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Dragon's Dogma |OT| For the night is dark and full of terrors

What happens to herbs and potions etc. that you get pawns to carry after you dismiss them?

I'm planing to have a Stephen Merchant Mage as my main pawn. (same height as yours) :)

This would be amazing. Is there a goggle eyed option in the character creator?
They get put in the deposit if they haven't used them.

Excellent, that's what I was hoping.

It would be nice if you could command pawns to pick stuff up. They do it a lot on their own but sometimes they decide to be stubborn and just walk past stuff. I don't like my character to be weighed down.


I like when people send my pawn back with a rock.


I rarely get much RC. I assume female pawns have an advantage since it's mostly guys playing this and rating based on appearance. My pawn is a guy.

Well for women i'll vote on appearance if they look good, Guys if they look cool. Also depend son how they are decked out and whether it matches their vocation.


We got the game in a bit early yesterday (was supposed to be friday), so I've been able to play for a few hours last night. Well, the game sure doesn't disappoint and I don't get how it would if you've been following this game at all. You get exactly what has been advertised these last months and months. The first town alone had me searching for hidden stuff for a good 2 hours, when I first left the gate I was pretty well decked out already (hint: check the boats in the water, also outside the gate). I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said since the previews started rolling in, but I just wanted a quick weigh-in for any people still on the fence.

The few quests I've done weren't that good, just standard fetch-quests, but the sense of adventure was certainly palpable, even in the small area outside town. Yes sirree, this is one game that's probably gonna end up high on the end-of-the-year list for me.


Man...this game has Monster Hunter's item collection aspects down packed. I feel compelled to pick up everything. Combining things works out nicely too.
Man...this game has Monster Hunter's item collection aspects down packed. I feel compelled to pick up everything. Combining things works out nicely too.

Yep. Bring pickaxes for mining as well! I swear I also saw some white butterflies floating around a certain area, but I couldn't catch any bugs. I didn't have a bugnet (or if there is one here).


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
My pawn just came back with two rotten eggs.

Frankly I'd have preferred a rock.

Edit: Wait, how'd they even manage that? It doesn't seem like I can give rotten eggs.


I'm surprised I havent run into a Claire, Raki, Guts, Adol, or Dogi pawn. I guess there isnt any hand to hand combat vocation, so Dogi really wouldnt work.

I do like how you can run into other people's pawns on main roads between camps/cities. Also wow this land is about as...well "dark" as Dark/Demon's/Diablo's world. You cant even take a nice swim in a lake without worrying about some ethereal swarm attacking you.

About springboard or any launching skill, I guess it's only useful against flying or really large enemies?

EDIT: Are materials used in making unique equipment from scratch or just upgrading?


Just got the game; is there no way to remove those black bars? Tried zooming via the TV, but I guess have to live with it.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Is it just me, or can you give quest items away as pawn gifts? I know you can select them, and it asks you for confirmation that you want to send it, but I obviously haven't tried actually sending one.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Is it just me, or can you give quest items away as pawn gifts? I know you can select them, and it asks you for confirmation that you want to send it, but I obviously haven't tried actually sending one.

Yeah, I noticed this as well. I am not brave enough to see what happens.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
I'd send back two rotten eggs and an aubergine.

I was planning on paying them forward, but unlike my anonymous benefactor I can't seem to choose them as a gift. Such a pity, that. Guess I need to take the high road.
Man, fuck you Chimera. I'm all, "I got dis shit. I solo'd you in the demo and I'm level 19 right now. Consider your shit slapped!"

Bastard(s?) jumped from the top rope and one shotted me...

...Speaking of
. Anyone see the
off to the right on the way to the Witchwood? My main pawn pointed it out. I was tempted to go explore but...well...yeah. I was afraid...

Don't be. The
bandits in the stronghold don't attack you.

The songs in the main menu are so good. Really gets you pumped.

I took the trash down to the street today and it was super windy out.

I feel like I fucked up in regards to order of quests.

I was ~level 11 and tried to go to the thieves den and
Was getting ambushed by the armored cyclops, some knight, a pack of wolves and a group of bandits.

So after I figured out the path I had to walk in order to attract them one at a time instead of in one giant mob I was feeling pretty solid...but then

I stumble upon an even stronger mob of bandits further down the road and then out of nowhere...BAM a fucking chimera. I decided fuck it, I don't even like these pawns and trucked it to the thieves den

After learning how to ignore the cries from my pawns I continued on stern faced.

Turns out the thieves den ain't a fan and started attacking and overwhelming me.

I feel like I screwed up and may have skipped some early quests that level you up. I guess I need to go back to the encampment and first town to see if there's stuff I missed.


Is it just me, or can you give quest items away as pawn gifts? I know you can select them, and it asks you for confirmation that you want to send it, but I obviously haven't tried actually sending one.

Yes you can. But you are not able to finish the quest, after giving away the item, if there is only one. You can go and duplicate the item at gran soren if you want ;)


I rarely get much RC. I assume female pawns have an advantage since it's mostly guys playing this and rating based on appearance. My pawn is a guy.

I usually hire big macho warriors, I don't think gender really have much of an advantage as I find it to be too much hassle going through each pawn and stuff they have, I'll just take whoever have the right skills and gears.

It's just that there are A LOT of female pawns compared the male. Mine (female) didn't get much RC until today (like 2k)
I'm level 17 and haven't even seen trolls in the wild. You can gain a lot of levels just doing quests around the first town, I haven't actually explored around Gran Soren at all yet.

I've died once to the bandits near Witchwood(at level 4), and the only other time I've died so far was at level 14 via a misjudged distance jump while running around rooftops that ended up with me faceplanting concrete. Bandits seem pretty hard but as a strider I've been able to hang back and knock them down with Full Bend, which is an amazingly useful skill.

There's a troll near the encampment you first visit but you have to traverse maybe like 2 minutes away from it until your reach a place where a waterfall streams down. The bastard is sitting right there and he is fairly easy to take down as an archer because you can just shoot him from above.


My pawn "Marie" is a fighter and has brought me about 9000RC already.
Apparently she gets hired out a lot :D
I think she is level 16 now. Thanks to her RC I am currently running around with two lvl 26 pawns :D


Is it just me, or can you give quest items away as pawn gifts? I know you can select them, and it asks you for confirmation that you want to send it, but I obviously haven't tried actually sending one.

Yes you can. But you are not able to finish the quest, after giving away the item, if there is only one. You can go and duplicate the item at gran soren if you want ;)
I am actually wondering if there any other small towns or encampments. I went to the Duke Stronghold just a few minutes away from Gran Soren but that was just an abandoned mess with a few soldiers in tents.

I absolutely love the presentation in this game. The textures are blurry and the black bars take some getting used to but boy does it look great when the wind moves the grass, trees and even tents.


Not sure if this has already been posted, but I think I may have just encountered a glitch (or maybe I'm just missing something obvious but anyway....)

(Early quest spoilers)

I started Lost and Found and went to see Adaro. He told me to go to the woods to find Quina, blah, blah, blah. After that, I didn't go to do the quest straight away, I did some exploration, found the encampment etc.

Went back to Cassardis and I can't exactly remember when or how it happened but Adaro got a blue health bar above his head and started following me around - exactly like those extra NPC players sometimes help out. He doesn't help out though, he just gets in my way all of the time.

Anyway, I go to the woods, find Quina, find the witches house, then the game tells me to go back to Cassardis and speak to Adaro to tell him what's going on. I speak to Adaro, the quest won't progress and he still just follows me everywhere I go. If I try and speak to him, he just repeats the same none quest related shit that he always comes out with.

Anyone else come across this? Any suggestions or am I just looking at a total restart?


Try throwing him off a cliff and see if he dies and respawns at the starting town. It is a wild guess but you are pretty much screwed anyways.

Tried it, killed him and failed the quest.

Worth re-starting the game? Have I missed anything major by not completing this particular quest?
Tried it, killed him and failed the quest.

Worth re-starting the game? Have I missed anything major by not completing this particular quest?

I would not restart your game just because you failed a certain quest. At least you got rid of that guy following you around all the time.


I'm really loving this game but the quest markers kind of get annoying at times. Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't. But that's a small gripe for an overwhelmingly positive experience I'm having with this game.
Is there any point in gearing up your party with the exception of your main pawn? The way I see it is that you level up fast enough to keep hiring two new pawns every few hours just so they can keep up with your level.


Is there any point in gearing up your party with the exception of your main pawn? The way I see it is that you level up fast enough to keep hiring two new pawns every few hours just so they can keep up with your level.

Everything I have read says to just leave the extra 2 pawns alone since you will be swapping them out so much. Just focus on your main pawn (and yourself of course.)
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