Is there a fast travel option in this game?
Is there a fast travel option in this game?
You can buy ferrystones from a few vendors, which teleport you back to Gran Soren, but that's it.
Divine Surcoat with Dragon Knight Helm? Nice.
Heads-up: Ur Gen 66 is at 3 bars now and dropping, probably be easy loots in an a bit.
Lucent said:Yeah I saw that. So even if he's not flying around when I go to his area, when it dies, will I still see loot? I've never done this before. He WAS there, but then I fired a few arrows and left after he looked at me. =x
At this point unless you're pretty high level its best to try and hold out until you can get an easy kill on him. Basically once he's been downed there's a grace period where everyone entering his chamber has a chance of getting a kill-shot on him. Lasts for 15-30 mins apparently.
So short version, check in at lament chamber and see how much hp he has left, if he's got 0 dots left, have at it. If not, exit out the back door and try later.
Gen 66 is mean as hell. He's smashed a couple of groups and as a result he want back up to nearly 5 bars, and last I check he was still about where he was when I made my post ; ;
Is there a fast travel option in this game?
Lucent said:EDIT: Forgot to ask, if he's not there, how do you get him to show up again?
I think he's always there, or at worst go back the guild and rest until the next day.
Also, as an assassin make sure you go at night - the nighttime boosts are super-useful in Everfall.
Speak with Madeleine and she will ask for an idol too so go get a silver one and give her that. I've not found a use for the bronze idol myself.
Just started this game yesterday. Hey guy, knock down these scarecrows! Great! Now kill this fucking huge multi-headed dragon thing!
Wait, what?
Beyond potions and the knowledge chair, I'm pretty sure inclinations can change depending on what actions you give to your pawns (using "Come!" often turns them more toward Guardian, for example) and also what the other pawns in your party are. If you have two pawns that are scavengers, your main pawn may slowly grow into one, too, possibly even overthrowing his or her current primary/secondary inclinations. It's a pretty hidden mechanic--I wouldn't be surprised if your pawn's inclinations can also change while recruited by other players. Hopefully someone with a little more knowledge on this can chime in.In any case, why does my inclination keep changing. I know I leave it as Utilitarian and Challenger and after a few hours its back to Guardian what is going on? Is this a glitch?
You're locked into that last quest after handing in the stones, so finish all your postgame stuff before giving them away because NG+ starts right after.For people on NG+ and beyond, how much is there time-wise to do after you trade in your 20 stones before it restarts?
Weird, just after getting my second Ur kill I'm horrendously overpowered. The suddenness of it was really surprising.
For people on NG+ and beyond, how much is there time-wise to do after you trade in your 20 stones before it restarts?
Beyond potions and the knowledge chair, I'm pretty sure inclinations can change depending on what actions you give to your pawns (using "Come!" often turns them more toward Guardian, for example) and also what the other pawns in your party are. If you have two pawns that are scavengers, your main pawn may slowly grow into one, too, possibly even overthrowing his or her current primary/secondary inclinations. It's a pretty hidden mechanic--I wouldn't be surprised if your pawn's inclinations can also change while recruited by other players. Hopefully someone with a little more knowledge on this can chime in.
You're locked into that last quest after handing in the stones, so finish all your postgame stuff before giving them away because NG+ starts right after.![]()
All the time you want. Just turn in the 20 Wakestones when you feel like you're ready to start NG+.
Seraphis Cain said:I think you guys are misunderstanding him. Sounds to me like he's asking how much there is to do after you turn in the wakestones but before NG+ starts.
I believe carrying an idol around with you gets you a discount in shops. Bronze is worth 10% off I think.
Just got the Portcrystal. Where's the best place to put it?
Just got to the post game, anything specific I should be aware of? When / where can I buy multiple port crystals?
Do the everfall chests respawn?
When I do place the 20 stones, do I fight the Ur-Dragon?
Is it part of the story or is it part where I will have to face him multiple times to get any rare loot.
Question: So I just got past the twoboss fight and next quest iswraiths26s hrs in and lvl 46 I think so I'm curious."The Final Battle". Is this...err...really it?
man what the heck this is awesome post-game but howdo I leave Everfall now that the cutscene tossed me down here lol
Do I just... go to the bottom? It's scary!
man what the heck this is awesome post-game but howdo I leave Everfall now that the cutscene tossed me down here lol
Do I just... go to the bottom? It's scary!
I want those Holy Cuisses and Shadow Gauntlets. Anyone on PSN down for a trade?
Fuck I want this game so bad. Important bills need to be paid first.
How aare the inventory and menus in this game? Is it something you can see improved if it were ported to the wii u or no? What would be on there if it were? All this wii u talk of the past week has got me thinking aabout all kinds of possibilities like this.