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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Steam pre-order is LIVE


Oh boy, do they talk.

And yes, but you can res them. Not perma-death.

Can be toggled off though!
Q) While pawns have endearing personality and are great to have them around in my adventures, they’re a bit talkative. Any way to shut them up?
A) PC version adds a new option that completely silences the Pawns. They will only speak when talked to. To enable this feature, simply go to Options -> Gameplay and set “Pawn Chatter” to OFF.

Well shit. Only one save file right? I don't want to miss out on stuff like unique items/weapons.

I believe there is a NG+


Quick question. Do your pawn thingy's talk and can they die?

Oh yes the pawns talk, it's infamous, but can be toggled off in the PC version.
Pawns can also die, first they faint and you have a set amount of time to revive them, if you fail to revive then they are removed from your party and return to the rift where they can be re-summoned.


I checked some videos and the game is perfectly stable 60fps with everything maxed on a 4690k + 960 with around 50% cpu and gpu usage. I really doubt your old i7 is that much weaker. Hell even a 750Ti should max this at stable 60fps.

It's stable mine too, but not always, in certain larger areas, houses or in the first city, drops to 55-54 or below. Only if i reduce distance scaling to medium i can hold 60 fps more or less in these areas. Even better with low setting with distance scaling for a perfect 60 fps always. So it's cpu limited, and i'm curious too see how it run on other kind of old cpu like mine. :/
Can be toggled off though!
Q) While pawns have endearing personality and are great to have them around in my adventures, they’re a bit talkative. Any way to shut them up?
A) PC version adds a new option that completely silences the Pawns. They will only speak when talked to. To enable this feature, simply go to Options -> Gameplay and set “Pawn Chatter” to OFF.

I believe there is a NG+

Blasphemy! Pawn chatter must be enabled for the best Dragon's Dogma experience!


Can be toggled off though!
Q) While pawns have endearing personality and are great to have them around in my adventures, they’re a bit talkative. Any way to shut them up?
A) PC version adds a new option that completely silences the Pawns. They will only speak when talked to. To enable this feature, simply go to Options -> Gameplay and set “Pawn Chatter” to OFF.

Best feature of the PC version, confirmed. Though, if you keep only one pawn with you, the chatter isn't too bad.

"Wolves hunt in p-"
Quick question. Do your pawn thingy's talk and can they die?

Oh they talk.

They can "die", as in they'll be forcibly removed from your party if something happens to them. If they fall in deep water or if you encounter a certain BBI enemy. There's even a move you can learn that sacrifice's your pawns. If, however, the pawn is at 0 health they'll just fall over, waiting to be revived. Your other pawns may even carry them to you to help you out. They will disappear if you enter a new area while they're waiting to be revived.

Of course, you can always retrieve any pawn from the Rift.


Is it really that surprising that a CPU from 7 years ago can't run a "new" game at max settings? The game runs absolutely fantastic from everything I've heard.

Err..a "new" game a ps3 remaster ? Really ? The witcher 3 hold 60 fps in much more detailed enviroments than this. And it's a game gpu limited. This is cpu limited, for 20 polygons on screen ahahahah (i'm joking or maybe not). I can understand your point for new games but this is a remaster of a game out on last generation consoles.. yes so it's strange for me. And there's only one setting that cause this, others don't cause any problem. But really someone believe that this game needs an i7 4470 to run at 60 all the time ? O___O
Thanks for all the replies guys. I think I'll watch a few twitch streams when it comes out to see if I should take the leap or not right at the release or wait a little for a steam sale of sorts in the year. :)


Err..a "new" game a ps3 remaster ? Really ? The witcher 3 hold 60 fps in much more detailed enviroments than this. And it's a game gpu limited. This is cpu limited, for 20 polygons on screen ahahahah (i'm joking or maybe not). I can understand your point for new games but this is a remaster of a game out on last generation consoles.. yes so it's strange for me. And there's only one setting that cause this, others don't cause any problem. But really someone believe that this game needs an i7 4470 to run at 60 all the time ? O___O

Uhhh.... you run The Witcher 3 at 60fps on a i7 860 and a 7850?


Do we know yet if the physical version will include all the files or most of it? I already bought the steam over GMG without thinking that I only have a 10GB / month limited connection atm. If the physical version has at least 5GB of the 13ish, I'll gladly buy it a third time (PS3, digital, physical).
Err..a "new" game a ps3 remaster ? Really ? The witcher 3 hold 60 fps in much more detailed enviroments than this. And it's a game gpu limited. This is cpu limited, for 20 polygons on screen ahahahah (i'm joking or maybe not). I can understand your point for new games but this is a remaster of a game out on last generation consoles.. yes so it's strange for me. And there's only one setting that cause this, others don't cause any problem. But really someone believe that this game needs an i7 4470 to run at 60 all the time ? O___O



Err..a "new" game a ps3 remaster ? Really ? The witcher 3 hold 60 fps in much more detailed enviroments than this. And it's a game gpu limited. This is cpu limited, for 20 polygons on screen ahahahah (i'm joking or maybe not). I can understand your point for new games but this is a remaster of a game out on last generation consoles.. yes so it's strange for me. And there's only one setting that cause this, others don't cause any problem. But really someone believe that this game needs an i7 4470 to run at 60 all the time ? O___O

Yeah... no.


Is there anything significant you can miss out on besides achievements?

Well, for example, there are these statues made of gold, silver and copper(or bronze, I forget). Two separate merchants ask for them at a certain interval, explaining that they are a sign of favor with some local hotshot weaponsmith or trader and getting them one would make them be able to do business with said person. The grade of the statue would determine what kind of new shit said merchant would then unlock. Getting both to unlock their best shit involves NG+ or actually having some other player gift one to you, which is quite unlikely early on as the golden one is totally unique (as is the silver one, but who cares about second place) in each playthrough and can mess up the process of getting it if you don't know what you're doing, or indeed, know that getting such an item is on the table in the first place.

You can complete all of those quests just fine, but getting the best results is a whole 'nother story. I'm also not 100% on this, but I think your choices in helping a certain individual directly affects if the other store is even opened in the first place.

Possessing one of those statues also gives you a nice discount on shopping pretty much anywhere, as do a few other items, but you usually need to give them away due to x and y. And this brings us to this funny little side-alley shop in Gran Soren called the Black Cat. The guy there can make you forged copies of pretty much anything and everything, including very rare crafting material. They can cost you a fortune, but making copies of quest items and the like can lead to various options regarding their completion.

You should also always make copies of your super-rare crafting materials before you spend the last piece of any such material on some upgrade, as farming some of the rare ones is total ass due to low drop rates and long respawn times.


So how hard is it to get all achievements in the game? Is it very time consuming or is it doable in like one playthrough? I usually don't attempt to perfect a game unless its within reasonable reach.

Also fuck piracy. Shame on whoever leaked it.


I'm not lying!

it's true, the withcer 3 it's gpu limited, but very light on cpu. This game instead, has a little more geometry than oblivion.....O________o

I can't tell if you're an elaborate troll or you just have no idea what you're talking about.
So how hard is it to get all achievements in the game? Is it very time consuming or is it doable in like one playthrough? I usually don't attempt to perfect a game unless its within reasonable reach.

Also fuck piracy. Shame on whoever leaked it.

I don't recall the achievements offhand, but they were pretty manageable for the most part (I have about 800/1000 in the 360 version). That said, they can be really time-consuming and IIRC might require multiple play-throughs.
Also, Capcom is adding new achievements for the PC release, so I suspect they'll include Bitterblack Isle(originally there weren't any for this content) and a host of other additions.
So how hard is it to get all achievements in the game? Is it very time consuming or is it doable in like one playthrough? I usually don't attempt to perfect a game unless its within reasonable reach.

Also fuck piracy. Shame on whoever leaked it.

Assuming it's roughly the same as console, you do need 2 playthrough regardless of what you do, because one of the achievement is clearing NG+. In those 2 playthroughs, you can complete every other achievements. Note that the 2nd playthrough will mostly go a ton faster than the first one due to being overleveled and what not from grinding stuff for the achievements in the first, and you can skip most sidequests that don't have 2 outcomes since you don't need to do them again.

For people who worry about missing sidequests, there's a general guide on the wiki about sidequests progression. Basically, the trick is to do every sidequests before you advance the main quest, that's really all there is to it. You kinda have to check all the key NPCs everytime though to make sure they don't have new quests.

There's also a few quests that can be failed/end early due to how you behave, but really none of them is of much importance other than minor stuff like a shop with lategame(but not endgame) items or a romance option or shop costs reduction(which is fairly pointless after a while since most of the good gear is drops). You can also find detailed guides for quests on the wiki if you don't mind getting stuff spoiled just before you do it.


Really ? I never get 69% cpu on the withcer 3...


and this when i alt-tab the game or i launch the game from the start, after a while drops to 35 or more depending on the scene...

69% cpu usage for a ps3 remaster with this graphic ? Really ?

Honestly your parts are just old. It's not surprising you can't hold 60.


For everything, you realize people are running this downscaled from 4K at close to 60 FPS on most areas on a GTX970 right? Give that a shot on Witcher.

i know that the witcher 3 can't run at 60 at 4k on a 970, but it's no a gpu problem in this case, in this game distance scaling kill perfomance like every other game open world out there with this specific setting , except that this is a ps3 remaster.
Really ? I never get 69% cpu on the withcer 3...


and this when i alt-tab the game or i launch the game from the start, after a while drops to 35 or more depending on the scene...

69% cpu usage for a ps3 remaster with this graphic ? Really ?

Isn't your CPU the i7 780? A CPU from 2009?


Games out already? Steams till says 4 days for me. Do I need to VPN to Korea or something?

Press version was leaked onto the internet. People should probably not post that they've downloaded it since it's pirated.

It's going to be a long week :/


The screenshots you're seeing are from a review build that was leaked by one of the reviewers/streamers and then repackaged....

So, yes, the person posting screenshots on this page is essentially saying he pirated it.

Press version was leaked onto the internet. People should probably not post that they've downloaded it since it's pirated.

It's going to be a long week :/

Oh. Well that sucks. A shitty thing to do leaking a press/reviewer version. And also a silly thing to do to post screen shots of it and say how it is you running the game (and not a picture you grabbed from somewhere else).
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