So basically it's like devil may cry's style points which gives you xp according to how well you performed. Got it.
My friends list is now full and I can't do anything about it at the moment since my account is restricted, so I apologise in advance to those who send me friends requests I can't yet accept.
I think i've found my start menu song:
Don't get me wrong, i like into free.
How big does the list get?
Unlocks at 7.30 PM here in Italy. It will be a Dogma Night.
I need to know this too. I've got Amazon gift cards for days and like $3 in my Steam wallet.
It depends on your account level.
How big does the list get?
9 AM PST should be 6 PM here
it says 1 day and 5 hours on steam now. I got it wrong?
Oh cool, if that's true for everybody (I know it's supposed to be but... yeah game unlocking on steam lol) it unlocks one hour earlier than is expected!Boop.
My start menu song for sure (it just goes so well with anything anyway) :
Yeah, that's one hour earlier than my timer as well.
Oh cool, if that's true for everybody (I know it's supposed to be but... yeah game unlocking on steam lol) it unlocks one hour earlier than is expected!
Oooh good choice. When it comes to games that song will always belong to that witcher 2 trailer for me....
Bought it today in retail store. Unlocked and preloaded already. Time, fly FASTER!Enjoyed it on the PS3, but playing this at 60 FPS without borders makes it much more enticing to jump back in.
Oh cool, if that's true for everybody (I know it's supposed to be but... yeah game unlocking on steam lol) it unlocks one hour earlier than is expected!
When is the OT allowed to go up?
Top of the priority list for a sequel if they ever make one should be to allow monk/fist builds of some kind. Hell, I'd even be cool with magic being use-able without staffs or something. If punching is ever a weapon type, you bet that I'll throw every OPM song I can in there.
C'mon Giant Bomb get on that quick look!
Just maxed out Assassin for the first time, and I can see why people love this class. Dark Souls players and people who hate pawns should take note, this is probably the class for you.
Just maxed out Assassin for the first time, and I can see why people love this class. Dark Souls players and people who hate pawns should take note, this is probably the class for you.
- It has satisfying parries and counterattacks.Activating the "Masterful Kill" skill is a bit like parrying in Souls, and the riposte is a gorgeous, multi-hit, acrobatic launcher. Just about any physical attack can be parried too, from a tiny goblin's club to a chimera's pouncing slam to the enormous fist of a cyclops.
-Easiest class to solo.The "Autonomy" augment (perk) grants you big bonuses to attack and defense for traveling alone, I find myself doing even better without pawns than I was with a full party.
-Most versatile class, with access to short bows, daggers, swords and shields and all of their respective skills.The "Fivefold Flurry" bow skill and "Hundred Kisses" dagger skill give you a godlike offense at close and long range.
The only downside is having low HP compared to most other classes, but unlike in Souls you're extremely maneuverable and can really easily utilize the environment to your advantage, making the old git gud adage of "don't get hit" very feasible.
Are they the only class with parries/counters? That is the thing that I love most in...well, any game where you can parry or counter.
You can do both preeeeeeetty easily. Don't commit to a single vocation before trying out whatever you think sounds rad. However, warrior and the bigass weapon can do a stupid amount of damage in a single hit. If you wanna totally dunk on monsters, it's a good vocation for that. You get less skills (which the PC version might mod out), but you also don't need as many since they're all basically "Do a shitload of damage."Thanks for this.
Myself I'm torn between this and a warrior with a big ass sword.
The big ass sword tempts me because this game is so good giving hit feedback with the slow-mo and such, feels like using a greatsword will be a dream.
The assasin is tempting me based on his versatility, having a class that works with sword and bow means that any combat style is possible.
I'm sooooooo torn :C.
Someone speak good about the warrior and the bigass weapons, please.
What is the absolute worst build to play?
I've been told a night perk assassin or a magician.
How big does the list get?
And pre ordered. that eternal stone better be very fast to get lol.
i'm dying to have an actual great Griffon fight(looking at you Witcher 3)
Its not unlocking at midnight?
ehh..I don't understand this question?
You mean the night augment that buffs your damage? That makes assassin pretty super strong, especially combined with the lone wolf augment.
Also magician isn't a build, it's a class of its own and works just fine.
You can do both preeeeeeetty easily. Don't commit to a single vocation before trying out whatever you think sounds rad. However, warrior and the bigass weapon can do a stupid amount of damage in a single hit. If you wanna totally dunk on monsters, it's a good vocation for that. You get less skills (which the PC version might mod out), but you also don't need as many since they're all basically "Do a shitload of damage."
What is the absolute worst build to play?
Its not unlocking at midnight?
Midnight unlocks are generally reserved for high-profile releases as someone at Valve has to flick the switch, although if memory serves I think wbacon said circa the release of Dead Rising 3 that Valve was looking at allowing publishers to handle worldwide and country-specific release state changes themselves (but I'm probably misremembering). That Valve has to change release states itself is also why games don't release on weekends.