Why do they do this.
So I can get up early for once on my off day to play? ^_^
Why do they do this.
25PERC-2016GM-WTHGMG still works at GMG.
Or, you know, not. And you mash buttons to skip that godawful music. Thank you Capcom for removing that POS from Dark Arisen, at least my ears aren't bleeding anymore.
25PERC-2016GM-WTHGMG still works at GMG.
Great deals always disrupt my carefully laid-out plans.
Has there been any mention of PS4/X1 ports? Had to stop paing the PS3 version as the low fps was getting to me.
This may shed more light on the matter:Again, I think narrative that Capcom is disappointed with a game that effectively has sold 2.3 million units is simply a false one at this point. Also consider that Dragon's Dogma / DA is Capcom's 20th best selling game in the company's 30 year history. If you are not satisfied with the sales of your game which ends up being in the top 20 from a company that has put out hundreds and hundreds of games in it's three decades of gaming, then color me surprised.
Keep in mind Dragon's Dogma beats out a lot of big Capcom IP's in Japanese sales. Hopefully the PC version and a seemingly obvious would-be PS4/XboxOne port can help the Western markets catch up to how the franchise sells in Japan.
EDIT: No details on the budget costs of DD is known. I know they said it was one of their bigger projects. But in development time, Itsuno began working no DD after he finished Devil May Cry 4 in 2008. So the game had about a 3 year development cycle from 2009 - 2011. As it was released relatively early in 2012. And a 3 year dev., cycle certainly isn't abnormal. Mind you, it could be even less if there was much downtime for the staff, Itusno was also supervising Ninja Theory during this time frame.
Dragon's Dogma can sell 10 million worldwide, reckons Capcom
Capcom is hoping to sell 10 million copies of forthcoming fantasy RPG Dragon's Dogma, according to producer Hideaki Itsuno.
Speaking to Videogamer, Itsuno insisted that figure was ambitious but attainable, and is emblematic of Capcom's desire to chase success on a global stage and not just in Japan.
"I don't know if other Japanese developers are trying to become more global, but I know we definitely are," he said.
"It's difficult, because we really want this game to sell 10 million units worldwide. We want to sell a lot, and that's just something that we think we can do. We're not positive [it will be a success]. Of course it's a risk, but that's what we want - a challenge."
It strikes me as exceedingly unlikely that Capcom's then-most-expensive project to date and its expansion pack-laden re-release selling a combined 2.3m across three years was a profitable venture. But that doesn't necessarily make belated ports a bad idea as they're relatively cheap, so I'm not trying to suggest that Capcom is wasting its time with the PC release; on the contrary, it'll likely be successful when considered as its own project.
This may shed more light on the matter:
Has there been any mention of PS4/X1 ports? Had to stop paing the PS3 version as the low fps was getting to me.
No. But considering the game has already effectively been remastered, seems odd not to take advantage of the next-gen PS4/XOne high install base.
PC Gamer: Its interesting, because recent Capcom remasters like Resident Evil made it to consoles, toobut this is PC-only. Why is PC such a good match for Dragons Dogma?
Jon: This is a game that already looks great on Xbox 360 and PS3, but increased draw distances and uncompressed textures on a powerful PC makes it look absolutely beautiful. Its also a game that includes many elements inspired by classic RPGs released on the PC. Those reasons plus the requests from our fans make this a perfect fit for a PC release.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, dude.EDIT: Wait, that more reads like he 'wants' the game to sell 10 million units, not necessarily that the game 'needs' to sell 10 million units to be financially viable from a business perspective.
Everytime I look at this game, it looks much more like a pure action game then an RPG.
Everytime I look at this game, it looks much more like a pure action game then an RPG.
Does it have any kind of interesting story, quests or different playstyles?
Everytime I look at this game, it looks much more like a pure action game then an RPG.
Does it have any kind of interesting story, quests or different playstyles?
Everytime I look at this game, it looks much more like a pure action game then an RPG.
Does it have any kind of interesting story, quests or different playstyles?
There is an open gaf group for the game. I'd give you the link but I am on my iPhone.dumb question that was surely answered somewhere:
Are people sharing steam ids here because the game allows to hire pawns from specific steam friends?
dumb question that was surely answered somewhere:
Are people sharing steam ids here because the game allows to hire pawns from specific steam friends?
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dragonsdogmagafThere is an open gaf group for the game. I'd give you the link but I am on my iPhone.
boxed version just shippedI guess I still have to wait till it unlocks on steam, though, right?
dumb question that was surely answered somewhere:
Are people sharing steam ids here because the game allows to hire pawns from specific steam friends?
Everytime I look at this game, it looks much more like a pure action game then an RPG.
Does it have any kind of interesting story, quests or different playstyles?
Even a respec-trainer option won't fix that because it would be tedious changing settings every time, let alone pointless if the server sees you pawn has gone down levels. Is there some family-multi account share thing on steam?
The loot system is very well done. As an RPG is it is one of the most fun because the combat is what makes it all come together.
The DLC area is designed to be looped to harvest materials and gold/rift. Coupled with gameplay and so on the story is not really critical in any of that.
Think of it like Torchlight/Diablo where the loot system is basically one of the most important things.
The single Steam save system doesn't make sense though. . . like Torchlight, you get so many different armors/weps suited for different builds so if someone wanted a specific pawn/use setup like a low level mage pawn for one account and an end game pawn to play around with they can't.
Even a respec-trainer option won't fix that because it would be tedious changing settings every time, let alone pointless if the server sees you pawn has gone down levels. Is there some family-multi account share thing on steam?
Yes, your friend's pawns are free no matter their levels.
Friend pawns are free to hire IIRC
You can change your class. The max level is 200.
Does the game has Acts or something which shows you how far in the game you are (beside wikia)?
You can change your class. The max level is 200.
Can I get the eternal ferrystone after completing "Off With Its Head " on consoles or is this just for the PC version?
I'm still wondering how fast you level (character and vocation) in the game. Does the game has Acts or something which shows you how far in the game you are (beside wikia)?
Is the story on par with games like Witcher 3 or is it more like their previous game, DMC4? I was hoping it would be pretty good since there seems to be Japanese voices<3
Is the story on par with games like Witcher 3 or is it more like their previous game, DMC4? I was hoping it would be pretty good since there seems to be Japanese voices<3
Are they going to sell digital codes on Amazon? I need to work through all this gift card money.
gave up and bought the game
hope you are happy GAF
so..how does the whole "pawn from friends are free" works?
do i have to add dozens of gaffer one at the time or there's a faster way?
No. Your leveling is determined by how badass you are.
Feel you're up to taking on a Chimera at level 5? Go nuts. If you manage to kill it the xp is great.
So basically it's like devil may cry's style points which gives you xp. Got it.
as far as I have seen, story, dialogue, world and quest design is below MMO standards. it's all about the action
Can I get the eternal ferrystone after completing "Off With Its Head " on consoles or is this just for the PC version?
There is an open gaf group for the game. I'd give you the link but I am on my iPhone.
I think i've found my start menu song:https://youtu.be/BXw-l7dDNcY?list=PLPs0THIUAAzBIHmodWVnfDWnIL-_O-ogJ
Don't get me wrong, i like into free.