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Dragon's Dogma |OT| For the night is dark and full of terrors

The Drake also has a very strict zone of where he follows you, go too far and he'll fly back to the middle-ground.

Keeping that in mind, and using a ranged character, you can kill him quite easily at lower levels.

Foxix Von

Whoa I just changed my class for what is basically the first time. I have been a sorcerer all the way up to level 36. Decided to try out magick archer since the last quest I did I ended up picking up both a nice bow and dagger set.

Holy crap MA is amazing. It's really interesting how the game changes so drastically depending your class. I'm truly in love with this game. Also I had somehow managed to go this far without actually making use of those pawn elixirs. I had no clue where to buy that stuff. =/ This game has this tendency to be really obscure in sort of a fun way.


Yeah, magic archer is very flexible. The standard elemental damage combined with daggers and double jump made it my favorite class.


Probably Carrots :p
Heh, I never did that. I ended up with 20 million gold by just selling Wakestones, and I had a lot of Ur-Dragon drops as well. 30 - 40 mil gold is pretty easy to accumulate if you know what you're doing.

Demon's/Dark Souls and Monster Hunter fan here. How
much worse is this? In other words, how good is it?
It's a good game; combat isn't that sophisticated like the Souls games, but still offers something pretty interesting. The amount of enjoyment you can extract from this game depends on how much patient you are.


Shaper Divine
I haven't had much time to play... I'm only lvl 40 and still
doing those WYRM HUNT errands.
but I'm just having a blast wandering around the country side.

Maxed mage and archmage, now moved onto magic archer thingo. My pawn went from ranger to mage in the plan to make him into a magic archer as well but... I dunno if I'm really feeling this magic archer class. It seems to do pretty basic damage.
Though I suppose generating tornado's that wipe out entire bandit armies has kinda spoiled it a bit...
Do I have to reach max vocation to really get the most out of this class?

After I max this I'ma try the magic knight next. I'm looking forward to wielding a cudgel!
Ya lost me.

1) Go to Cassardis, buy as many carrots as you can hold/afford from the merchant.
2) Sleep in the Cassardis inn until they become moldy.
3) Sell for hefty profit.

For whatever reason, perishables are always best in their middle form (Egg < Golden Egg >>>>>> Rotten Egg). They give better buffs and are worth more to vendors. Carrots speficially are one of the easiest to game the system in.


I haven't had much time to play... I'm only lvl 40 and still
doing those WYRM HUNT errands.
but I'm just having a blast wandering around the country side.

Maxed mage and archmage, now moved onto magic archer thingo. My pawn went from ranger to mage in the plan to make him into a magic archer as well but... I dunno if I'm really feeling this magic archer class. It seems to do pretty basic damage.
Though I suppose generating tornado's that wipe out entire bandit armies has kinda spoiled it a bit...
Do I have to reach max vocation to really get the most out of this class?

After I max this I'ma try the magic knight next. I'm looking forward to wielding a cudgel!

Pawns can't be magic archer, mystic knight or assassin. And magic archer never really becomes comparable to a sorcerer in terms of pure shit-wrecking ability.

edit: HOLY SHIT my pawn just came back with 825K RC from a single hire.


Shaper Divine
Pawns can't be magic archer, mystic knight or assassin. And magic archer never really becomes comparable to a sorcerer in terms of pure shit-wrecking ability.

aww really? :< Damm. Guess I'll flex him out in other areas. Thanks for the heads up :D

Wonder what your pawn did to get all that RC!?


might wrap up my second playthrough today and unlock that platinum. it has been long enough, lol.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
To the point now where i'm almost ashamed that I haven't beat the Ur dragon yet. Filling out Ranger now and it's just ridiculous. Damage through the roof... i feel like Tin Cup. I could play the whole game with 6fold arrow.

But that stupid damn dragon. I always get distracted for too long and come back and he's a generation older...

Thinking I'm going to max out Magick Archer and then try out Assassin. I'll probably end up kicking myself wishing I had done that sooner haha.

Assassin is so incredibly versatile. I just recently got into using a shield, especially for a guarded dash skill ... and i'm 73. It's a hell of a thing to walk into an everfall room and just slay 2 chimeras and a (evil fucking) Lich. And to hand the controller to my friends and have them fight and fight well but just get overwhelmed... makes me love it even more. There is some serious combat mastery especially when solo in this game. And you just look so baller while you murder...


My pawn now is level 9 fighter and warrior. Should I get any other enhancements from any other vocation or keep him as a fighter (with the good warrior augements)?

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
My pawn now is level 9 fighter and warrior. Should I get any other enhancements from any other vocation or keep him as a fighter (with the good warrior augements)?

There are helpfull augments all over especially if you enjoy using a shield. Mystic Knight and Assassin both have some very helpful augments that step in rather nicely and replace some from the other melee vocations.
Kind of a random question, but is there any point when dashing is absolutely necessary? I know it will make getting around faster at least, but both of my controllers have problems with the left stick: one will have the character bolting off in a certain direction unless the stick is perfectly centered, and the R3 button doesn't work on the other. The R3 one I can deal with, but I'm wondering if that will fuck me over too much in this game.


Kind of a random question, but is there any point when dashing is absolutely necessary? I know it will make getting around faster at least, but both of my controllers have problems with the left stick: one will have the character bolting off in a certain direction unless the stick is perfectly centered, and the R3 button doesn't work on the other. The R3 one I can deal with, but I'm wondering if that will fuck me over too much in this game.

there is a couple of plot points where you need to run away, and some points where its windy and whilst still possible to go against the wind its miuch slower and some of the big monsters are much easier if you circle them, but its feesible to do most of the game with out dashing, though it would be kind of frustrating to me just navigating the world at that pace, but i'm not very patient.


After you have already started the game can you change your appearance?

Yes. First you can buy a single-use item for 5k RC then much later on in the game, an item for 10k RC that will enable you to change your and your pawn's appearance as many times as you want.


Demon's/Dark Souls and Monster Hunter fan here. How much worse is this? In other words, how good is it?

Not a big MonHun fan, from my time with that series I'd easily take Dragon's Dogma.

It's more classic fantasy aesthetic design than Demon's/Dark Souls but I wouldn't say it's worse from a visual standpoint. All your fantasy trope monsters (dragons, chimeras, griffons, etc.) are in their best looking renditions to date here. The world is a touch bland overall but to me it only makes the awesomeness of your leveled up Arisen and the monsters he's fighting stand out and look that much more awesome.

I wouldn't call the combat worse than Souls, but it's far less technical. The Souls games are basically risky choices = death while Dragon's Dogma is the exact opposite. Its what Bioware should have been shooting for when they said "we want you to push a button and have something awesome happen" with Dragon's Age 2. For example, even if you could climb a boss in a Souls game who the hell would knowing they can swat/shake you off then stomp on you and kill your dumb ass? In Dragon's Dogma there is a very real risk that when you try something like that you will die, but at the same time there is a huge reward when you do it right.

Case in point, I fought my first griffon yesterday afternoon. I was just topping off my Magick Archer class and so I quickly found a rock outcrop to mount and rain arrows down on the beast while my pawn (warrior) and an extra hireling (fighter) wailed on it when I knocked it out of the sky. The griffon apparently got wise to my strategy and went to pick off my healer, standing next to the base of my perch. As it took off in a low angled ascent away from my party I broke into a dash across the outcrop and did a double jump that had me just barely grab it's hind leg. Given that I had the dexterity ability already set I quickly climbed up between it's wings and let go with a flurry of blows with my flaming daggers. The beast was stunned and went hurtling into the ground about 20-30 feet below us. Given that I also have a perk to minimize falling damage I wasn't particularly harmed, though my mage was near dead and beat a quick retreat. Meanwhile I remained on top of the downed beast slashing and burning into it's backside while it was still reeling from the crash landing. In no time my other two pawns had joined me and we made quick work of the defenseless griffon.

Not only did I save my mage from death had the griffon gotten much higher before dropping her, my act also directly resulted in serious damage to it when it fell from the sky and it's prone state turned the dangerous 1:1 exchange we had been having into simple butchery.

It's like playing a QT event from God of War or similar only instead of just "press X - awesome happens" it's "awesome happens when you make it happen."

The class system is very solid, all classes feel well balanced and have their own unique skills that change how you approach every fight. The equipment system offers a wide variety of customization as well. Lots of cool LOOT to be had. The world is of a good size and is open in the same way that Kingdoms of Amalur is open. Not as big and broad as a Bethesda game by any means. That's probably a good thing because a large portion of your first play through won't offer any kind of cost effective fast travel to use. So you do a LOT of walking.

Pawn AI is surprisingly solid. So is enemy AI. Storyline so far for me has been ok but mostly forgettable. Not the main draw at all.

For anyone who likes the Souls games based on the concept of involved real time combat in an RPG owes it to themselves to try DD. Between the Souls games, Kingdoms of Amalur, and DD I really hope that Bethesda is taking notes on how to do great combat in RPGs, as their combat in Skyrim is looking quite dated and mundane at this point compared to it's peers.
Oh for fuck sake. just read how to get the gold idol and its the

the little shit walks so slowly; and then when she hid; Everything; including map + Pawns said she was at the guild but I couldn't find her and gave up; left the city and quest failed

Fuck this


and fuck what you have to do to get the gold idol

played a "little" today and suddenly its 6 hours later. LOL. and somehow; the guy who had my pawn must have killed a urdragon or something because today; I got 500,000 RC

man MA class ruins all the others - for exploring, I just cant go back to a class without the light up the sky at night ability

magic archer? I'm max 10 MA but I don't which arrow this is? Maybe because I am still using richochet, 6 shots + hunter rain ? (Which is admittedly uselessish). Will try. sounds neat


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Pachterballs said:
and fuck what you have to do to get the gold idol

The 3 golden rules of escort duty are as follows:

1. Don't bump into Symone, but stay close.
2. Respond to her requests as fast as possible. Do not hang about finding her/getting her water.
3. Let her win the race.

Follow those rules and you'll get a gold Idol every time.
Demon's/Dark Souls and Monster Hunter fan here. How much worse is this? In other words, how good is it?

I much prefer this to DS+DS. At some point in the DS games; the hokiness of the engine + combat got to me + major framerate issues; and annoyance at the death+loss souls factor and most importanly; for a game like that; where its really technical and stat driven and hardcore; and your arrows hit invisble walls; I just gave up.

Love Dragon's Dogma. Really addictive. I'm on NG+ and I've spent hours with this game already.


I noticed that during the post game
Dragons pop up in the dungeons in some of the old dungeons.

Are there any other places I should head to? The tower to the east, witchwood, etc; I want to see what else was added during the post game.
The 3 golden rules of escort duty are as follows:

1. Don't bump into Symone, but stay close.
2. Respond to her requests as fast as possible. Do not hang about finding her/getting her water.
3. Let her win the race.

Follow those rules and you'll get a gold Idol every time.
Stay ahead during the race, but let her win sometime around the field. She is not happy if it is obvious you let her win.

Just buy water from the medicine shop in the square before you start the quest.

Do not be far from her when shopping.

She is always (in my experience) hiding next to the fireplace in the inn.
I did the escort mission where you walk that female guard and the ox and cart, was kind of cool but they all walked so slow! When I reached the town, I noticed at least one quest flash up expiring without being complete, so I guess that is how this game will go. I am liking it, but am not so into it that I need to complete every last little quest like some games, so I'm OK with letting them slide if it means not having to constantly referr to a wiki to make sure they get done.

Demon's/Dark Souls and Monster Hunter fan here. How much worse is this? In other words, how good is it?
The game is nothing like DS really - in fact the combat is about as far removed as you can get from the considered swordplay of DS.

DD is basically Oblivion with the combat mechanics of DMC or Guardian Heroes.
I'm playing as a Fighter right now and goddamnit, I miss being a Magick Archer. Loading up enemies with the explosive shots, then rushing them with my daggers for a massive explosion that kills a whole group. It was amazing. Fighter is such a shitty climber, and shield skills are useless.


Stay ahead during the race, but let her win sometime around the field. She is not happy if it is obvious you let her win.

Just buy water from the medicine shop in the square before you start the quest.

Do not be far from her when shopping.

She is always (in my experience) hiding next to the fireplace in the inn.

Yea she's either at the inn or the pub
I noticed that during the post game
Dragons pop up in the dungeons in some of the old dungeons.

Are there any other places I should head to? The tower to the east, witchwood, etc; I want to see what else was added during the post game.

Wyvern atop Bluemoon Tower.
Wyvern flying around the road to Windbluff Tower, just south of it.
Wyrm in the Watergod's Altar
Drake at the Conqueror's place, just north of Bloodwater Beach, where two Cyclopes were before.
Drake in the fields outside Gran Soren, on the way to the quarry.
GoreChimera on the beach outside Cassardis.
Cockatrice inside Soulflayer Canyon, and around the Eradication Site, east of the Male Bandit camp.
Ogre, Grim Goblins, in the shortcut canyon through Moonsbit Pass.
Golem, GeoSaurians, on the main road of Moonsbit Pass, from the Waycastle to Gran Soren.
Metal Golem in the 2nd area of Witchwood, where Selene went for the Witch Hunt quest.

Most of the new/changed enemies are found on the roads from Cassardis to Gran Soren.


What's the quickest way to get a cyclops to topple?

looool, the fighter bandits are such assholes, they run whenever my demonswrath is on full charge

I kind of like the duke
even knowing what happened
, guy just look so chill.


Hi. I was wondering : when you have weapons which have both an Strength and a Magic stats, how do they work ? Do both types of damage apply to the foes at each strike, or does only one kind applies depending on the skill you use ?
What's the quickest way to get a cyclops to topple?

looool, the fighter bandits are such assholes, they run whenever my demonswrath is on full charge

I kind of like the duke
even knowing what happened
, guy just look so chill.

As far as I know. Lightning makes them drop to their knees or backwards instantly. Sorcerers with Brontide or any high level Lightning spell destroy them.


What's the quickest way to get a cyclops to topple?

Levin for the stun, followed by comestion. If both are high versions, toppling is guaranteed if I'm not wrong.

I think the only way for melee only classes to topple it is to enrage it, then hit the legs. I think I've succeeded maybe once or twice.


As far as I know. Lightning makes them drop to their knees or backwards instantly. Sorcerers with Brontide or any high level Lighting spell destroy them.

Levin for the stun, followed by comestion. If both are high versions, toppling is guaranteed if I'm not wrong.

I think the only way for melee only classes to topple it is to enrage it, then hit the legs. I think I've succeeded maybe once or twice.

boo magic, yeah I guess I'll keep slashing its legs or something or maybe grab onto it while doing so, I remember the pawn telling me to cling on its legs


Those two spells are overpowered actually, it sucked the enjoyment from playing mystic knight completely.

I'll most likely stick with just the shield skills and use the other stuff occasionally :D

Man I think the game is really designed for you to use hybrid classes :(, they have so many unique skills over the basic classes
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