For those wondering about inclinations, these are what imo are the best ones for each vocation:
Fighter: scather, mitigator, challenger, utilitarian - this makes them focus on strong enemies first
Warrior: challenger, mitigator, scather, pioneer - this makes it draw the most aggro
Strider: scather, utilitarian, mitigator, challenger - same as fighter, but will also make full use of climbing
Ranger: utilitarian, guardian, mitigator, scather - guardian might seem odd here, but it will keep the ranger close to you if you are ranged as well, making it use it's most powerful skills, just switch guardian with scather if you are melee
Mage: utilitarian, medicant, nexus - this will make a mage actually buff others instead of just healing.
Sorceror: scather, mitigator, utilitarian - just kill everything.
Though eventually it won't really matter what the inclination is, the bestiary overrides a lot of stuff.