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Dragon's Dogma |OT| For the night is dark and full of terrors


Was really excited to check out the Ur Dragon but apparently now it's so powerful that a lowly level 50 like me can't even do any noticeable damage. Luckily I got the drops from other people killing it last night, now I can finally start affording some good stuff.


Was really excited to check out the Ur Dragon but apparently now it's so powerful that a lowly level 50 like me can't even do any noticeable damage. Luckily I got the drops from other people killing it last night, now I can finally start affording some good stuff.

you will see damage, if you hurt it 8min withouth doing something else... but the damage will be not very much ... since it got 1470000HP O,o


Guess the compression isn't so bad as long as I don't upload it through twitter




So has anyone heard even a whisper about a possible PC release of this? I am really struggling not to buy either version right now as they each suffer from two sides of a very annoying coin (framerate/tearing).


So I've seen some pawns in armor like white wolf pelt cape, or griffon feather cape, is that just a lucky drop or do you craft them somehow?

There are 2(or 3?) feather type capes in the game, which can be found from drops or bought at various merchants(Great Wall has some, Grand Soren too). The Dire Wolf one is (to the best of my knowledge) a random drop.

Also, make sure you guys "gather" at all those glowing spots on the ground. I used to think I'd find just plain junk there...but I've been finding gear lately too. Sure it's random, but if you end up with a rock all you need to do is just drop it :)
Not surprised at all. 360 version runs much smoother than the PS3 version. Both versions of the game need to be installed to run at their best.

can you install the pS3 version?

apparently you can deactive online mode for urdragon and fight him that way. He's currently at gen 47 or something. LOL.

this game is so amazing. That
gold golem + arch lich room
was a complete bitch to fight. Thank god I happened to be a magic archer when I got in there what with the need to shoot the
floating life beacons
I found an @$$#@!& knight/castle guard and his girlfriend talking behind a tree near the castle gardens at night..

they're both pretty big dbags toward the Arizen.. its interesting hearing the Knight champion's thoughts on mercedes when you see him aroung the castle..i'm starting to think he's pretty conflicted about his feelings toward her..


can you install the pS3 version?

apparently you can deactive online mode for urdragon and fight him that way. He's currently at gen 47 or something. LOL.

this game is so amazing. That
gold golem + arch lich room
was a complete bitch to fight. Thank god I happened to be a magic archer when I got in there what with the need to shoot the
floating life beacons

It's an auto stealth install, so I don't think there is anyway around it(aside from not having space on your PS3?)


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Pachterballs said:
can you install the pS3 version?

Nope, it gradually caches stuff up though so performance actually improves slightly (particularly regarding pop-in) as you explore further. Its also apparently affected significantly by the speed/seek-time of your PS3's HD.

Anyone else find it funny how DF used to penalize PS3 games for needing an install, yet when a game (by most accounts) basically requires one on 360, its a non-issue?

Sorry, I hate DF with a passion. Purveyors of junk-science imho.


Nope, it gradually caches stuff up though so performance actually improves slightly (particularly regarding pop-in) as you explore further. Its also apparently affected significantly by the speed/seek-time of your PS3's HD.

Anyone else find it funny how DF used to penalize PS3 games for needing an install, yet when a game (by most accounts) basically requires one on 360, its a non-issue?

Sorry, I hate DF with a passion. Purveyors of junk-science imho.

it's funny how they mention the RE6 Demo in favor to the 360 version, because it's coming earlier on XBL... Yes, thats a big point for dragon's dogma ... *smh*

i'm so happy, that i can play games actually, rather than watching them and searching for buggy things...
funny that I read your post... AFTER i sold the stones to buy a 1336000 dollar sword. I don't think it'd be too difficult to get them again. It practically throws it at you

How do you get the enemy boss/es to respawn? Sleep 3x nights at the inn? I want to farm and make lots of dragonforged weapons. where are the dragons/wyrms now in the overworld?

That Arch Hydra was OMFG so great to kill. Unlike Demons Souls/Dark souls which is punishing and doensn't have a fun/much startegy (debabtable of course); DD really gives you bosses which are inventive and fun to fight.

You can also rack up a bunch of wakestones if you want to make escort quests easier and get what basically amounts to a continue screen. A second run through of the game will take no time at all with fast travel being an option, wakestones, and being over-leveled for everything.

I believe it is the same rate as the drakes in the world, so probably 3-7 days. There is that knight who allows you to sleep near the second exit at Gran Soren. It is only 100 Gold per night, so I would just sleep for a week to be sure.

One of them is directly outside the front gate at Gran Soren at night, others appear at the Chamber of Distress, Conquest Road, The Watergods Altar, and Bluemoon Tower.

If you enjoyed the Arch Hydra, there is a quest in Cassardis about a challenge you should take.

Glad that there is a clear winner. Would much rather play it on the Dualshock, but I guess 360 it is.

I would not call it clear cut, when they mention the RE6 Demo as a plus that tips the scale. It is the same issue as it has always been. What bothers you more framerate drops or screen tearing? If you know the answer then you know which version to pick up.
it's funny how they mention the RE6 Demo in favor to the 360 version, because it's coming earlier on XBL... Yes, thats a big point for dragon's dogma ... *smh*

i'm so happy, that i can play games actually, rather than watching them and searching for buggy things...

Funny how you chose the thing that wasn't the deciding factor to get upset about. The game runs smoother on the 360, which is why they preferred that one. The demo is merely a bonus.
Funny how you chose the thing that wasn't the deciding factor to get upset about. The game runs smoother on the 360, which is why they preferred that one. The demo is merely a bonus.

he didn't say it was.. i haven't seen a single post of yours that doesn't have a negative tone, even in regards to this game..is that like your "thing"?


God, who gives a shit who prefers what version? The game is fully playable on both systems. Some will prefer it on the PS3 with a cleaner image, while others will enjoy a smoother framerate on the 360. Just roll with the one you are most comfortable with and let others do the same. Be content with your preference and enjoy the game itself, which is what should be the focus here anyway.
God, who gives a shit who prefers what version? The game is fully playable on both systems. Some will prefer it on the PS3 with a cleaner image, while others will enjoy a smoother framerate on the 360. Just roll with the one you are most comfortable with and let others do the same. Be content with your preference and enjoy the game itself, which is what should be the focus here anyway.

especially when the experience is solid on both, the issues in either version are relatively minor, i'd say its MOST important to get it on whatever system you have friends who'd most likely get it too (pawn trading)
it's funny how they mention the RE6 Demo in favor to the 360 version, because it's coming earlier on XBL... Yes, thats a big point for dragon's dogma ... *smh*

i'm so happy, that i can play games actually, rather than watching them and searching for buggy things...

he didn't say it was.. i haven't seen a single post of yours that doesn't have a negative tone, even in regards to this game..is that like your "thing"?

He complains about someone talking about the visual differences in a game...after reading an article on a site that's dedicated to comparing cross-platform games. If comparisons like that bother you, one would think you'd avoid going there. "Negative tone"? You mean I've been honest about the plusses and minuses in Dragon's Dogma? The same way I treat every game? Yeah, I can see how someone being honest is so bothersome. Yeesh.

God, who gives a shit who prefers what version? The game is fully playable on both systems. Some will prefer it on the PS3 with a cleaner image, while others will enjoy a smoother framerate on the 360. Just roll with the one you are most comfortable with and let others do the same. Be content with your preference and enjoy the game itself, which is what should be the focus here anyway.

Who gives a shit? Umm, how about the hundred or so posts in this thread and the other DD threads where people were asking which version to get and were told to wait for the DF analysis before anything would be added to the OP. Those people give a shit, which is why DF does what it does.


especially when the experience is solid on both, the issues in either version are relatively minor, i'd say its MOST important to get it on whatever system you have friends who'd most likely get it too (pawn trading)

Indeed, you can't go wrong either way. Just enjoy the game and leave all this nit-pickery system war shit for the birds. So many discussions about great games devolve into this mess instead of just talking about the game itself. Now if one version was some unplayable, broken mess I could see it, but that is not the case at all. Both are solid, but have their own little technical quibbles. Pick your poison and just have fun with the game.
Does NG+ up the difficulty? I've only met the Duke now, but I've already missed a ton of sidequests, so I'll either start a new game or wait for ng+, but I'd like it to be challenging and not just murder everything in ng+.
Indeed, you can't go wrong either way.

This is incorrect. You CAN go wrong. Numerous people in this thread have pointed out that tearing affects them negatively (makes them nauseous), and others (like myself) pointed out that a low framerate affects us similarly. For those people you can go wrong. The good thing is there's an option for both groups of people. The only people left out in the cold are PC gamers, who expect far more from a game visually than what we console gamers have learned to live with.


Wait, how much gold do you get by selling those Wakestones?

Does NG+ up the difficulty? I've only met the Duke now, but I've already missed a ton of sidequests, so I'll either start a new game or wait for ng+, but I'd like it to be challenging and not just murder everything in ng+.

Difficulty is the same in NG+. Not necessarily a bad thing, really.


Wait, how much gold do you get by selling those Wakestones?

30k a stone.

For people popping in to see how much life the Ur-Dragon has left, don't. Leaving the room before it flies away counts as a death which heals it. Ever since gen 45, it's been progressively harder to kill him. We're currently on Gen 49 (PS3 ver) and it's still at six bars of health since the morning. Either the Ur-Dragon is getting stronger with each new gen, or the number or people that just pop into the room and leave is higher than the number of people actually fighting it.


This game... Wow! I haven't had this much fun playing in a while.

Close to reaching Shadow Fort to bring my escorted guy; and after dying miserably a few times, I hang out on top of a high rock with my pawn, during the late part of the nite, waiting for day light because we ran out of curative potions or stuff to combine and it was dark and creepy as hell out there; a dragon flying by the Fort entrance, a Chimera and a troop of Goblins! LOL!

I hope more people buy this gem new so we support the developers. I want a sequel so bad! better yet, I hope they come out with some meaty worthy DLC and I'll be there.
He complains about someone talking about the visual differences in a game...after reading an article on a site that's dedicated to comparing cross-platform games. If comparisons like that bother you, one would think you'd avoid going there. "Negative tone"? You mean I've been honest about the plusses and minuses in Dragon's Dogma? The same way I treat every game? Yeah, I can see how someone being honest is so bothersome. Yeesh.

Who gives a shit? Umm, how about the hundred or so posts in this thread and the other DD threads where people were asking which version to get and were told to wait for the DF analysis before anything would be added to the OP. Those people give a shit, which is why DF does what it does.

the thing is you don't stop..ever.. i often wonder if you really even like the game.


Who gives a shit? Umm, how about the hundred or so posts in this thread and the other DD threads where people were asking which version to get and were told to wait for the DF analysis before anything would be added to the OP. Those people give a shit, which is why DF does what it does.

I can clearly see you do. Look, the game is fully playable on both consoles, but each have their own unique technical quibbles. I have no problem with people informing themselves on which system they want to buy it on, I am just sick of discussions on great games that are fine on either console devolving into a discussion about which is 'teh superior version.' Neither version is broken, let's just discuss the game. That is all I am saying.
This is quite easily the best RPG I ever played since DeS & DkS. It is now on my top 3 list. Great job Capcom!

as i thought i might, i'm enjoying dragon's dogma more than i did dark souls, which, while fun, just felt a lot of the time like an inferior, & overly-familiar, extension of demon's souls (still my #1 :) ). this game just feels fresh in a way dark souls never really did for me - maybe a case of 'too much of a good thing'?...
Does NG+ up the difficulty? I've only met the Duke now, but I've already missed a ton of sidequests, so I'll either start a new game or wait for ng+, but I'd like it to be challenging and not just murder everything in ng+.

I'm finding the game's difficulty to be similar to Amalur's. It started off challenging but then I leveled up (I think too much) and now everything is a cakewalk. The difference in DD being that you can artificially make the game more challenging by not bringing the two extra pawns, whereas in Amalur you were pretty much screwed. At level 35 now I'm at the point where me and my main can easily destroy the dragon near the fortress simply by shooting arrows at him (magic archer).


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Digital Foundry Analysis

Surprising, considering what the IGN review said. I guess installing makes a huge difference on the 360.

So they completely ignored the uninstalled version of the 360? Wow how unlike DF. So like all DF articles, ignore the text and read the numbers. They can't help but be subjective in their editorial comment towards the 360.

So far I've had no complaints about the PS3 performance, just some audio stuttering during auto saves.
I can clearly see you do. Look, the game is fully playable on both consoles, but each have their own unique technical quibbles. I have no problem with people informing themselves on which system they want to buy it on, I am just sick of discussions on great games that are fine on either console devolving into a discussion about which is 'teh superior version.' Neither version is broken, let's just discuss the game. That is all I am saying.

You should ignore the posts that are like that then, because a lot of us own both consoles and aren't fanboys of either, so the DF declaration is seen more as a guide than an insult. I appreciate the work DF does, although you're right in that it does lead to a lot of fanboy handwringing unfortunately.


You should ignore the posts that are like that then, because a lot of us own both consoles and aren't fanboys of either, so the DF declaration is seen more as a guide than an insult. I appreciate the work DF does, although you're right in that it does lead to a lot of fanboy handwringing unfortunately.

I own both consoles as well, and like I said, I have no issue with people informing themselves on which version they want to buy. I just started to see the snowball roll down the hill and made my comment before the conversation devolved into a 'my version is teh best' pissing contest. As it takes away from the game.
Hell if I know. The chatroom's been empty for weeks. It's mostly 1-2 people at night tops.

I agree. For most of the game, DD is mediocre at best. The real fun starts post game.

Which is probably why it got so many bad reviews. I doubt many reviewers bothered with NG+.
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