Worst comes to worstIt's not going to be released in Western countries, so most of you in this thread won't get to play it anyways.
It's not going to be released in Western countries, so most of you in this thread won't get to play it anyways.
It's not going to be released in Western countries, so most of you in this thread won't get to play it anyways.
It's not going to be released in Western countries, so most of you in this thread won't get to play it anyways.
People are still saying this game is for sure not coming west? Don't we all know that "no plans" means "uh yeah not right now guys give it like a month or something"? They could wake up tomorrow and say "NOW we're bringing over DDOnline!" and the no plans statement would still hold.
And I mean it's not like they're doing a PS4 version for Japans benefit. Like seriously, it's coming west.
If it does come west, maybe 1-2 years after the fact.People are still saying this game is for sure not coming west? Don't we all know that "no plans" means "uh yeah not right now guys give it like a month or something"? They could wake up tomorrow and say "NOW we're bringing over DDOnline!" and the no plans statement would still hold.
And I mean it's not like they're doing a PS4 version for Japans benefit. Like seriously, it's coming west.
People are still saying this game is for sure not coming west? Don't we all know that "no plans" means "uh yeah not right now guys give it like a month or something"? They could wake up tomorrow and say "NOW we're bringing over DDOnline!" and the no plans statement would still hold.
And I mean it's not like they're doing a PS4 version for Japans benefit. Like seriously, it's coming west.
It's not going to be released in Western countries, so most of you in this thread won't get to play it anyways.
But.. Monster Hunter Frontier Online never get a Western release..
It's still online, in fact.
So this is competing directly with Deep Down?
But.. Monster Hunter Frontier Online never get a Western release..
It's still online, in fact.
Yeah too many people are jumping the gun here
I believe the original game was made with a western audience in mind.
Why wouldn't they release it????!!!!
I might not be paying attention to the right games, but I see more games being brought over here than I ever have before. I'm seriously surprised at some of the games getting localised nowadays.If it does come west, maybe 1-2 years after the fact.
"Major" japanese titles though do not release in the west. It takes some effort for that to happen. Its easier for the Asian market to get a western game translated and in their region than a Japanese game coming over to the west. Its truly unfair but thats how it is.
Dragon's Dogma doesn't have the strength that the Monster Hunter IP has in Japan.They need all the money they can get.
I might not be paying attention to the right games, but I see more games being brought over here than I ever have before. I'm seriously surprised at some of the games getting localised nowadays.
Plus, like others have said, Dragon's Dogma doesn't have the hold in Japan that it needs to be reliably successful there alone. Hell, I'm pretty sure I remember Capcom saying the aim for Dragon's Dogma was to combine western and Japanese style RPGs to appeal to both sides.
I'm confident that this will be localised. It would make no sense not to, given what we know.
I just realized Deep Down is a thing... Capcom wants to compete with itself to prove a point.Or just took all their manpower off of Deep Down and put it on Dragon's Dogma cause of Sony's moneyhat.
Deep Down hasn't even been officially announced for the West yet, has it? And even if it did recently get a western announcement, it started as a JP only game.Yup. I feel capcom will have Deep Down as the western MMO F2P title and have DDO locked to asian regions. Keep your expectations in check people. Famitsu article should of had something along the lines of "aiming to release in western markets" for me to believe or think it had a chance of coming out.
Capcom doing what it does best, destroying its own franchises.
So will this force sega to finally bring pso 2 stateside? (And also for consoles)
Isn`t Capcom already in a financial bad position, and now they want to give us Dragon`s Dogma Online that is F2P? A game that people loved for it`s offline singleplayer mode?
Do you realize that F2P market is way bigger than B2P or P2P market?
Yeah, but isn`t that with mobile gaming?
I've never actually sat down and played Dragon's Dogma, I messed with it a bit but never really dug in to it...thinking I should go back and do that.
Capcom is going to have Deep Down and Dragon's Dogma cannibalize each other like they did with their fighters a few years ago (New SF4 version, SFxT and UMVC3).
Deep Down hasn't even been officially announced for the West yet, has it? And even if it did recently get a western announcement, it started as a JP only game.
There's no clever game plan going on, here. Just Capcom being sloppy, and pushing two big titles into a category with no proven massive success.
The Beginning of a Capcom Five Moment for PlayStation.
Waiting for it.
Unless you can read Japanese, you're going to be waiting a heck of a long time...or forever.
Capcom is pretty much pulling a Sega with this game (ala PSO). DD failed in their eyes to now we can't have any sequels as a result.
Deep Down is the Dragon's Dogma sequel we are getting ladies and gentlemen. Might as well get use to it.![]()