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Dragon's Dogma |OT| For the night is dark and full of terrors



Yup, bomba. 91k for one of the most expensive Capcom games ever developed? They gotta be crying today, even with Japan.

ezekial is just so cute, isn't he? I have to hand it to him, though, he's all in - after Ninja Theory's library of atrocious games, you'd think he'd get the hint. Although he finds very creative ways to double down on those piles of dreck too, so, I'm sure he'll do the same for DmC.


So many people are just starting out, game could be beaten at around lvl40-50, they have to have thought about what people could do at the 100-199 level range



That Hydra battle was my favorite battle in the whole game.

I'd say, if I were making a Dogma Sequel, the following things I would include or fix:

1. A world nearly twice as big as Gransys
2. At least two-to-three times the number of enemy types. We had: Gargoyles, Wyverns, Griffins, Chimeras, Cocktrice, Goblins/Goblin Leaders, Bandits (Mages, Archers, Rogues, Warriors), Saurians (also Bats, Spiders, Snakes, rabbits and Oxen... although they hardly count because of how worthless they are in any fight), wolves, Golems, Cyclops, Harpies (and Succubus, although they're almost like a pallet swap of Harpies), Zombies and Skeletons. Dragons, of course. Evil Eye, but you only face that so close to the end that he really has little impact on the game. Hydra, also only those rare encounters. A few others I'm missing, surely, but the point is this is a alarmingly small number of enemy types. And then they'd add in pallet swaps of these.
3. A lock-on system
4. Framerate/Pop-up
5. A better integrated dodging system for rogue-type classes; the current dodge roll is comically inept and infuriatingly slow
6. More actual bosses (in the game it felt like they really missed the boat here... I wished a lot of the areas led to something more dramatic, rather than simply often versions of big enemies you wonder into on the field.)
7. Better balance; some classes are truly worthless and MOST abilities are actually really worthless indeed (except for Mage/Sorcerer's obviously). I found that for the entire game I only needed to use like 3 or 4 abilities to be effective, most of the others were more hindrances that helps
8. Lantern oil should last significantly less long; there genuinely should be a greater risk of running out of oil.
9. Much greater balance difficulty. That is to say, the game starts off like it will be a challenge, but rather briskly changes over to fucking easy as shit. The enemies all don't level with you, and because the world is quite small, by the time you get to lvl 30~35, traveling the overworld becomes rather less involving because almost anything you encounter will be easy.
10. NG+ should be SUPER FUCKING HARD GAME+, not "lol why even play this it's so fucking easy now game+"

I love the game though, for me a 9/10.


lock-on? no.

No why? Fundamentally, there's a reason why lock-on has become a standard in action games of this type for years. Protip: It's not because it makes things easier. In a game that has this many hectic enemies that might attack at once, it makes sense to be able to have the ability to focus your character on one enemy. In a 3D space, it's much more complicated to do this without lock-on, and this is a case where more complicated is not necessarily better.

There's no real healthy argument as to why not to include lock-on. If it bothers you so much anyway, they could just have a simple menu option to turn it off. More options are better.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Full lock on limits the approach to attack. You're always going to be facing some core centre of the beast, slashing away, and even worse it makes aiming with things like bows even more automatic.

One thing that I was disappointed to not see transplanted much at all from Monster Hunter, was the severing of tails. You can knock off a Cyclops' tusks, but dragon, griffon, and hydra tails dont seem to be for the chopping. And thats when even more an argument for no lock on comes into play since different limbs and parts of beasts have different damage quotients.

I'm certainly all for a more passive cinematic lock on however where the camera will follow a main boss beastie rather than let it jump swiftly beyond your field of vision. Sort of like what SOTC did when holding down that button to keep the colossi in sight, but toggleable.


I'd add better climbing and camera on that list. I could never tell which direction to push when climbing on the large baddies. It just seemed totally random.


lock-on? no.

I don't know if a lock on is necessary, but if one exists or even just allowing the character to "face forward" if you hold R1 would allow them to add more skills for melee attacks, pretty much like how dmc does it

Since you could then have R1+back+slash for launcher and R1+forward+slash for stinger (or whatever other stabby moves you want to swap to).
9/10 for you, Amir0x? I'm surprised to see such a high score from you. I'd like to see a full review from you.

I'm glad people are liking this game. It's pretty much a 9/10 for me as well. The game has a lot of flaws but the good is just SO good, the game literally puts a smile on my face and makes me squeal with glee sometimes and that's just something games never do for me anymore.
I really wish it had sold more than 92k :(


Full lock on limits the approach to attack. You're always going to be facing some core centre of the beast, slashing away, and even worse it makes aiming with things like bows even more automatic.

One thing that I was disappointed to not see transplanted much at all from Monster Hunter, was the severing of tails. You can knock off a Cyclops' tusks, but dragon, griffon, and hydra tails dont seem to be for the chopping. And thats when even more an argument for no lock on comes into play since different limbs and parts of beasts have different damage quotients.

I'm certainly all for a more passive cinematic lock on however where the camera will follow a main boss beastie rather than let it jump swiftly beyond your field of vision. Sort of like what SOTC did when holding down that button to keep the colossi in sight, but toggleable.

No, because you're acting like it forces you to lock on. You could choose not to lock on. And of course, I'm anti locking on of any type for aiming. A good developer would be able to smooth out much of what you're discussing, but it's certainly an important element to implement at some future point if the franchise survives because action games in a 3D space become troublesome at times when you don't have the option at all. It's not that it doesn't work without it - it does, the game is playable - it's that it can be just a little better off for it.

9/10 for you, Amir0x? I'm surprised to see such a high score from you. I'd like to see a full review from you.

I'm glad people are liking this game. It's pretty much a 9/10 for me as well. The game has a lot of flaws but the good is just SO good, the game literally puts a smile on my face and makes me squeal with glee sometimes and that's just something games never do for me anymore.
I really wish it had sold more than 92k :(

I'll write a full review if you like. I am slotting those ten things in my mind as ways to make an even better Dogma game for the future, but even with those "problems", it's an amazing experience.

So far my year is

1. Fez
2. Diablo III
3. Dragon's Dogma

... everything else is much less than these three ratings wise:

4. Mass Effect 3
5. Max Payne 3
6. SSX
7. Twisted Metal
8. Soul Calibur V
9. Vita Lumines
10. Silent Hill: Downpour


There are a lot of things I like and things I didn't like, though the negative aspects isn't actually bad and game breaking stuff, just... things that aren't there, like new game+ and balancing issue really affected the game for me, there were times where I'm like wow holy shit this game! Then I return and the next mission is just easy filler stuff, then it scales up later and I'm having fun again, but it could easily be done better, the small map is another problem but if they were able to fill it properly with awesome fights, it could've made the map a little less of a chore at some point.

A few people were actually worrying about new game+ even before the game came out, it's why some people keep spamming their stream with "new game+? Talk about new game+", but they're like "Don't worry there are post game and stuff! We can't talk about new game+ but you can't reach lvl199 in 1 playthrough!", some took it as a hint that the new game+ will offer something awesome, but of course it ended up just being a normal new game+ with shit monsters


Hi again,

I was wondering : are escort missions actually achievable, or am I that bad ? Every escort mission I picked ask me to escort someone on the other side of the world, and the one I escort tends to die awfully easily... And I fear/guess this is permanent.
So... How do you do ? Did you skip those missions ? Is there something I'm missing here ?


Hi again,

I was wondering : are escort missions actually achievable, or am I that bad ? Every escort mission I picked ask me to escort someone on the other side of the world, and the one I escort tends to die awfully easily... And I fear/guess this is permanent.
So... How do you do ? Did you skip those missions ? Is there something I'm missing here ?

Of course they are. I guess difficulty varies from person to person, but I only ever failed one of them. I finished the game at lvl 58, and I finished everything prior to post-game at lvl 52.
Hi again,

I was wondering : are escort missions actually achievable, or am I that bad ? Every escort mission I picked ask me to escort someone on the other side of the world, and the one I escort tends to die awfully easily... And I fear/guess this is permanent.
So... How do you do ? Did you skip those missions ? Is there something I'm missing here ?

I only ever managed to complete one of them out of the five or so that I attempted. Most times I was IMMEDIATELY attacked by a griffon as I left Gran Soren and my companion would get one-shotted.


Hi again,

I was wondering : are escort missions actually achievable, or am I that bad ? Every escort mission I picked ask me to escort someone on the other side of the world, and the one I escort tends to die awfully easily... And I fear/guess this is permanent.
So... How do you do ? Did you skip those missions ? Is there something I'm missing here ?

They're mostly just there to raise the affinity and for rewards, some seems to be harder/easier depend on where you go I guess, I've done one where the character following me seem to keep a distance (or he's just too slow) but rarely get hit or anything all the way to bloodwater beach, but there's one that die in a few hits from lizard monsters because they swing in a large range and the character likes to stick around me.

I've only done one in my first game which was successful but then I stuck with doing the quest around town, you could raise them from the dead if you have wakestones but they're a bit expensive and rare in the first playthrough.


Hi again,

I was wondering : are escort missions actually achievable, or am I that bad ? Every escort mission I picked ask me to escort someone on the other side of the world, and the one I escort tends to die awfully easily... And I fear/guess this is permanent.
So... How do you do ? Did you skip those missions ? Is there something I'm missing here ?

The trick to escort missions is to not fight the enemy. The enemy only attacks your escortee if he's right next to you. So run, and after a certain distance, the escortee will be teleported right next to you, just like your pawns. As long as I don't see his marker on the mini map, he's actually quite safe. I'm having no real problems succeeding in my current pawnless playthrough.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I give the game something like 8.5-9/10

I really love it.

My list of improvements would be:

1) Way slower leveling. Let people get to level 5 or 6 pretty quick and then drag that shit out.
2) Fast vocation rank.
3) Any vocation that only uses one weapon should have at least six skills. For instance, the Warrior only having three slots is retarded.
4) Difficulty. But not level scaling. (Especially NG+ which should make you want to cry from the difficulty -- they should raise everything 100 lvls in NG+ haha) I read someone mentioning adding a %chance of having tough enemies randomly spawn in the mobs, and I like the idea of that.
5) Get rid of the MMORPG chests. I'd rather the chests take inspiration from something like Zelda than be based on those time-sink games. Figure out which three items you want in the chest and then have one of them randomly pop. Do not put bullshit items in chest. Coin purse? Seriously, fuck you.
6) Lantern oil lasts too long.
7) There should be a difficulty mode that makes reviving pawns cost a curative? (maybe, haven't really thought this one through)
8) I would like to see only my player's status, instead of the entire team. It's ugly as is, but I need it to monitor stamina use. Though I've been playing without it... and just hitting select to check (which is annoying)
9) Let me load my last save from the menu, thanks...
10) Menu system is very cumbersome. And needs some work. I should at least be able to access "change equipment" from the Inn menu. At least.


Reviewers are always terrible, I honestly don't know how people trust them at this point knowing what we in the hardcore gaming community knows about what goes on behind closed doors at these websites and publications. it's truly shameless stuff; there is no objectivity.

That's not to say you couldn't legitimately criticize Dragon's Dogma and find it lacking, I certainly know of several areas that could stand to be fixed (even if it didn't mean as much to me as it maybe does to someone else), but I certainly would not give a fuck at what metacritic says. Decide for yourselves, not with paid corporate shills.

word of mouth bitches.

If they truly wanted to sell a ton they could have:

- Not been their usual asshole selves (on-disc DLC)
- Not introduced weekly quest DLC that is lazy as f***. "Go get this. Now get this!"
- Launch at 40 dollars (could still drop MSRP right now while word of mouth is strong)
- Not launch up against Max Payne and Diablo 3 (hard to do when dates are set long ago)
- Add some difficulty settings to the game and dont make post-game such a joke.
- should have released a demo that wasn't so bad and offered more in the way of exploration(ala Amalur).

It's a solid 7.5 game, but let's not kid ourselves and say it's going to fail because gamers are stupid. Gamers are actually quite smart, and forced to be smarter in a bad economy about which games they'll pay 60 dollars for. I couldn't blame anyone that had limited funds for picking up Max or Diablo over DD.

Reviewers are always terrible, I honestly don't know how people trust them at this point knowing what we in the hardcore gaming community knows about what goes on behind closed doors at these websites and publications. it's truly shameless stuff; there is no objectivity.

That's not to say you couldn't legitimately criticize Dragon's Dogma and find it lacking, I certainly know of several areas that could stand to be fixed (even if it didn't mean as much to me as it maybe does to someone else), but I certainly would not give a fuck at what metacritic says. Decide for yourselves, not with paid corporate shills.

This reminds me, I need to go back and check the reviews that scored the game down for "being too hard". Fuck that/those idiots. Their opinions will forever be invalid(I dont actually take reviewers seriously now). The game starts you off and its a challenge if you go the wrong way or do the wrong thing, but it's not long before you're mowing everything down and the challenge pretty much disappears. *THAT* is a valid complaint. But claiming the game is stupid-hard is tantamount to admitting you only played the game for an hour before writing your review like a little wuss.


I give the game something like 8.5-9/10

I really love it.

My list of improvements would be:

1) Way slower leveling. Let people get to level 5 or 6 pretty quick and then drag that shit out.
2) Fast vocation rank.
3) Any vocation that only uses one weapon should have at least six skills. For instance, the Warrior only having three slots is retarded.
4) Difficulty. But not level scaling. (Especially NG+ which should make you want to cry from the difficulty -- they should raise everything 100 lvls in NG+ haha) I read someone mentioning adding a %chance of having tough enemies randomly spawn in the mobs, and I like the idea of that.
5) Get rid of the MMORPG chests. I'd rather the chests take inspiration from something like Zelda than be based on those time-sink games. Figure out which three items you want in the chest and then have one of them randomly pop. Do not put bullshit items in chest. Coin purse? Seriously, fuck you.
6) Lantern oil lasts too long.
7) There should be a difficulty mode that makes reviving pawns cost a curative? (maybe, haven't really thought this one through)
8) I would like to see only my player's status, instead of the entire team. It's ugly as is, but I need it to monitor stamina use. Though I've been playing without it... and just hitting select to check (which is annoying)
9) Let me load my last save from the menu, thanks...
10) Menu system is very cumbersome. And needs some work. I should at least be able to access "change equipment" from the Inn menu. At least.

Great post. You and me should bump heads, hold hands and offer our services to Capcom.

We'll make your game a million seller, Capbomb! You can do it!



If you mean a lock on Dark Souls style, i'd say it doesn't fit well in DD, simply because i usually go from one enemy to the other really quickly (mid combo, often) the same thing doesn't happen in DS, since you always have to manage your stamina for every single slash, and you're pretty slow in general.
I think something like Ninja Gaiden (where you swing, and the game automatically directs you at the closest foe, unless you point the left stick in a specific direction, in which case it directs you to the closest foe in the direction you're pointing at) would work best: no idiotic swings at thin air, but no rigid lock on system.

Anyway i have to finish the game yet, but i too have a few things i'd like to see changed already:

- bigger map: after a few hours it's fucking tedious to see how small the thing is, it feels like i'm walking through a backyard, i've seen those places a hundred times already.
If they can't really manage the tech for a big open world, do more Witchwood style sections, but give me a bigger and more varied map.. not those fucking brown fields all over.

- wheather: Yeah wind is cool, but i'd like to have snow and rain too, storms and shit that actually affect gameplay and make you stay on your toes during exploration.

- balance the difficulty: i love the non scaling, but after a few hours, there's already nothing able to fucking kill me, basically.. while at the start a Cyclops was one shotting me.

- more enemy types: definitely what Amir0x said about this, and yeah, having an Ogre or a Cyclop as a boss, when i'm finding them on the map every two steps, is not really that epic.
Though i love the care put into them, so definitely keep that (like: attack different parts to trigger different reactions, or the Ogre going frenzy with women characters, etc).

- menus are all kind of fucked up: equip and items can be on the same page, c'mon.

- checkpoint system also is weird: and why can't i reload from the ingame menu?

There was some other stuff that i can't remember now. :p
If you mean a lock on Dark Souls style, i'd say it doesn't fit well in DD, simply because i usually go from one enemy to the other really quickly (mid combo, often) the same thing doesn't happen in DS, since you always have to manage your stamina for every single slash, and you're pretty slow in general.

I wanted lock-on when I started the game too, because launching an attack that has a ton of animations is fucking lame when my character just flys on by the enemy I thought I was attacking, leaving him just kicking or stabbing air. Lame. But then I switched vocation to Magic Archer and I got lock-on, only to realize that Capcom's lock-on mechanism sucks. "Shoot the eye. Shoot the eye! His eye is weak! Shoot the eye, Arisen!". I'M F*CKING TRYING TO SHOOT THE EYE! But the damn lockon keeps shooting his shoulder! For a game that supposedly had so much effort and man-power put behind it, there's a ton of stuff they simply got wrong. Basic stuff.

Oni Jazar

I give the game something like 8.5-9/10

I really love it.

My list of improvements would be:

1) Way slower leveling. Let people get to level 5 or 6 pretty quick and then drag that shit out.
2) Fast vocation rank.
3) Any vocation that only uses one weapon should have at least six skills. For instance, the Warrior only having three slots is retarded.
4) Difficulty. But not level scaling. (Especially NG+ which should make you want to cry from the difficulty -- they should raise everything 100 lvls in NG+ haha) I read someone mentioning adding a %chance of having tough enemies randomly spawn in the mobs, and I like the idea of that.
5) Get rid of the MMORPG chests. I'd rather the chests take inspiration from something like Zelda than be based on those time-sink games. Figure out which three items you want in the chest and then have one of them randomly pop. Do not put bullshit items in chest. Coin purse? Seriously, fuck you.
6) Lantern oil lasts too long.
7) There should be a difficulty mode that makes reviving pawns cost a curative? (maybe, haven't really thought this one through)
8) I would like to see only my player's status, instead of the entire team. It's ugly as is, but I need it to monitor stamina use. Though I've been playing without it... and just hitting select to check (which is annoying)
9) Let me load my last save from the menu, thanks...
10) Menu system is very cumbersome. And needs some work. I should at least be able to access "change equipment" from the Inn menu. At least.

I like this list. These are improvements that should be easy to mod in if it was a PC game. :/

Terrible DD sales. I hope this forces team DMC to make DMC5.



erotic butter maelstrom
I actually had a dream recently where I read about Dragon's Dogma bombing. That means that I must be a seer, or alternatively that I have really fuckin' mundane dreams. Anyways, it's not surprising, but still a bummer considering how great the game is and how amazing an improved sequel could be. Hopefully Capcom gives it another shot despite the sales.


I give the game something like 8.5-9/10

I really love it.

My list of improvements would be:

1) Way slower leveling. Let people get to level 5 or 6 pretty quick and then drag that shit out.


The leveling in DD is fine as it is. The real problem is that there are no enemies present that would be a threat to the player after hitting levels 60 and up.

4) Difficulty. But not level scaling. (Especially NG+ which should make you want to cry from the difficulty -- they should raise everything 100 lvls in NG+ haha) I read someone mentioning adding a %chance of having tough enemies randomly spawn in the mobs, and I like the idea of that.

Bolded part: Dumb idea. Not every game has to be Demon's Souls hard.

Underlined idea: Good idea. Would mix things up a bit.


If you mean a lock on Dark Souls style, i'd say it doesn't fit well in DD, simply because i usually go from one enemy to the other really quickly (mid combo, often) the same thing doesn't happen in DS, since you always have to manage your stamina for every single slash, and you're pretty slow in general.
I think something like Ninja Gaiden (where you swing, and the game automatically directs you at the closest foe, unless you point the left stick in a specific direction, in which case it directs you to the closest foe in the direction you're pointing at) would work best: no idiotic swings at thin air, but no rigid lock on system.

Hm, that would work. I'd be perfectly OK with that. They just need some better way to be able to focus on specific targets, because as of right now air whiffing can be common, and targeting a specific foe can be problematic when huge groups just samp rape you.

Anyway i have to finish the game yet, but i too have a few things i'd like to see changed already:

- bigger map: after a few hours it's fucking tedious to see how small the thing is, it feels like i'm walking through a backyard, i've seen those places a hundred times already.
If they can't really manage the tech for a big open world, do more Witchwood style sections, but give me a bigger and more varied map.. not those fucking brown fields all over.

- wheather: Yeah wind is cool, but i'd like to have snow and rain too, storms and shit that actually affect gameplay and make you stay on your toes during exploration.

- balance the difficulty: i love the non scaling, but after a few hours, there's already nothing able to fucking kill me, basically.. while at the start a Cyclops was one shotting me.

- more enemy types: definitely what Amir0x said about this, and yeah, having an Ogre or a Cyclop as a boss, when i'm finding them on the map every two steps, is not really that epic.
Though i love the care put into them, so definitely keep that (like: attack different parts to trigger different reactions, or the Ogre going frenzy with women characters, etc).

- menus are all kind of fucked up: equip and items can be on the same page, c'mon.

- checkpoint system also is weird: and why can't i reload from the ingame menu?

There was some other stuff that i can't remember now. :p

oh yeah, weather! That's a good one. Would be amazing to get some snow up in this bitch or something. Haha, yeah about the menu too.

Also, my favorite thing about the combat with the bigger enemies is how you can grab on to them. That shit is so much fucking fun, really. It's like an action combat game with a hint of Shadow of the Colossus strategically but in a good way (unlike you, Castlevania Lord of Shadow!).


While we're on the topic on improving things for the (outsocurced) sequel...

Add more towns and human settlements. I found it both funny and ridiculous that in a land this "big" there are only two human settlements: the fishing village where you start out and Gran Soren, the capital.

I'd also like them to write some actual characters into the story and not just moving quest markers.


Anyways, it's not surprising, but still a bummer considering how great the game is and how amazing an improved sequel could be. Hopefully Capcom gives it another shot despite the sales.
It won't even take a lot of effort to put out a significantly improved sequel. They just to add more enemy variety and I'd be fine with a slightly bigger game world provided they create more meticulously detailed areas.

Add more towns and human settlements.
Yes. This was sorely missed.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything

The leveling in DD is fine as it is. The real problem is that there are no enemies present that would be a threat to the player after hitting levels 60 and up.

I respect your opinion bro, but I don't understand it. You level way too fast in the game. Considering you basically level yourself out of any difficulty by 20 (especially if you're using 3 pawns) and it's actually possible to be lvl 20+ before you reach Gran Soren! (I know, because I did it by accident on my first playthrough).

You slow the leveling and the difficulty holds a lot longer. Some of those places that are intended to be difficult might actually be hard... because you wouldn't have over-leveled killing field goblins and harpies. As it stands, you enter these places at too high a level and they are a breeze.

Bolded part: Dumb idea. Not every game has to be Demon's Souls hard.

Underlined idea: Good idea. Would mix things up a bit.

Saying NG+ should be challenging is not a dumb idea. Dave, it is the standard idea.

Raising everything 100 lvls was kind of a joke... kind of. The level cap in the game is 200... but the difficulty ends for the majority of the world when you hit lvl 30. Done, over... you decimate everything in seconds. There is something wrong with that. Especially that it happens so quickly. You hit god level too early in the game.

There are many ways to fix that. But the simplest solution, that doesn't require any extra work or money from devs is to just slow progress.


Most of the important characters actually divulge a lot more background and story if you talk to them repeatedly at different times, like a dating rpg.

I did. It just that nothing they said was interesting or made me care for the character I was talking to.

They also should write more lines for the NPCs.


I respect your opinion bro, but I don't understand it. You level way too fast in the game. Considering you basically level yourself out of any difficulty by 20 (especially if you're using 3 pawns) and it's actually possible to be lvl 20+ before you reach Gran Soren! (I know, because I did it by accident on my first playthrough).

You slow the leveling and the difficulty holds a lot longer. Some of those places that are intended to be difficult might actually be hard... because you wouldn't have over-leveled killing field goblins and harpies. As it stands, you enter these places at too high a level and they are a breeze.

Well, I agree with your premise, but I just disagree that should have been done with the game structured as it is. The game world is too tiny, and if you would have made leveling up that much longer, the game would have wore itself out too early. If they made the world at least twice the size than it is now, I would gladly agree with you because it's true leveling up is brisk.

Saying NG+ should be challenging is not a dumb idea. Dave, it is the standard idea.

Raising everything 100 lvls was kind of a joke... kind of. The level cap in the game is 200... but the difficulty ends for the majority of the world when you hit lvl 30. Done, over... you decimate everything in seconds. There is something wrong with that. Especially that it happens so quickly. You hit god level too early in the game.

There are many ways to fix that. But the simplest solution, that doesn't require any extra work or money from devs is to just slow progress.

Yup. NG+ is embarrassing really.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Last thing I'd want is more towns. That shit has killed old school rpgs for me... just can't handle the tedium of towns and townsfolk. I used to eat it up as a kind, but who has the time for it these days?

If you're going to spend money... spend it on new combat experiences. More armor. More environments. More enemies. Spears. More area on the map that actually matters.

Gran Soren takes up a lot of real estate, and it's the least interesting place in the entire game. The fields that surround it are more interesting. The capitol is cool to see from a distance, and it feels really awesome to walk up to the torchlit gates after a night of killing undead... but that's about where the interesting part ends. Imo.


Saying NG+ should be challenging is not a dumb idea. Dave, it is the standard idea.

Raising everything 100 lvls was kind of a joke... kind of. The level cap in the game is 200... but the difficulty ends for the majority of the world when you hit lvl 30. Done, over... you decimate everything in seconds. There is something wrong with that. Especially that it happens so quickly. You hit god level too early in the game.

There are many ways to fix that. But the simplest solution, that doesn't require any extra work or money from devs is to just slow progress.

Being challenging and wanting a difficulty that makes you want to cry are two different things, bro.

Last thing I'd want is more towns. That shit has killed old school rpgs for me... just can't handle the tedium of towns and townsfolk. I used to eat it up as a kind, but who has the time for it these days?

If you're going to spend money... spend it on new combat experiences. More armor. More environments. More enemies. Spears. More area on the map that actually matters.

Gran Soren takes up a lot of real estate, and it's the least interesting place in the entire game. The fields that surround it are more interesting. The capitol is cool to see from a distance, and it feels really awesome to walk up to the torchlit gates after a night of killing undead... but that about where the interesting part ends. Imo.

That's another problem with the towns in this game, for sure. Outside of it being a place for you to rest, shop, and accept new quests from the board there's nothing else to do, see, or talk to there. They should've added a colosseum where you can battle tough monsters for money/loot. Probably already locked on the disc lol.

I'm thinking is that the game going up to 200 levels is there for a reason. Crapcom just loves nickle and diming their customers with content that already is on the disc so I wouldn't really be surprised if they release a DLC with really powerful monsters down the road.

Endo Punk

New I.P pushing up 7s, 5s and 3s all over the place. Damn right it would bomb.
New IPs work all the time, at E3 new IPs like P-100, Watch Dog and TLOU stole the show. It's just Capcom are terrible people now with all their anti-consumer practices. Funny thing is with all flaws critics pointed out with DD it still is a title that I could get into, Im just sick of Capcom and don't want to have anything to do with their products right now.
The alternative being Crapcom outsourcing their existing IP to Z-grade developers. Yeah, I'd rather they go back to making successful sequels.
Yeah agreed. If DD is to blame for what happened to DMC than I rather it never existed. I have no problem with Capcom doing new IPs but not at the risk of bastardizing their top franchises like DMC, RE, Onimusha or any other. If they can't handle working on too many projects at once then out source new IPs. Thats the best way to do it.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Being challenging and wanting a difficulty that makes you want to cry are two different things, bro.

It's amusing that we are actually talking about two different things!

Vanilla game difficulty and NG+ difficulty.

It's the latter I believe should make you want to cry while the former should keep you interested in the combat a bit longer.

Look, I like the game as is. I just would have liked the game more if combat was challenging for a bit longer. I've been doing solo playthroughs and shit just to keep it interesting.
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