Thought of something that bugs me, how do your pawns get better gear? (if they can)
You can equip your main pawn with whatever you like. Hired pawns can only be outfitted by their creators.
Thought of something that bugs me, how do your pawns get better gear? (if they can)
Thought of something that bugs me, how do your pawns get better gear? (if they can)
What the hell Capcom?
Yeah, I know they are relatively weak but... it's the principle of the matter: why would I waste money to purchase all of those blasted packs with money if I cannot readily use them in the game?
Sigh, Capcom.
Wait, does that also mean you can't create your whole party yourself? You have to hire someone else's pawn?You can equip your main pawn with whatever you like. Hired pawns can only be outfitted by their creators.
I'm having a hard time with this game lol. Been a long time since I've played a "hard" game like that. I started the well quest in the first village and got my ass seriously kicked by those lizard man. I think I need to gain a couple of levels.
Pssh, I just went over 520 today.
I may have a problem...
Fucking loving this game, this is certainly one of the best games i have played this generation. One question though, my pawn has not been hired once since Friday, is that because so many new players joined with Dark Arisen? Should i just unplug the cable and get those offline RC?
You create your main character, and you create your main pawn. There are two other pawn slots available, and you get to hire the main pawns of other people to fill those slots. You also have the option of not filling those two extra slots at all (i.e. not hiring any extra pawns and just having yourself and your main pawn).Wait, does that also mean you can't create your whole party yourself? You have to hire someone else's pawn?
Is there scaling in this game ? My main pawn and I are ~ level 6 but I hired a lvl 16 pawn from a friend , is there any negative side effects of doing this ?
Also am I missing a hit key for using healing stuff ? Do I really need to go into the menu to do everything ?
Dragon's Dogma title update may corrupt your save, Capcom warns
Ouch. Gonna backup my saves tonight.
Dragon's Dogma title update may corrupt your save, Capcom warns
Ouch. Gonna backup my saves tonight.
I can't really understand the whole (or most) of this thread, but do I want this game? I like RPG's, I like challenging games, I really appreciate a fleshed out story, but good game play or the promise of fun can override a sorta half assed one, (I'm in the middle of Hyperdimension Neptunia MK2 after all.) I'd be playing on PS3.
Actually you can deck out hired pawns too, but anything you put on them counts as a gift and can't be taken back, so better save that for when you're feeling nice rather than building the optimum team.You can equip your main pawn with whatever you like. Hired pawns can only be outfitted by their creators.
How the fuck are you supposed to clear the room with two chained-up gorecyclops and human-like mages who cast magic that almost insta-kill you?![]()
I sat on the upper ledge and sniped the warlocks first then went ham on the Cyclopses. I put the game down and quit (or told myself that anyway) so I definitely understand your frustration
TharpDaddy, you're going MK? Level up as Sorceror and some as Fighter. You want Mag Atk and HP
I'm a level 98 Assassin - is BBI that rough on melee classes?
How the fuck are you supposed to clear the room with two chained-up gorecyclops and human-like mages who cast magic that almost insta-kill you?![]()
The thing is, my character and my WORTHLESS main pawn don't do jack shit in damage to the enemies in BBI; I'm rolling with a lvl 98 archer right now, decked out with the best gear from the vanilla game. It's an incredible excercise in frustration at the moment.
I got up to Daimon and he's...ugh. Fun to fight but haven't beat him yet.
A question though, after beating him do I have to go through BBI all over again from scratch, or are the quick routes near Olra still open? Is there a way to just teleport there or something?
So the 1h sword, Devilsbane is 1800 atk at gold forge. Insane.
I just finished hitting rank 10 vocation on my mage, and now i want to swap over to mystic knight, but i'm worried my strength will be really weak since i've never ranked up fighter. Will i be fine if i hop right over to mystic knight, or should i level a fighter first?
I'm a level 98 Assassin - is BBI that rough on melee classes?
All of the epic weapons from the Daimon chests are like that; the magic bow, Blackwing, makes the offline Ur-Dragon easier than any of the Dire/Cursed dragons. The greatsword? Normal drakes dead with two swings of Arc of Deliverance.
The thing is, my character and my WORTHLESS main pawn don't do jack shit in damage to the enemies in BBI; I'm rolling with a lvl 98 archer right now, decked out with the best gear from the vanilla game. It's an incredible excercise in frustration at the moment.
Should I even bother going for Abyssinal gear before going to BBI, though?l
Extremely rough in the beginning if your gear and weapons aren't that great. My Assassin could 5fold into a Drakes heart and take off 60% of a healthbar; in the beginning of BBI, 10+ 5folds barely does anything to the big monsters.
I really loathe Online Ur-Dragon. I'm never on when it's in Grace Period and even if I was on there's no notification.
And I have no idea how much damage I do to it in a round. Shit design IMO.
Anyone else encounter a weird bug where the voice of a pawn is pitched way up or down?
I had to exchange one of the pawns in my party because she constantly talked like she was on helium all of a sudden, so stupid haha.
I've got a few port crystals. Where are the best places to set them?
I have mine set at places near a lot of stuff so I have them at
The middle of Devil's grove closer to the western healing spring
Right in front of the Bluemoon tower (thinking about moving this)
Right at the northern healing spring
Around the witchwood entrance
And by the Greatwall camp
Mine are kind of similar, although I put one in the Devil's Gove camp instead just because it's the cheapest/fastest way to rest and is closer to the drake. Put one at the Greatwall Camp, Deos Hills spring, Eradication Site, Bluemoon Tower and then would just carry the last one around with me to reuse again and again until post-game.
Mystic Knight is so much fun once you hit R7 wasn't really feeling it before that since I don't really dig the perfect block mechanic too much since I am too reckless when I play.
I noticed there is an augment adding "five frames" to the perfect block window so perhaps that also helps? On PS3 does that mean physical screen frames or just time based (ie regardless of framerate)
I noticed there is an augment adding "five frames" to the perfect block window so perhaps that also helps? On PS3 does that mean physical screen frames or just time based (ie regardless of framerate)