Started playing this recently. Where are the shops? I did the escort mission and I'm in Gran Soren. No shops in the city?
Started playing this recently? Where are the shops? I did the escort mission and I'm in Gran Soren. No shops in the city?
Uh yeah? There are many, the two main ones are right by the inn, near the townsquare fountain. Not sure how you could miss those. xDStarted playing this recently. Where are the shops? I did the escort mission and I'm in Gran Soren. No shops in the city?
I've had it since release and only now decided to get back into it. I'd recommend doing either easy or normal for a first playthrough, the game is quite hard. I will sometimes die, even on easy, if I'm not careful.But i already start the game 2 times, because i dont know how to start.
Never played the original DD, should i play normal and the go hard mode on the NG+ or go first Hard mode?
Is the game very difficult ??
Bought the game a few days back.
The gameplay is really good, fast and fun.
Maybe im so used to the presentation of games like Witcher or Fallout. The way that the story is presented on DD is not what i was hoping for, i don't know how to explain.
But love the monsters and some quest are fun.
But i already start the game 2 times, because i dont know how to start.
Never played the original DD, should i play normal and the go hard mode on the NG+ or go first Hard mode?
Is the game very difficult ??
So I've been playing this game again. Currently level 19, stuck at Cursewoods. Even on easy the game is pretty hard!!! I'm also still using the stock sword, might be the reason why my damage is so crappy. Any weapon upgrade recommendations? I have almost 30k gold.
I'm currently heading to kill 10 bandits for this guy in order to get the stone he has. The bandit camp is supposed to be located past Cursewoods. I passed through but got STOMPED by this cyclops the first time, the second time by this huge lion with a snake for its tail. Just not doing nearly enough damage. Think I'll head back to Gran Soren and upgrade my whole party. I also have one pawn that's only lvl 6, might be time to replace him.
Got rid of my lvl 6 pawn, got a lvl 21. Bought a slightly better sword, enhanced it. The game has suddenly become much easier. I'm hooked. One question: you cannot level up pawns you acquire from the rift, right?
What would you guys recommend as the ideal team? So far I have two warriors, one mage, and one rouge. My own character is all melee.
Started playing this game some months ago and I love it. I've been playing almost daily since then. I've gone through most of the vocations with my character and I've had fun with all of them. Assassin is by far, in my opinion, the best. You get to use swords, daggers, shields and bows. It's a really great vocation for almost all combat situations in the game because of the equipment versatility, and some of the skills it gives you.
I'm level 150-something now and didn't start Bitterblack until my second playthrough (didn't want to go there for the first time during post-game). This place is nuts. It's not insanely hard, but it can be pretty damn challenging. Some of the enemies here are just ridiculous. Death and the (condemned) gorecyclops' in particular wreck my ish every time. I have no idea how to defeat death, and once a gorecyclops starts raging, I'm pretty much screwed. Any tips? And what's the best place to farm cursed gear, weapons, etc?
Also, feel free to add me on PSN: nsnsmj. My pawn is usually a Fighter (or Ranger), but recently I've finally started to use the other vocations with her. So far she's maxed out Strider, Ranger, & Fighter, and is currently working on Warrior.
Thanks! I've got a dragonforged rusted bow in storage, but didn't even think about using it. For whatever reason, I figured boss-type monsters like that weren't affected by torpor (and most other) debilitations.In regards to the Gorecyclops, the best thing to do is remove the helmet (that's all the armour you can remove from it) and attack it's head. As far as I remember it's weak to fire spells, and torpor helps deal with it's berserk status. I generally just try and stay above it out of reach, like on the bridges above where you first meet it, and fire enchanted great cannon it.
So yeah, if you're having trouble with it's berserk status specifically use rarified rusted weapons.
Is there a way to travel faster? I get really discouraged when the section I have to go to is far away, since the random encounters along the way always take long.
There is, but it's quite expensive and hard to do. You need things called port crystals that you can place all over the map (max 10) and you need a consumable item, a ferrystone, to travel between port crystals.
Port crystals are 200k each at the black cat and ferry stones are 20k each, I think.
I think quests like the waterfall shrine or the mine tunnel should give some decent loot. As for crafting materials, they are mostly used to upgrade weapons, not forge them. Try to upgrade your stuff to at least 2-3 stars if you have the materials. It's generally worth it.Where can I get some good loot? I'm on stage 3, just got the wyrm hunt license. I've been to the weapons shop in Gran Soren and bought the broadsword, the best possible weapon on sale. But its underwhelming, takes me a million hacks to kill some monsters. Also, the lack of loot is boring me. What can I do? I have a ton of crafting materials - where I can go to use them?
Ogre selfie.
1. If I change my vocation, do I have to rank it up again? Getting bored of fighter.
Ogre selfie.
1. If I change my vocation, do I have to rank it up again? Getting bored of fighter.
2. How do I get the "Escort Duty" mission to pop up from Fournival? I want that gold idol so I can upgrade the merchant's inventory, I've been using the same blade since I began the game.
I'd guess any sequel depends on how well the PC port does, or if Sony or another publisher is willing to foot the bill. I would definitely like to see a sequel as well. Dragon's Dogma is one of my favorite games ever.I really Loved this game! any hope for a sequel for ps4?
I'd guess any sequel depends on how well the PC port does, or if Sony or another publisher is willing to foot the bill. I would definitely like to see a sequel as well. Dragon's Dogma is one of my favorite games ever.
Yeah, I really liked the ending for the most part. Pawns are a really cool concept. I'd like to see more back story on them.It was definitely interesting! the Pawn's use and how it ended! wow.