Actually, I think I'm finished and ready for tomorrow.
Not Scottish, but still worthy.
She is a great candidate, but a tad too squishy for my strider. Amazingly, given enough time, I'm positive I could recreate her.
But here's my final versions.
Beware the crappy phone camera and lack of skin tone. They're pale, but not THAT pale...
Elizabeth-Strider of Scottish descent.
Felicia-Mage, child, and of Scottish descent.
They're supposed to seem related. I decided after trying to figure out what characters to make, to just make my own, and upon deciding on the hairstyle, I decided to make them scottish.
Food for Thought:::
Anyone making their own characters, try making them a bit... Pudgy... I kept thinking it looked right and when in-game, my character looked like she had anorexia or something, chicken-legs, and no arms.
It might seem like your character is really buff or thick in the editor, but try it and see how it looks in-game. My character has normal sized thighs (IMO) as well as well shaped arms.
I'm personally using:
Arm 10
Legs 8
and my weight is 2 (the middle)
I feel my character now has a normal, non-supermodel, weightiness to her.
Just a suggestion.