So 53 minutes and 22 seconds till the OT goes up?![]()
It should already be up.
I forgot the gmt+1
So 53 minutes and 22 seconds till the OT goes up?![]()
I was wondering if anyone is going to make a Geralt and a Triss pawn? I would do it, but I'm completely terrible at making characters lol.
I was wondering if anyone is going to make a Geralt and a Triss pawn? I would do it, but I'm completely terrible at making characters lol.
I'm making my character Geralt and Triss will be my pawn. Been my plan for a while, gonna spend hours perfecting them.
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen PC |OT| Devil May Elder Souls
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen PC |OT| Colossus May Scroll
One of the best boss themes ever, I gotta say. Gets you immensely hyped.
I still like "They're Steamworks all, you can't go wrong"
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen PC |OT| Definitive Edition
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen PC |OT| CAPCOM PLEASE PORT IT TO PS4
Almost there
I have a very important question. Someone can explain me the benefits of picking a basic vocation?
Also, what skills are carried over when you change your vocation?
I just dont understand why anyone would pick a basic vocation considering you have the advanced ones open from the get-go.
If anyone has a simple understandable guide please, I'm in need.
The PC port doesn't introduce much new and certain elements could be stronger, but Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen still shines as a uniquely enjoyable RPG.
Port-wise, this is a decent job, starting with the fact that it has no problem with alt-tabbing in and out. Hurrah! I dont have a system that lets me test its 4K support, but it has it, the action isnt capped at 30FPS, and it ran smoothly throughout. You can see its age, or to be more accurate, its generation target in quite a few of the details, with the bland landscapes being the biggest reminder. Its monsters can still impress though, from the wobbly bottom fat as you stab an Ogre to the sprawling snakes on the back of its chimeras when they make their occasional appearances. Its no The Witcher 3, obviously, but it holds up better than a lot of JRPGs that come our way after a protracted gap. Theres no option to play with Japanese audio though, if you prefer the subbed experience over the flat, though not painfully terrible English voices.
I have a very important question. Someone can explain me the benefits of picking a basic vocation?
Also, what skills are carried over when you change your vocation?
I just dont understand why anyone would pick a basic vocation considering you have the advanced ones open from the get-go.
If anyone has a simple understandable guide please, I'm in need.
I think that jumping classes to advanced versions makes you lose certain skills/attacks when you do it, that's why if you're gonna do it you gotta do it asap. Can't confirm though it's been a while.
I was able to successfully clear all the side quest on my first run with no internet/guide, and no map.It's one of those games that if you truly try your best, you wont miss out on anything.
I disabled the map, and all huds everything,I felt I needed to connect to the game via my senses. And boy did it pay off, Once I was done with the game getting the platinum was easy, since I had done all the side quest already.Playing without the map allowed me to memorize the entire map, and honestly it's a small game once you think about it.
I'd say the hardest quest for me was the find the snake purse one.
just saw some dagger animations, I dont know what class it was but it looked badass, really smooth attack animations. Not sure if I want to go mage now >_>
what are the chances for a mod that lets you take control of your pawn(s)?
just saw some dagger animations, I dont know what class it was but it looked badass, really smooth attack animations. Not sure if I want to go mage now >_>
You can change classes relatively freely. You are never locked into playing a certain class once you reach Gran Soren.
Let me put it this way: I play mage in every fantasy RPG, and play Biotic in Mass Effect (aka I like magic based classes) but Dragon's Dogma is the only one I played Strider because dagger and bow combat is fun as fuck. I'd say you'd be missing out as there aren't many games where melee combat is this fun, and ranged combat? Forget about it, I would say there is no better game to have fun playing with bows.
You have to choose between Fighter, Strider or Mage from the get-go. The rest are not accessible until you get to Gran Soren.
The "advanced" vocations are not automaticall more powerful than the basic vocations. They simply do different things. A strider does things differently than a ranger, for example. A sorcerer has different spells available to them compared to a mage.
Augments carry over no matter what, while weapon-related skills usually carry over (but not in every instance).
You would pick a basic vocation to get access to it's augments, or because you like the way it plays and the weapons and skills at it's disposal.
You lose absolutely nothing permanently by changing your vocation. Maxing out a vocation is also an incredibly simple process and you're likely to max out at least 3 (if you want to) just by playing through the game.
what about the gear?
I got one important question.
Let's say I play assasin, do I have the same avaible skills to buy (I know they carry over to any other class that can use a sword) than I would get with the warrior? Again, in terms of general sword skills, not specific ones.
The answer to that either drops or not the need to change the vocation to get non-class weapon-tied skills.
did I not read bows were awful in DD?
What? Hell no.
DD has the best bow combat ever.
what about the gear?
did I not read bows were awful in DD?
guess I read wrong then. I do like my bows, what class was that? Strider?
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen PC |OT| Wolves Hunt in PCs
You have to choose between Fighter, Strider or Mage from the get-go. The rest are not accessible until you get to Gran Soren..
what about the gear?
did I not read bows were awful in DD?
Ah. Then I guess I'll do that. None of my monetary info is on steam anyways.
guess I read wrong then. I do like my bows, what class was that? Strider?
Whoever told you is a filthy liar, bows are best played in DD
and yes strider at first. then you can go into magic archer, or long bow user, etc... which they tend to keep daggers as secondary weapons.
Magic archer![]()
that's good yo
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen PC |OT| CAPCOM PLEASE PORT IT TO PS4,and I guess X1
Magic archer![]()
Magic Archers can light themselves on fire, then run around and catch everything else on fire.Magic archer![]()
Do the pillar of the community badge too. If you do 28 of 29 of those things it's worth 500exp (+400 from what you have). That'll get you about 4 levels. You get +5 friend list capacity per level.
Magic archer![]()