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Dragon Quest creator Yuji Hori is directly blaming American influence for both DQ3 Remake censorship and the change of Male/Female to Type 1/ Type 2


Just search 20 years of censorship of children cartoons in your country man, I'm not even american and I know about it wtf

And who did that?

If it's done at the behest of the FCC, they can only control public airwaves (so not cable). But on cable/satellite and online, people can put out whatever they want, whenever they want.

In games, our Supreme Court went so far as to strike down a California law merely requiring ID for M-Rated games - in part BECAUSE it would result in self-censorship (see Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association, 2011). Obscenity, which could be regulated in theory (but isn't in practice), is strictly defined as something that appeals to a strictly prurient (animal sexuality) interest AND has to lack all artistic merit AND be patently offensive to contemporary community standards in its graphic depictions of sex.

Outside of these parameters all "censorship" is the result of private contracts or market-based decisions. Square here is another example of self-censorship because of, in this case, bad market research. My entire point here is that government censorship in the gaming space is almost entirely unconstitutional and if this self-censorship is a dumb read of the market, which it is, it's entirely Square's fault, and not America's.

You and so many others here are stridently yelling about a topic you know zero about.

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If it keeps selling they will keep doing it.

Just play the old game.
cmon dude , whos gonna stop buying from software games , or the next larian game , or the next spider man game , or the next naughty dog game

lets be honest here , these games are always gonna sell

All of this feels unreal , to be forced to accept that some people think they are other genders or no gender at all , to use plural pronouns on a single person , world has gone mad and its not going back to normal unless some cataclysmic event happens

the next the last of us can have a non binary protagonist and its gonna sell over 20 million copies because its naughty dog
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It's a complicated subject but I'm glad Horii was candid in speaking out about it. The Type A/Type B thing is a solution in search of a problem, and has certainly caused more backlash than simply having a Male/Female selector.

I'm tired of DQ fans claiming that those who have a problem with all this aren't fans of the games. It's lame No True Scotsman gatekeeping, and people who are passionate about something tend to not want it messed with. It'd be like claiming people who didn't like The Last Jedi aren't really Star Wars fans or something.
Yuji Horii address the type one and type two thing towards the end, but the first guy is actually referring more to western religious values and how it has always had to be catered to and not necessarily woke stuff specifically. It's kind of interesting though, that "woke" ideology and puritan values have overlapped in some ways.
It's a little unclear and can be read multiple ways, especially considering we're looking at a translation of his words. The other way you can read it is as a strict adherence to "decency," which could be used to describe the current covering up of characters in games, etc. It's not clear what time period he's referring to.


These decisions are made to maximize sales and profits. The company has a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders. Speak with your wallet if you don't like it.
People don't like that this is how it is and want it to change. And yes, sometimes changing culture involves speaking out directly and specifically on what the issue is. That's kind of how it got to this point in the first place.

Boycotts aren't always clear. Like if DQ3's remake bombed, Square might just see that as--once again--the franchise struggling in the US and not link it to all this other stuff.
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Dungeons And Dragons Reaction GIF by Alpha

Here’s the deal; back in the days of Super Nintendo and even in the 32-bit generation Japan’s versions would sometimes feature graphics or artwork that had to be changed for Western Audiences. We’re talking pre internet, where games were put on physical media.
We now live in a time where games are all online and can easily be changed - and I’m supposed to believe they couldn’t have “Male” and “Female” options in the Japanese version of Dragon Quest? Western influence never affected Japanese games ever, but now they suddenly do? All during the easiest timeline to not be affected?

Bullshit. Don’t be a bitch making excuses, own up to it.
The Globalist conspiracy! Oh noes! The amount of crying here is pathetic.

These decisions are made to maximize sales and profits. The company has a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders. Speak with your wallet if you don't like it.
It's only a conspiracy if you're a low information voter and rely on the TV to tell you what to think. The rest of us have watched the footage of world leaders explaining their plans in great detail. They aren't shy about it.
The Globalist conspiracy! Oh noes! The amount of crying here is pathetic.

These decisions are made to maximize sales and profits. The company has a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders. Speak with your wallet if you don't like it.

Right, you must be speaking of the "modern audience" that their decisions are based on - you know the ones who only exist on twitter and never buy shit. They may want to re-think their strategy about catering to .1% (and most of that comprised of puppet tactic accounts) if they truly want to maximize sales and profits because as you state the people who are tired of this are speaking with their wallets as the data shows, no one is forced to pay for pandering (their original attempts at games built on a foundation of this fail miserably) so the only way they can have any impact is to hijack and ruin existing franchises and censor artists. This is the exact tactic used across the entire entertainment industry not just video games, so no it's not some "conspiracy" it's actually happening and has been.
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It's going viral now. even Elon thinks it's ridiculous

Gotta shine lights on this stupid woke Type A/B gender bullshit

Considering the sheer number of insane or ridiculous things that Elon Musk himself has either said or done lately, that doesn't mean much.

It's also not going to make any practical difference, because...since when do Japanese game developers listen to him? I'm glad the discussion is happening, sure, but Elon Musk jumping on a bandwagon for a little bit...that isn't some sort of gamechanger.
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Musk is an unpleasant oddball but it is notable that he's commenting on a Dragon Quest III remake of all things. It'll ensure a bunch of people will suddenly know be aware of it, if nothing else.


Ultimate DQ Fan
How do we combat this? We can’t let them influence game developers with their weird agenda
Make your own games. People rely too much for others to make entertainment, when they are capable of doing it themselves. If enough people start making the sort of content theywant instead of relying on games being made for them, then it would be drowned out.
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Make your own games. People rely too much for others to make entertainment, when they are capable of doing it themselves. If enough people start making the sort of content theywant instead of relying on games being made for them, then it would be drowned out.
i would but i dont know how to code


Ultimate DQ Fan
i would but i dont know how to code

You could always learn? I say this as someone who makes their own indie games. It's the way. If we don't like what the companies are pushing on us, we need to fight back and make the sort of games we like.

Making a game isn't that hard.


You could always learn? I say this as someone who makes their own indie games. It's the way. If we don't like what the companies are pushing on us, we need to fight back and make the sort of games we like.

Making a game isn't that hard.
i work 12 hours a day ( sometimes even 14 ) , i really dont have time to learn such a complicated thing as coding , i barely have enough time to cook , clean , go shopping , workout and maybe game for 1 or 2 hours


Ultimate DQ Fan
i work 12 hours a day ( sometimes even 14 ) , i really dont have time to learn such a complicated thing as coding , i barely have enough time to cook , clean , go shopping , workout and maybe game for 1 or 2 hours
I do too brother, in a shit field I hate (logistics). It's a field that drives me to madness. I also have other responsibilities as a married man. It's an outlit to ensure I remain sane.

Maybe it can be an outlit for you too.


Considering the sheer number of insane or ridiculous things that Elon Musk himself has either said or done lately, that doesn't mean much.

It's also not going to make any practical difference, because...since when do Japanese game developers listen to him? I'm glad the discussion is happening, sure, but Elon Musk jumping on a bandwagon for a little bit...that isn't some sort of gamechanger.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think that you are wrong about Elon in the slightest here, and I absolutely think he is just jumping on the bandwagon, but regardless of whether he actually gives a shit, all eyes are on him when he posts, and it's a fuck ton of eyes.


Dragon Quest is a JP game made by JP people and they are well within their rights to control what they do with the IP. So maybe don't censor the game? Maybe make the game for the fans and not consultants and companies who aren't buying the product to begin with?

Hori is talking the talk but he sure isn't walking the walk. If he is so upset...so frustrated he would have as the IP creator stopped this from happening. This isn't a George Lucas where he sold the IP...he still has some say in what can happen and clearly regardless of spewing hot air he isn't doing much about it.

Pot meet Kettle.


If he cared he would delay the game and remove the censorship and restore Toriyama's vision but hmmm I don't think he will.
Do you know how much courage it takes to stand up and say something about stuff like this...sadly only for people to claim that standing up and calling it out isn't enough, instead what he should do is lead a revolution from within the company to get his personal way?

When people stand up against this stuff we should support them, not tear them down. When you do that it all becomes arbitrary and our side loses. We become the chronically unsatisfied who will just complain about anything that jumps in our heads without understanding it(and thus impossible to appease, so just keep going business as usual).

If they attack him because he hates DEI in his classic games and we hate him because, checks notes, he doesn't run the company all by himself, then we have moral bankruptcy my friend. Instead we should support and lift voices on our side within the industry.
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Biggest Trails Stan
Yes, basic biology and common sense are being censored. A wealthy and influential minority in the Western entertainment industry holds significant power and is pushing a specific agenda.

Not to mention having a certain hatred towards Japanese Entertainment and are trying to sabotage their success (Which unfortunately looks like they are starting to succeed...)


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Do you know how much courage it takes to stand up and say something about stuff like this...sadly only for people to claim that standing up and calling it out isn't enough, instead what he should do is lead a revolution from within the company to get his personal way?
Actions speak louder then words. And thus far the actions being taken is complacency in the censorship of Dragon Quest. What time will tell is how much Yuji Hori is willing to fight for Dragon Quest. In November we shall have our answer.


Neo Member
Square/Enix, put the game back the way it was! Undo all of the DEI woke bullshit and never look back.

I'd love to pick up the remake but absolutely will not in the current state.
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Glad the little bastard said something. My pre-odor is still on but highly debating cancelling. Just not liking the DEI push for no reason.
Hearing the legendary Yuji Horii speak out about it makes me feel better about buying it, to be honest. Knowing that he puts a lot of passion into this series and is frustrated with the changes forced from the higher-ups.


Biggest Trails Stan
Hearing the legendary Yuji Horii speak out about it makes me feel better about buying it, to be honest. Knowing that he puts a lot of passion into this series and is frustrated with the changes forced from the higher-ups.

At least he is bringing attention to the issue and actually is making a difference by actually talking about what's going on.

I'm happy Musk tweeted about this. I'm iffy on Musk (Can't stand him simping for the turd), but this has been one of the many good thing he has done. I hope that now that he retweeted it, that cause lot more people to raise a stink and hopefully get the games censorship changed before the game releases or in a patch after the game releases

I admit the game does look good but man does the censorship turn me off from ever buying it
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Glad to hear him speak out on this. Yeah, I’m really tired of this as well. Modern Western gaming is more about pushing a message, political ideologies and checking boxes over making enjoyable and great games. It’s reasons like this why I miss how gaming was in the 90’s and early 2000’s. The goal back then was to make the best game possible with talented, passionate people, not trying to appeal to weirdos and an imaginary audience.
The only relevant data is sales.

Categorically false.

Look up the definition of focus testing and data analytics.

Social media analytics is a multi-billion dollar industry in itself. It wouldn't be so if it wasn't important. And in fact, analytics data is way more important than sales data as it can tell you who is using your product and how, rather than just how many people; as well as who is interested in your product and who isn't and why.

They have all the means to know what happens to games that go that route.

No. You're wrong.

Sales data is purely sales data. All it gives you is how many consumers (roughly) bought your product and at best where their purchases were made. It's important but not particularly meaningful info. for forecasting or predicting the performance of future games.
Hearing the legendary Yuji Horii speak out about it makes me feel better about buying it, to be honest. Knowing that he puts a lot of passion into this series and is frustrated with the changes forced from the higher-ups.
Not buying it would help bolster his position on this more ironically. The only way to stop this stuff is to not buy it and let them adjust to their real audience.
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Hearing the legendary Yuji Horii speak out about it makes me feel better about buying it, to be honest. Knowing that he puts a lot of passion into this series and is frustrated with the changes forced from the higher-ups.

That would be like that Hoyoverse boycotters trying to protest due to "cultural appropriation and whitewashing" but at the same time still play the game. The result was more sales and Hoyoverse gave them the middle finger.
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Not buying it would help bolster his position on this more ironically. The only way to stop this stuff is to not buy it and let them adjust to their real audience.
I think it depends on what lesson Square-Enix would take from sales. They might just think (as they have in the past) that low sales simply means Dragon Quest is struggling once again to find a market in the west. I'm a fan of the series since the first game and that would suck.

PR troubles might be enough to scare S-E away from pulling this Type A/B thing again. They've already disabled comments on recent DQ3 videos and the rather active DQ official X account hasn't made any posts since this went down.


As always "America", they bomb left and right, killing innocent people but gender is a no, no. lol after all Kinder surprise is more dangerous than a fully loaded AR.
The Rock Eye Roll GIF by WWE

But of course how can I be so silly to forget that America is just a warmongering country with nothing good or important to offer to the world.

What an incredibly nearsighted and foolish statement.

You want to blame someone, blame the activists who are finding their ways into these various institutions and forcing this when they know for a fact that it is not selling, it hasn't sold with any og game thus far.

The only games that have seen success are sequels to successful games that they infest, but the problem there is then you end up poisoning the series itself, look at Star Wars.

We don't know how well Spider-Man 3 is going to sell or how well last of us three is going to sell because they got rid of a huge chunk of the audience of the first due to an overly progressive maybe it will do successfully we know the media will love it but then again they are filled to the brim with these activists.
Jessica Chastain Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

These activists can't create on their own, as their creation is poison because they completely lack the understanding of what makes a relatable and good story.

They literally poison their own work, look at Goodbye Volcano High and dust born for example, each so filled with venomous idealism they don't even realize their own hypocrisy instead they find existing works and taint those all in the name of so-called sensitivity.
Sad Jim Carrey GIF

This isn't an America thing this is an activist thing just look to our good friends across the pond as they say and those stop oil chuckle fucks who are currently throwing crap on Priceless works of art, activism has no country it's just stupidity due to lack of actual adversity.


Gold Member
Biological gender is that.

"Identifies as" and "attracted to" may not equate to biological gender.

Are the Americans ruling that in games offering a character selection screen that all three distinct characteristics are now mandatory choices irrespective of the type of the game or the software will be banned.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
American influence has created a lot of censorship even among products only released in Japan. Most obviously, nudity in broadcast anime is totally gone, where back in the 90s it was common and not considered a big deal. People probably don't realize a lot of this shift in standards comes from international pressure.


American influence has created a lot of censorship even among products only released in Japan. Most obviously, nudity in broadcast anime is totally gone, where back in the 90s it was common and not considered a big deal. People probably don't realize a lot of this shift in standards comes from international pressure.
Just check out the Ranma remake.
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