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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Steam pre-order is LIVE


oh man other regions got an earlier release date?

Games out already? Steams till says 4 days for me. Do I need to VPN to Korea or something?

Pirated copy.

Native 21:9 support with correct HUD placement?

Also, what about 16:10 support without black bars?

I'd imagine there will be 21:9 mods very quickly.

Q) Does the game still have letterboxing? [*UPDATED* Jan.8]
A) PC version now features full screen rendering without letterboxing on standard 16:9 aspect ratio widescreen monitors. 21:9 ultra widescreen monitors are not supported natively due to fixed UI elements.


This FAQ by Wbacon is going into the OT as it is very useful, hats off to him and Capcom for being so transparent.




Honestly your parts are just old. It's not surprising you can't hold 60.

i know that my parts are old, but not so much "old" for a ps3 remaster. This is the point, there's nothing on the screen tha justifies the perfomance drops. It's not a detailed open world like the withcer 3, it's everything squared and with low level of detail...but maybe it's an API overhead problem like some other people are saying on other places...
Is posting screenshots of the leaked version bannable if you can provide proof that you've already got the legal Steam version? As I plan to check out what the performance is like.


i know that my parts are old, but not so much "old" for a ps3 remaster. This is the point, there's nothing on the screen tha justifies the perfomance drops. It's not a detailed open world like the withcer 3, it's everything squared and with low level of detail...but maybe it's an API overhead problem like some other people are saying on other places...

First, it did not run at 1080P on PS360, and it performed horribly. Second, if you tried to max out draw distance settings, it could easily cause problems.


i know that my parts are old, but not so much "old" for a ps3 remaster. This is the point, there's nothing on the screen tha justifies the perfomance drops. It's not a detailed open world like the withcer 3, it's everything squared and with low level of detail...but maybe it's an API overhead problem like some other people are saying on other places...

Have you played with the settings at all?


Is posting screenshots of the leaked version bannable if you can provide proof that you've already got the legal Steam version? As I plan to check out what the performance is like.
Probably. I remember the Watch Dogs leak and moderation eventually required everybody who posted screenshots etc. to provide proof of legitimate access to the game ahead of release. (Everybody who failed to do this got a two week ban I think)


What would you say this game is a combo of regarding other RPGs?

If I like skyrim and witcher will I enjoy this?

DD is nothing like Skyrim and the witcher. I'd say it's more like a sped up open world monster hunter with some really nice RPG aspects added on top of it.

Closest thing in terms of open world games is probably Kingdom's of Amalur, except DD actually has good enemy design.


i7 780 ? Do you mean 870 maybe...

anyway i have an i7 860 oc to 3.7 ghz and yes i know it's old but not so old for this kind of graphic...

I don't understand what you're thinking. It isn't even out yet. You can't just look at how good a game looks and think "wow this game should run better than this". Especially when it could be optimized for newer hardware. Again, your CPU is SEVEN YEARS OLD.


i7 780 ? Do you mean 870 maybe...

anyway i have an i7 860 oc to 3.7 ghz and yes i know it's old but not so old for this kind of graphic...

Your CPU and GPU combo is old. And yet you can still run it at practically max settings that the PS360 were nowhere near capable of doing, just with toned down draw distance(which is probably still above where the PS360 sat). You could probably even run it at 4k/30 which would still be a better framerate than the PS360 versions. I don't see the problem.


yeah, distance scaling is the culprit. Like in many other open world games, of course.

Okay, turn it down? I don't see the need for these posts really.

Difficult to compare games 1:1 as we don't know how much these settings are actually rendering. There are two many extenuating factors to come to a conclusion right now.


Alright, just to get ready. Most fun class?

The class that you, personally, find most fun to play. Seriously. They are fun, one and all, and which one is the most fun is entirely dependent on what you like AND it might not be the class that you might think it is.


i know that my parts are old, but not so much "old" for a ps3 remaster. This is the point, there's nothing on the screen tha justifies the perfomance drops. It's not a detailed open world like the withcer 3, it's everything squared and with low level of detail...but maybe it's an API overhead problem like some other people are saying on other places...

But different PS3 games perform differently as well, you can't just say "PS3 remaster" and expect some level of performance.

Now, I'm not saying the performance is perfect for your PC, because I simply don't know, as I didn't pirate the game, but you do know that the PS3 version of Dragon's Dogma goes as low as 20fps (even a bit lower than that IIRC), right? If you're getting 40 at its worst, that's still twice as many frames per second than the PS3 version, with a much higher resolution and settings.

You can't expect to run something the PS3 can only run at 5fps at 120 just because you can run 60fps PS3 games at 120, for example.
My advice is to try every class and invest the time necessary to max out their skills.

Eventually you'll settle into a favorite, but you might switch around depending on what you expect to encounter.


Okay, turn it down? I don't see the need for these posts really.

Difficult to compare games 1:1 as we don't know how much these settings are actually rendering. There are two many extenuating factors to come to a conclusion right now.

yeah, yeah i know, but it's not a problem for me, i can play even with the low setting if there is need to do, i don't commit suicide for this! It was just to talk about this perfomance problem. Just this, maybe it can be fixed after launch. Who know!


What would you say this game is a combo of regarding other RPGs?

If I like skyrim and witcher will I enjoy this?

It's actually harder than I imagined to compare it to other games.

The director mentioned Skyrim as an inspiration, but I think his Capcom background takes over whatever direct source of inspiration he had, haha.

I think "an open world action rpg made by Itsuno" is the best possible description you can give it. He didn't direct Dark Arisen, though.

yeah, yeah i know, but it's not a problem for me, i can play even with the low setting if there is need to do, i don't commit suicide for this! It was just to talk about this perfomance problem. Just this, maybe it can be fixed after launch. Who know!

It's too early to call it a performance problem. We need to know exactly what kind of difference that setting does. If anything lower than Max = less than PS3 levels, than yeah, that's a problem, but we're most likely looking at even low being better than PS3, judging from previous games with taxing distance options.

If they ported it with PS3 settings being Max Settings, you'd be running it at locked 60fps and seeing no issues with that.

When Dying Light came out, people were complaining and calling the game unoptimized because the LOD settings were too taxing at higher levels. Turns out even Low was higher than PS4. You can't choose arbitrary standards and judge the game based on them.


yeah, yeah i know, but it's not a problem for me, i can play even with the low setting if there is need to do, i don't commit suicide for this! It was just to talk about this perfomance problem. Just this, maybe it can be fixed after launch. Who know!

What's broken and needs to be fixed after launch? I'm confused here.


This might be my most anticipated game for this year
It's certainly mine. It does disappoint me a bit that the game I'm most looking forward to playing in 2016 is a game I've already played though.

I'm sure the indie community will surprise me by the time the year's over though. They always do.


But different PS3 games perform differently as well, you can't just say "PS3 remaster" and expect some level of performance.

Now, I'm not saying the performance is perfect for your PC, because I simply don't know, as I didn't pirate the game, but you do know that the PS3 version of Dragon's Dogma goes as low as 20fps (even a bit lower than that IIRC), right? If you're getting 40 at its worst, that's still twice as many frames per second than the PS3 version, with a much higher resolution and settings.

You can't expect to run something the PS3 can only run at 5fps at 120 just because you can run 60fps PS3 games at 120, for example.

yeah i understand what you mean, but my point is that for the fidelity of the graphics on the screen that i can see, the raccomended requirements for the cpu seems....a little bit too high. I don't see anything that justifies this. Just this. But it's not a problem, of course.


maybe some patchs to boost perfomance ? yeah i know, i'm dreaming :p

If it's running at 4k on 970, it doesn't deserve a performance patch. Sorry, that's just the way it is. I can't run Witcher 3 on a laptop and in good conscience call it unoptimized when it runs like shit.


That stat doesn't mean anything. You can still be cpu limited there. You have to look at each thread individually.

yeah, it's the average, i know, but it's a little too high too, only certain heavy games on cpu hit this % of load or more.

Anyway I should check individual core load, you're right.


If you're a first timer I'd go Strider to start (daggers and bow). It has the most mobility and combat flexibility making it a versatile and fun way to learn.

I don't think there's any right class for starting out. Fighter has some really good passive perks for increasing weight capacity and the like, Strider has double jump and bows make it easier to deal with flyers, mage... Is a little more difficult to understand, but flashy


If it's running at 4k on 970, it doesn't deserve a performance patch. Sorry, that's just the way it is. I can't run Witcher 3 on a laptop and in good conscience call it unoptimized when it runs like shit.

yeah, you're right but the problem is that the drops happen even on newer and more powerful cpu than mine. But let's see after the release of the game.


Wbacon added a new text file to the Dragon's Dogma Mega page


1080p/60 5GB footage was captured on an Nvidia GTX 770 desktop graphics coupled with Core i7 4770K at stock speeds. All settings maxed out with the exception HDR. HDR offers two settings, LOW and HIGH, but technically HIGH isn't necessarily better. It simply gives light sources additional brightness (such as lanterns, spell glows, flame effects, direct sun light, and so on). LOW settings is the originally intended brightness and will look much more natural, which is what I prefer in this game.

4K/60fps sample footage...this was taken on the same PC as above with the exception of the graphics card. Either an AMD 290X OEM reference card or an Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan Black was used but I can't recall which since it was captured back in September.
Is this game going to be more like DMC4's version of the engine? Since DMC4SE claimed it would except they used the crash-heavy DX10 version and added a bunch of effects that caused universal massive performance drops (which, of course, most people didn't notice because who can tell the difference between 300 fps and 160 fps).
The video settings look kinda promising, but you never know.


For what it's worth, Dragon's Dogma Online benchmark was CPU bound and dropped in the city scene with lots of NPCs. Went from 60 to 35 fps on my 3570K at 4.4 Ghz.


I don't think there's any right class for starting out. Fighter has some really good passive perks for increasing weight capacity and the like, Strider has double jump and bows make it easier to deal with flyers, mage... Is a little more difficult to understand, but flashy

The bow and jump abilities of strider just makes it a lot easier to tackle everything at the start at close range and distance, so I figure it's an easy recommend. Fighter is fun too, just less flexible without range.


Nah you're good

Nah, I'd rather not use effort and just murder everything in three seconds with assassin :y

If there's one positive to the game leaking early for pirates it's that mods can be worked on earlier. i hope someone comes out with a DANGAN restoration mod.


Any general tips for first time players?

Some side quests disappear as you advance the main quest. Don't be afraid to run the fuck away if you feel like a monster is out of your league(like, if you run into a drake while wandering around), and bitterblack isle isn't well balanced for play when you're at the beginning of the game, so I wouldn't go there before doing a chunk of the main quests unless you're feeling particularly brave.

Keep in mind that every class has pluses and minuses to it, so just pick what you feel like you'd have fun playing.
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