How does this game fare compared to Diablo III & Skyrim?
so I was doing this quest where I had to take back this fortress from the goblins. I met up with the captain of this group of knights in front of the said fortress who asked me to sneak inside through a tunnel so I can open the front gate for them for an assault. I went inside and did ok for a while. Got the gate opened for the knights but right in the middle of the fortress ground we had to fight 2 cyclops while fire arrows on top of the fortress keep shooting at us. The entire squad of knights got wiped and I was left with only my party again. I tried many times but it was too difficult to take out the cyclops with the arrows shooting at us.
I managed to take out the goblins manning the ballista near the front gate, but I dont know if the ones on the other end of the fortress can be reached at all. Is there a way to take those out too?
Play a Sorc, and you'll get that all the time.Accidentally "used" Salomet's Grimoire.
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How does this game fare compared to Diablo III & Skyrim?
I think your only option is to snipe them, until the doors leading up to them are opened during a cutscene. Best bet is to lure the Cyclops away and behind a structure so you have some cover from the arrows. Do not open the gate for the Knights until the Cyclops are taken care of.
well, when my mage/sorcerer pawn was doing time as a warrior just to build up hp, i didn't bother learning any skills (just a couple augments). so i'm thinking it's not always not knowing how to equip skills in some cases - people might be saving up dp for skills in other jobs...
I'm a fighter so can't snipeI wonder what triggers that cutscene?
Guess in the meantime I'll try fighting the cyclops behind some cover.
The door opened for me when I killed (or close to killing) 1 cyclops if I remember correctly, then I just go up there, finish the rest and go back to that remaining one.
You need to get a lever and attach it to open the door. I'm guessing a pawn did it for you, the lever itself is inside a broken up building in the area you have to go down. I killed both cyclops and had to search around for it.
I just wanted to say that I love reading these.The way the game is so nonchalant about pairing off the Arisen with a high affinity NPC is really bizarre, but in a good way. There are already threads of people sharing how borked their games were, like ending up paired with Fournival. It seems more like another quirk to hate/love than a rookie mistake. God, this game is weird.
Ngghhh come on Malestrom you can do it
...awwww yeahhhhhh
They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong!This game is so awesomely, quoteably repetitive, its gonna be Xenoblade all over again lol.
anyone got the weapon pack dlc?
...I managed to take out the goblins manning the ballista near the front gate, but I dont know if the ones on the other end of the fortress can be reached at all. Is there a way to take those out too?
Controlling a mage is pretty boring, all told. I'm not a big fan of the staff-based magics because of how long you spend channelling them, to say nothing of how you need to worry about healing and whatnot in the middle of combat. Pretty much dull as dishwater.
Does anyone else find Magick Archer to be rather overpowered? Especially when you add elemental buffs.
I did. Its all shit you could buy from the Black Cat, only its in your storage and you didn't have to use gold to get it. They are specialized weapons that do added damage to specific enemies.
Okay, sidequest-question:
I have no idea where to got with Ser Berne. It's one of the first escort missions. The red circle is somewhere in the "fog" and I searched the way for about 4-5 hours but didn't find it.
Is there a reason I'm getting completely trashed by human enemies? Seems a little odd that the toughest enemies I'm facing are the bandits right outside of the city.
So not worth it?
EDIT: The info says it adds the items to the Black Cat tho
"Humans will fight as fierce as any monster when pressed"
Paraphrasing. But yeah, the bandits can be some of the hardest generic enemies in the game, especially when they have Rangers raining arrows down on you, while their fighters gouge you with their blades. They're pretty easy if you're a Ranger or an Assassin yourself. Using the strongest ranged skills takes them down pretty easily.
I usually use Comet Shot to snipe from a distance and thin out their numbers, and then switch to tenfold arrow, and rip them apart as they get close.
That's before the cyclops I think, the goblins open the other side through a cutscene (unless you mean you could open them earlier manually)
Man I am loving this game so glad the Giant bomb quicklook and you guys convinced me to get this game, I just needed something to tide me over till my comp got fixed so I could play Diablo, but damn I am glad I shelled out the cash.
So it sounds like I took the common route of Strider to start which was rad but I went the assassin next which I don't see you all talking about much. I'm only rank 5 or so but I just wanted to share a great trick I just found. I love the explosives you get to plant but had trouble hitting with them until I discovered they destroy ogres.
Ogres are so slow and are always focused on the girls in my party I just walk up behind them plant a bomb then boom usually knocks them down, rinse and repeat.
Anyone else out there using the assassin? or any other general tricks/strats for someone on their first run through?
You guys think my pawn has a decent chance of getting hired if they're a Strider/Ranger?
I know Mages are hella popular online.
I think the best advice is to play what appeals most to you.I'm gonna skip Mage/Sorcerer and Magick Archer for last. Start out as Strider.
I don't know about other people, but my party was in dire need of a Strider/Ranger all the time. Bows are really useful for blunt attacks.You guys think my pawn has a decent chance of getting hired if they're a Strider/Ranger?
I know Mages are hella popular online.
Man I am loving this game so glad the Giant bomb quicklook and you guys convinced me to get this game, I just needed something to tide me over till my comp got fixed so I could play Diablo, but damn I am glad I shelled out the cash.
So it sounds like I took the common route of Strider to start which was rad but I went the assassin next which I don't see you all talking about much. I'm only rank 5 or so but I just wanted to share a great trick I just found. I love the explosives you get to plant but had trouble hitting with them until I discovered they destroy ogres.
Ogres are so slow and are always focused on the girls in my party I just walk up behind them plant a bomb then boom usually knocks them down, rinse and repeat.
Anyone else out there using the assassin? or any other general tricks/strats for someone on their first run through?
Grrr...where is the front entrance to the Catacombs?
Uhm, does the warrior unlock the ability to link skills to LB2 (On xbox 360) as well? Or does he only get to have 3 skills at once?
So I can only actually create one of my pawns? the rest have to be downloaded and previously created?
Just a thought...
Since this game is very representative of Berserk's Golden Age arc (you know, the armor and all), if it does well, will the next game be very, I don't know, representative of the Retribution Arc?
That would be cool.