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Dragon Quest creator Yuji Hori is directly blaming American influence for both DQ3 Remake censorship and the change of Male/Female to Type 1/ Type 2


I agree that it's complete bullshit, however risking sales due to a higher ESRB rating ultimately seems like the reason for censorship, especially when it comes to showing skin.

Putting Male/Female instead of Type 1/2 wouldn't hurt sales. The Square Enix suits are probably requiring that, again at the fear of losing sales in the West. Unless the ESRB is crazy enough to have that as a regulation.
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Codes 208

I mean, that types didnt stop elden ring from selling a fuckton.

Sounds to me like they pre-emptively shot themselves in the foot for an audience that wasnt really there to begin with.
Somehow this story kinda reminds me of disney blaming the gays for lightyear doing shit and not the fact the movie was mid
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I literally remember some freakin' pokemon episodes being censored

Not by government.
Type A and type B will still not make these people happy because that still implies a binary. You are wasting your time trying to please these people. They don't even play games. They just spend all their time on Ticktock. It's like asking somebody who can't drive what would be a good design for a car.


The nicest person on this forum
I wish they didn't have to do this but I said this before I still have no attention of skipping this game.....I like DQ and I want to see more turn based game like this from SE.


Gold Member
With how unpopular this stuff is now and how much it can actually hurt the sales of games I'm surprised SE still decided to go in that direction. That being said when this was made there wasn't the giant push back against it that there is now.
This is the reason why I'm thinking this has nothing to do with actually appealing to "modern audiences" and more to do with some shady business under the table or even some personal business with some executives or directives using the company as a mobile, not caring about ruining it since they'll be far away when the truth comes out if it ever does. It's just not normal by any mean.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Brutal. Rekt. Savage. These western developers should take note. No one likes them. People are publicly mocking them. Even pink hair Japanese girls are like these western purple freaks are too much.

Type A and Type B. We have completely lost it trying to pander to 0.0001% of the population.


Gold Member

Well? lol All the fucking hand wringing about it, just use your influence as the series creator and make them change it back. Especially since they lied to him and said people want that change which obviously noone ever did. Am i missing something here on how to easily fix this?
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Most people are somewhat normal. Not this bizzare through the looking glass online culture that has bubbled up from strange places of the human psyche.

Japan needs to follow the Field of Dreams principle of game making (as does the West). If you build it, they will come.

Make games that you are want to make. Let that permeate through the entire game. Budget responsibility.

Stop letting MBAs and other “business” people focus group it to death. They have killed Microsoft…. And are starting to kill PlayStation.

Just gives us some awesome games that YOU want to play. Chances are, the rest of us do to, and we don’t know it yet.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Well? lol All the fucking hand wringing about it, just use your influence as the series creator and make them change it back. Especially since they lied to him and said people want that change which obviously noone ever did. Am i missing something here on how to easily fix this?
Probably gave him money lol

I think they will double down on Censor Quest 1 and 2 HD as well.


Japanese developers really don't understand the West's accumulation of bullshit over the last few years.

As they say, in the early DQs, this wasn't even a topic. Up until now, it hasn't been a problem, but now it's affecting their development too.

I'm sure this woke shit will die down sooner or later, but unfortunately we're still feeling the effects. The golden age is well behind us.


Gold Member
Why do you pretend that all of this isn't coming from the west, especially the US?

First they have Sony with their new HQ in the US cracking down on their sorry asses, then they have their own publishers demanding DEI shit, because they have investors with specific guidelines they need to follow. Like two out of four of Square-Enix key shareholders are american Investor firms. BlackRock and Vanguard Group, they demand DEI/ESG shit in all products. If Square-Enix doesn't meet those demands than they lose these investors.

Here is what BlackRock's CEO has to say about this, this was 7 years ago:

Q: BlackRock has really been in the forefront of ESG movement within corporate governance and a real leader... and change is so slow, how do you force change when it's so incremental and so gradual? How do you do something more radical? Have you thought about that? Has the board of American Express thought about more radical things we could do to enhance diversity and inclusion?

A: Well, I could speak about BlackRock's board, but it doesn't come from the board, it really has to come from the leadership of the firm and if the leadership of the firms are not doing the changes, hopefully the board forces that change and if not it's gonna be the shareholders, okay?

You can safely assume that the Vanguard Group shares the sentiments. Now you have two of those as your key shareholders and you really want and need their money, so what do you do? You follow their DEI/ESG guidelines. So, no shit SE is telling their devs to self censor.

So when does a company become shackled to the will of their shareholders in this manner? I would imagine when they become publicly traded?

So maybe game designers who care about the integrity of their creation should put a bit more pressure on execs before they sell their soul to shareholders.


I would never let something so silly and trivial to taint my opinion of this masterpiece. It’s sad to see that we here at GAF are engaging in the same sort of cancel culture that we accuse the purple folks of. Truly we are no better than they are….

…wait, THE Yuji Hori said this? Uhh… shit [head explodes]

It’s not sad, this is not canceling individual people like canceling culture, this is about video games taken by activists with huge investment groups behind.

You are one of those people complaining about this, but will cry when video games sucks because it.


Why do you pretend that all of this isn't coming from the west, especially the US?

First they have Sony with their new HQ in the US cracking down on their sorry asses, then they have their own publishers demanding DEI shit, because they have investors with specific guidelines they need to follow. Like two out of four of Square-Enix key shareholders are american Investor firms. BlackRock and Vanguard Group, they demand DEI/ESG shit in all products. If Square-Enix doesn't meet those demands than they lose these investors.

Here is what BlackRock's CEO has to say about this, this was 7 years ago:

Q: BlackRock has really been in the forefront of ESG movement within corporate governance and a real leader... and change is so slow, how do you force change when it's so incremental and so gradual? How do you do something more radical? Have you thought about that? Has the board of American Express thought about more radical things we could do to enhance diversity and inclusion?

A: Well, I could speak about BlackRock's board, but it doesn't come from the board, it really has to come from the leadership of the firm and if the leadership of the firms are not doing the changes, hopefully the board forces that change and if not it's gonna be the shareholders, okay?

You can safely assume that the Vanguard Group shares the sentiments. Now you have two of those as your key shareholders and you really want and need their money, so what do you do? You follow their DEI/ESG guidelines. So, no shit SE is telling their devs to self censor.

To add to it, their NA Branches are like the main point of contact outside of Journalists into the perception of what it looks like over here so they get fed nonsense from various angles and pressured using social media movements:

One key example is "how Japanese game developers dress their heroines" as the #MeToo movement changes mindsets, says Franck Genty, senior localization manager at Japanese game giant Bandai Namco.

"We tell them that the cleavage is a bit too exposed, or the skirt is a bit too short," he adds. "Before, they weren't very flexible, but they've become more proactive on such subjects."

A better understanding of Japanese culture among players means adaptations can be more subtle — the Yakuza series is now called Like a Dragon, closer to the original Japanese. LGBTQ caricatures and sexist cliches have also been axed.

"Many representations which were normal in Japan in the first Like a Dragon games are no longer acceptable today," says Masayoshi Yokoyama, the series' executive producer. "We ask our teams in the United States and Europe to read the game's script, and they tell us if they see things that wouldn't be acceptable in their country."



Gold Member
What’s dumb is that SE allowed those influences in DQ3. Their audience doesn’t care about the culture wars and the “Modern Audience” won’t buy the game either way.

They upset their core customers for no gain. Yea, it’s the influence of dumb shit from the West, but it’s on SE to succumb to that for a remake of 35 year old game.

Americans are not forcing them to do any of that shit. Obviously this guy has no idea that Stellar Blade exists.


Gold Member
Why do you pretend that all of this isn't coming from the west, especially the US?

First they have Sony with their new HQ in the US cracking down on their sorry asses, then they have their own publishers demanding DEI shit, because they have investors with specific guidelines they need to follow. Like two out of four of Square-Enix key shareholders are american Investor firms. BlackRock and Vanguard Group, they demand DEI/ESG shit in all products. If Square-Enix doesn't meet those demands than they lose these investors.

Here is what BlackRock's CEO has to say about this, this was 7 years ago:

Q: BlackRock has really been in the forefront of ESG movement within corporate governance and a real leader... and change is so slow, how do you force change when it's so incremental and so gradual? How do you do something more radical? Have you thought about that? Has the board of American Express thought about more radical things we could do to enhance diversity and inclusion?

A: Well, I could speak about BlackRock's board, but it doesn't come from the board, it really has to come from the leadership of the firm and if the leadership of the firms are not doing the changes, hopefully the board forces that change and if not it's gonna be the shareholders, okay?

This is conflating human resource hiring practices with content change and censorship. Where is the evidence that Vanguard or BlackRock are demanding "DEI/ESG shit in all products"? Cuz this ain't that.
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In this day and age, when you can release a game digitally and you don´t even have to print the discs... couldn´t they just release another digital SKU without the censorship?
They technically could. I think in Japan they do a cero D version of Resident Evil and a less censored cero Z version as well for example.
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