If anyone's interested: We are going to stream the game in 2h15m on twitch.tv/hookedmagazin - it's 720p but if you want to see how it runs with 60 fps, there you go.
Also, to anyone new to the game: Don't get caught up in the hype too much. I love the game, put almost 100 hours into the console version and it's probably my favorite WRPG...but it has some big, BIG problems.
The beginning of this game can be beyond tedious. One of the first main quests asks you to escort an incredibly slow, wooden cart through quite a stretch of land for what feels like 20 minutes. Many side quests barely explain themselves, asking you to find certain persons without them even being present on the map. I spent quite a bit of time looking for a NPC i needed to talk to, only to find out that he only spawns during the afternoon in the city. He goes outside the city before, but isn't actually a character outside the city walls - he simply de-spawns. You have no way of knowing that. Also, you can only sleep until nightfall or morning, so you simply have to wait for 10 minutes real time for him to arrive. It's terrible quest design. Side quests also randomly fail and disappear if you progress different parts of the main story, without you ever knowing which quests you have to complete before a certain point.
It also still suffers from extreme enemy pop-up, one of the most boring fantasy worlds I have ever seen and bad dialogue & storytelling. None of this mattered too much to me since the battle system and monster designs were so incredibly awesome, but I feel like some people may expect a very different game from reading this thread and end up disappointed. Know what you are in for