This game has more reviews than RK on Android and actually outperforms RK on Android in terms of gross revenue. On iOS RK is higher by about 25% in terms of gross.Unfortunately these types of games rarely grow in population. That's why I said earlier that I was less than hopeful about the future of the game, community-wise. To me, the community is what makes or breaks these types of games for me. Once S2 is released, I'll probably try it for a bit and then just focus on Future Fight and RK. We'll see. Don't have the time for all 3!
I think Deathcrown is pretty decent, he does a fair amount of AoE damage and can stun. When well geared, he can be quite a terror in arena (but so can just about any well geared SSS).What are your honest opinions as Deathcrown as an ally? I saw the Korean tier list and he was ranked pretty low.
What are your honest opinions as Deathcrown as an ally? I saw the Korean tier list and he was ranked pretty low.
Gram+5 for the win! I'm glad that he has that shield and the CC skills to stun the 2nd wave. Was this close to getting wiped out with my support.
How I feel right now:
Congratulations! You're ready for season 2!
So finally farmed up 20 Red roses.
Since I'm a mage, it's kind of just useless. Guess I have something to give to bloodwind.
Your inventory, I want.
Thanks, by the way.
Also, I farmed up enough red roses and got a brooch that was perfect for Gram. So that kind of worked out in its own way.
Deus holds all the SSS weapons and grats on beating myth.EDIT:
Does Myth Deathcrown drop red weapons or do I have to smack Myth Deus for my red weapons?
Even with all those items in my storage, I've yet to complete my myth blazing set. Super salty.
I've gone through both Legend and Myth now never completing a set. It's pretty infuriating.
Deus holds all the SSS weapons and grats on beating myth.
Gram+5 for the win! I'm glad that he has that shield and the CC skills to stun the 2nd wave. Was this close to getting wiped out with my support.
How I feel right now:
Decided to start all over again on the EU server (I'm UK based) and abandon my poor luck and progress on the US server.
Was getting pissed off with the push notifications on my phone corresponding to the EU server and not ever getting the rewards because of it.
New name is SlipperTop (Account: SlipperTap) if anyone wants a referral for EU or is high level and is kind enough to befriend me lol
I've sent you a friend request under the name of "Aslinng".
Nice to meet ya.
Thanks Chaos, appreciate it!
Also really impressed with the new player login rewards. RanRan on day 1, and Mystery King on day 7. Those two should take me straight through to Myth!
I didn't start Myth until I had my full set of Buster gear (lvl 50 red set) for my archer and priest characters.
God damn it. That makes me rage. Fighting Deus is all sorts of bullshit, even on Legendary difficulty.
Thanks, by the way.
4 Myth Deathcrown runs in, I get a red armor for my archer character. Another 10 runs later, I get another red armor that is generic enough to be used by anyone.
This game has more reviews than RK on Android and actually outperforms RK on Android in terms of gross revenue. On iOS RK is higher by about 25% in terms of gross.
I think people vastly overestimate how many people play these games. Just because they show a number and you go "wow, that's not much" that doesn't mean games like RK have a lot either. These games are niche.
On ios, RK has almost 11,000 reviews. Dragon Blaze has under 1,000. The reason RK isn't higher on revenue is because they give you all of the characters for free and because they give out an insane amount of free premium currency. I think DB also gives you a great amount of free gems.
Agreed on the niche-ness of these games, but I think you are underestimating how popular the most popular ones are. There are some that makes $1m+ per day, and I know RK has over 5+ million downloads in Japan alone.
And the only reason I care about how popular these games like DB are is because it directly impacts my enjoyment of the game, especially since we have to rely on other players for GB and raids (until AI gets added soon at least!). It's also much harder to finish well in events when there are so few players. The people that stay tend to be the ones that have invested a lot of time/money into the game, so they are at the top. I need to noobs to prop me up
Anyway, looking forward to S2. I think I'm going to ascend one of my warriors because I already have 3 at max. My SSS rogue and archer are unenhanced![]()
I just don't think this game is anywhere near "dying", which is I believe what you said in an earlier post. There are games with 10% of the revenue that are still up and running.
Of course you have your heavy hitters and such, and those make mad bank, but it's very possible to be successful without having anywhere near those numbers.
You're very well within your right to only want to play the popular games. Heck, being part of a zeitgeist is very fun, I can admit to that. But I just think it's a little harsh to be fearful of the future of this game when it has as many players as some smaller MMOs that are still going strong, that's all. Do I wish it were more popular? Damn skippy. Some of it is on Gamevil, too. Splitting servers, not feeling like they're invested in the community, not being open with patch notes. They feel too hands off.
If I misinterpreted your posts, I apologize.
New event :♡-♥-(7-16-7-23-6-00-PM-PDT)
Woot, congratz!!
I'm having bad time with drop in raids so my poor Porin is still not prepared to advance with me in Myth.
Anybody else just accumulating gold and nothing to spend it on? 2.5mil now.
Have to say, blowing through a stack of 30 tickets on raids with +50% premium and getting more or less all blues is annoying. You really shouldnt be getting blues when you SS a raid.
Have to say, blowing through a stack of 30 tickets on raids with +50% premium and getting more or less all blues is annoying. You really shouldnt be getting blues when you SS a raid.
How the referal system work ? Do I've to give account nickname or character name ?
Character name
How's this million arthur promo supposed to work? I downloaded it, logged in with my hive account and played the first chapter.. no rubies...
1. Create your Arthur.
2. After the tutorial enter the Menu and hit the Notice icon. At the bottom, hit the "Enter Your Promo Code Here!" Banner
3. Enter and Submit your promo code
4. A gift box should appear in Camelot containing Nimue!
I think it's not rubies but a character.
From the email I received.
I think the question is the promotion within Dragon Blaze, which says that you get rubies if you play up to a certain point in Million Arthur.
I think the question is the promotion within Dragon Blaze, which says that you get rubies if you play up to a certain point in Million Arthur.
Oh, I see.
I didn't know.
Do we know how much rubies it will gives ?
Interesting, I might try to too then.20 rubies.
Anyone else use a emulator to play Dragon Blaze on their PC? I was using Arc Welder but it suddenly stopped working and doesn't want me to log in anymore. My poor mobile battery is crying now
Have to say, blowing through a stack of 30 tickets on raids with +50% premium and getting more or less all blues is annoying. You really shouldnt be getting blues when you SS a raid.
Totally agree!
Sometime I think that bonus drop raid is for show...
Finally Gamevil USA revealed the patch day but no surpise, it's same as Japan : 21 july.
Source :
Anyone else use a emulator to play Dragon Blaze on their PC? I was using Arc Welder but it suddenly stopped working and doesn't want me to log in anymore. My poor mobile battery is crying now
Did anyone here got a notification about an SS ally tickets ? It's seems a problem on the official forum :!
At this point I'm actually hoping for horrible SSS, because anything decent would delay my ascended Priest. Bleh.
"Darn! I got Shabelle! And I previously got Tiel and Gram. Why does RNGesus hate me? Woe is me."
Finally downed Myth Gram with my rogue, happy as I was tired of banging against it. It'll be nice to have a new end boss to hate in a week
Ha, thats a problem I'd love to have