.


Found a video too:


Downloaded Korean version for fun.

Hydra already has 34k+ participants. I hope more people start playing with the release of season 2.

Not sure what these split skills are for Pally. There's a locked second tab. Looks like you can have two specs. Also noticed that you can have two different equipment loadouts for your character.

How were you able to log in ?
Since new patch (2 weeks\ago?) I can't download new version with Andy :\
Goggle play auto detect my region and won't allow me to download new content (or whatever is the bug).
I got an SS once back in I'm at Asia server.

That was out of how many pulls?

Is it a good idea to bring a tank ally to a guild battle?

If it has taunt and can launch taunt immediately, absolutely. Any time you run into Rogues or Archers, their single-target attacks will be redirected to the tank instead of any other high value target on your team (mage, healer).

The problem of those lists is that they're player based, same with gameanalytic. Most of the time they're right because there is a gap between the stats of the allies between each other.

Then the skills come in second to make those tier list and that's where players from different region beg to differ.
For example, while a lot of Korean players like Gram as a top tier, most of the western players do not like him (not over hyping him) whatever it's in pvp or pve because he doesn't have taunt. Taunt is usefull at the moment in pvp or pve. It saves lives.

I'm not saying those tier list are wrong but I think they can be slightly different depending of the player. BUT! That might change with season 2 tough.

Yes if it has taunt and another CC.
For example croco SSS is really nice.
Taunt prevent ennemies to target you.


SSS Pirate King Byron (croc tank) also has a special effect to his normal attack, because he's a hero unit and not some scrub like SSS Black Dino Tyran.

Regarding the SSS viability list, I think I can make most of those units work but it takes a stupid amount of effort in collecting the right equipment with the right attributes and then upgrading all of them. Good example are the SS orc archers that I have as well as my SS Dark Arrow Tarq. Some of those specializations work out great while others not so much.

SS Dark Lance is a tank that I could never make it work right. Its ATK debuff skill is great if you could use multiple clones of Dark Lance in your party. Since you can't, it is entirely pointless if the debuff skill can't be cast on the entire enemy party at once. At best, Dark Lance's utility is in guild battles where that debuff can actually make a difference. In any full-party vs full-party combat situation, that debuff is entirely pointless. That makes Dark Lance useless to me in Arena, Labyrinth, and regular dungeons. If it can't be useful in any of the core aspects of this game (Arena, Labyrinth, dungeons), then the unit is effectively dead weight to me.

This is really the key weakness of Dark Lance: it is terrible in a full-party fight which means it has failed its core mission as a tank. And this is why I sacrificed it. I ended up with SSS Gram who, unlike Dark Lance, can actually hold his own in a full-party fight and has even won an extremely close guild battle for me. Hell, even my S Geranger was a better tank than Dark Lance because it had two crowd control attack-all skills.

On an unrelated note, I think it is retarded that the Longinus party buff/reward pairs Gram with Queen Gloxen instead of Queen Robellia. I mean, according to the story, Gram had a direct confrontation with Robellia over ownership of Longinus so it would make more sense to pair the SSS unit with the SS unit (Gloxen is an S unit whereas Robellia is an SS unit). This Gram x Gloxen pairing makes no sense.


Okay, so it looks like Pally's third ability switches stances and changes your first two abilities. First stance is an offensive stance and the second stance is more of a healer/support stance.


I've been doing fodder farming (arena & stages) almost exclusively trying to build up some SSS to get ultimates (I have Mercedes ready for ascension....and a spare mercedes if i want to go dual healers -_-) . Didnt even notice that i have almost 8.5k points (rank #23) in arena now.

Is it a good idea to bring a tank ally to a guild battle?
It depends really on you + your partner + your partner's ally. A tank with taunt is good for soaking up damage but against some aoe heavy teams (Mage , AoE Archer , DoD Rogue), I wouldn't say its a choice.
Yes he can take hits but if he's the last man standing on your team, chances are he'll just turtle it out and eventually lose.


Even as Lvl54, I can see my sheep mage winning some battles my Rogue needed no business with. And that's without the decent armor waiting at 55.

My Healer Konfi is MAX+2 now and she's pretty awesome despite being the worst SSS out there. I got her for support and damage, so I have Porin and SS Viri as support in Arena.

I'd like to see anyone outdamage those 3 healers haha.

Hope I can get a tank better than Lance soon. He's alright but has no real taunt. I guess his damage debuff helps keeping my team alive though.


There's a Rogue in the arena who is four healers and himself.

He's actually pretty good. His only weakness is Archer and Firebolt (whatever that single target spell is for Mages) Mages.


Burnt through all my A's to get my Konfi to MAX+1. This is really expensive in resources wow.

Guess that 1st Ultimate will find its way but the second one is going to take a really long time. I hope going with the priest first was the right idea. No way to change that now.

If you don't have a good aoe healer (shab/merc/porin) you are making the right call. Go for the healer first. Even with the above, the healer first isn't a bad call. I'm personally going for bloodwind first then the priest.


If you don't have a good aoe healer (shab/merc/porin) you are making the right call. Go for the healer first. Even with the above, the healer first isn't a bad call. I'm personally going for bloodwind first then the priest.

Healers is probably the one thing I'm perfectly fine on. I got both Porin and SS Viri. Haha.

There's a Rogue in the arena who is four healers and himself.

He's actually pretty good. His only weakness is Archer and Firebolt (whatever that single target spell is for Mages) Mages.

Yeah, I think I encountered him. I could not deal enough damage. Interesting to experiment a little with.


So out of these SSS, which one do you think I should push toward ascension first?


I'm leaning towards Porin only because that healer sounds SO GOOD, but she's pretty solid as is, so I don't mind picking someone else first.


So out of these SSS, which one do you think I should push toward ascension first?


I'm leaning towards Porin only because that healer sounds SO GOOD, but she's pretty solid as is, so I don't mind picking someone else first.
Pitch or Porin. Depends on your needs.


So out of these SSS, which one do you think I should push toward ascension first?


I'm leaning towards Porin only because that healer sounds SO GOOD, but she's pretty solid as is, so I don't mind picking someone else first.
What is your team? If Porin is your only healer, you shouldn't sacrifice her.

Even as Lvl54, I can see my sheep mage winning some battles my Rogue needed no business with. And that's without the decent armor waiting at 55.

My Healer Konfi is MAX+2 now and she's pretty awesome despite being the worst SSS out there. I got her for support and damage, so I have Porin and SS Viri as support in Arena.

I'd like to see anyone outdamage those 3 healers haha.

Hope I can get a tank better than Lance soon. He's alright but has no real taunt. I guess his damage debuff helps keeping my team alive though.
I've no idea why Konfi has such a bad rep honestly. She's actually a pretty decent heal/dps hybrid.

-Decent damage AoE attack
-AoE poison (useless in PvE but can really chip HP in arena matches)

I guess if theres one thing, its her low attack stat (for being a priest) and her sub-par 2nd passive.


I had a big night last night, finally beat Legendary and hit 55 on my first character (rogue). I was kinda disappointed that the Legendary Conquistador title seems to be glitched though. I beat all the raids in order, including Deus Deathcrown several times, but never got the achievement to pop. Ah well.

I'm glad I won't have to worry about getting 55 for that season 2 bonus now. I think I may take a break and play my mage a bit before really digging into Myth. I was really getting crushed, my whole team getting basically 2-3 shotted in Pixie Falls. I removed my tank for another SS healer which helped a bit but then i ran out of friend summons and called it a night. Gram was tough in Legendary, can't imagine how much of a pain that's going to be at Myth.

I really hope I get an AoE SSS healer in my next few combines, or at least gram/pirate king byron. Poor Vurch just can't cut it these days.


I had a big night last night, finally beat Legendary and hit 55 on my first character (rogue). I was kinda disappointed that the Legendary Conquistador title seems to be glitched though. I beat all the raids in order, including Deus Deathcrown several times, but never got the achievement to pop. Ah well.

I'm glad I won't have to worry about getting 55 for that season 2 bonus now. I think I may take a break and play my mage a bit before really digging into Myth. I was really getting crushed, my whole team getting basically 2-3 shotted in Pixie Falls. I removed my tank for another SS healer which helped a bit but then i ran out of friend summons and called it a night. Gram was tough in Legendary, can't imagine how much of a pain that's going to be at Myth.

I really hope I get an AoE SSS healer in my next few combines, or at least gram/pirate king byron. Poor Vurch just can't cut it these days.

Be sure to log every night to get bonus ally drop rate
[7:00 PM ~ 12:00 AM PDT] Increase Ally drop rate in dungeon by 50%
[7:00 PM ~ 12:00 AM PDT] Decrease Ally enhance cost by 30%


Apparently you get 20 free rubies for playing Million Arthur, do it doesnt seem to be retroactive i.e. I signed up for Million Arthur yesterday to check it out but didnt get 20 free rubies when I saw the offer pop up on logging into DB today

Here is a Korean tier list that I find more accurate even for our current meta.

Its interesting how different that is from the two global tier lists, according to the Korean list Freya > Karang > Freyd, yet the two global lists are more along the lines of Freyd >> Karang > Freya. Now I'm not sure which unit to ascend. Probably Freyd as the rogue unit seems pretty good.
While I don't know the criteria that was used for those tier lists, I'm going to guess it is based more on just raw DPS output and also adds into consideration the utility the unit offers. While I do consider Fulsons DPS to be above average, his overall usefulness is just average when compared to many of the actual good units available.

Here is a Korean tier list that I find more accurate even for our current meta.

Please do not mistaken me in considering Fulson bad, I consider him and Azur to be perfectly capable units and they have taken me far. For the most part I only consider there to be good, average, and bad units and there is nothing wrong in being average in my book.

Just wondering, does the Korean list also double as a popularity ranking or is it strictly based on utility?


Hmm, that's a good point. I mean she WOULD be getting ascended to the priest, but that'd still be only one healer. So Pitch is probably the better option, then.

Having 2 healers is great, I'd keep her. Go for Pitch. Apparently the Archer is the best one to have.


Okay, so how are the Season 2 allies obtained? Are they not obtainable through SSS combining and from Rare Summons?

I keep reading about having to rebirth an Ultimate SSS ally to get one, but is that the only way?


Okay, so how are the Season 2 allies obtained? Are they not obtainable through SSS combining and from Rare Summons?

I keep reading about having to rebirth an Ultimate SSS ally to get one, but is that the only way?

That's only for ascended units, and it's not "rebirth" (don't accidentally choose this, lol), but ascension. New non-ascension units in S2 will be able to be obtained the regular way.


Okay, so how are the Season 2 allies obtained? Are they not obtainable through SSS combining and from Rare Summons?

I keep reading about having to rebirth an Ultimate SSS ally to get one, but is that the only way?
New normal SSS allies will also be added along with the ascension units throughout season 2 which can be obtained like normal.


Looks like push notifications just got sent out for Season 2 pre-registration, for those who missed the early registrations.


Konfi is not even close to being the worst SSS. She's a great healer especially for World Bosses like Golem. Some healers shine over others depending on situation and the rest of the party makeup.

Its interesting how different that is from the two global tier lists, according to the Korean list Freya > Karang > Freyd, yet the two global lists are more along the lines of Freyd >> Karang > Freya. Now I'm not sure which unit to ascend. Probably Freyd as the rogue unit seems pretty good.

Those tier lists are from the blogs of random players, you should take all of them with a grain of salt, not to mention they are out of date and tend to gear towards pvp.


The curse of priest ally continue after 2 Dark Breath (SS), 1 Murit (SS) and 1 Porin (SSS). I got a new priest named magician Marc (SS), lol.


Now that my Sheep mage is 55, theres some new targets for me in Arena again. I doubt I'll hit top 50 but at least theres #20 guys for me to beat now.

Maybe I should max Turq for Brightspark. But I don't know if I want her to get rid of her.

I should write down names of people I can kill so I don't get overconfident and ruin my streak


Regarding accesorry farming, is there any difference in these;

Garden’s Power Earrings SSS: Landing Garden 6 & 9, Fortress 4
Misty Fortress’s Marvelous Ring SSS: Foggy Rampart 6 & 9, (Fortress 7? Not Sure)
Fortress’s Amulet: Fortress 8 & 9

I noticed a lot of people go for the Garden Power Earrings. But why?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Yea my biggest complaint about the game is how small the community is. It's really depressing. Even the reddit has less than 500 members.

Unfortunately these types of games rarely grow in population. That's why I said earlier that I was less than hopeful about the future of the game, community-wise. To me, the community is what makes or breaks these types of games for me. Once S2 is released, I'll probably try it for a bit and then just focus on Future Fight and RK. We'll see. Don't have the time for all 3!
No, I got this when the patch that included the ability cards initially came out.

Huh, weird.

Regarding accesorry farming, is there any difference in these;

Garden’s Power Earrings SSS: Landing Garden 6 & 9, Fortress 4
Misty Fortress’s Marvelous Ring SSS: Foggy Rampart 6 & 9, (Fortress 7? Not Sure)
Fortress’s Amulet: Fortress 8 & 9

I noticed a lot of people go for the Garden Power Earrings. But why?

Garden gives dps boosts.

Fortress gives stamina boosts.

Fog gives random exp or gold boosts.
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