so looks like everyone is enjoying this game? this thread has been steadily active and i don't see too much negative feedbacks. am i correct that the consensus is this game is good?
It's the shizzle.
so looks like everyone is enjoying this game? this thread has been steadily active and i don't see too much negative feedbacks. am i correct that the consensus is this game is good?
Any one try the combining and crafting? I don't know what the benefits are. Feels so obtuse.
Also, how can I get my pawns to eat herbs to restore their health bar back to full?
whether or not the red circle is there, that bandit camp and the tome are almost certainly still in that spot. wander down there without it and see if you can grab it. It's exactly the same route to the witchwood, but forks to the right slightly before hitting all that fog.
Warning though, bandits are all over the place there. you don't have to fight the bandit leader and his crew for the tome though- if you can climb the tower you can walk right out with it.
Combining is easy, just store a bunch of items in a storage and combine stuff from there. Gather lots of materials everywhere you go - you'll need them! Curatives are a must in this game so make as many as you can.
As for giving Pawns curatives - I tried giving them a few things, but sometimes they'll use it and sometimes they won't. >_>
Does combining make buffs?
I think any hit that staggers them a bit (like that dashing strike forgot what it's called) will do the trick. It's just easier as a fighter since they do have specific skills for staggering purposes. Also, you can hold them down on the ground for the same effect so any knock down attacks are good too.Earlier in the thread I talked about how I couldn't seem to grab & throw bandits and someone suggested stunning them first. I think a Fighter can stun people with a shield bash, but I'm a Strider and I don't know how to stun anyone. Is there a skill I need?
The only pawn chat thing that really annoys me is that they can't tell if you're approaching or leaving a place. You walk away from Gran Soren and they say "We'll be nearing Gran Soren soon!" etc.
If I liked kingdoms of amalur, but got burned out half way through, would this game keep my interest? Or is it apples and oranges? I'm on the fence. Played the demo which I thought was fun and great. If it can keep that up through out the game Ill be good and get it. I'm concerned about over questing and getting burned out of it. If that even makes sense.
If I liked kingdoms of amalur, but got burned out half way through, would this game keep my interest? Or is it apples and oranges? I'm on the fence. Played the demo which I thought was fun and great. If it can keep that up through out the game Ill be good and get it. I'm concerned about over questing and getting burned out of it. If that even makes sense.
Game doesn't feel like a dead MMO and the combat isn't piss easy.
If I liked kingdoms of amalur, but got burned out half way through, would this game keep my interest? Or is it apples and oranges? I'm on the fence. Played the demo which I thought was fun and great. If it can keep that up through out the game Ill be good and get it. I'm concerned about over questing and getting burned out of it. If that even makes sense.
I think any hit that staggers them a bit (like that dashing strike forgot what it's called) will do the trick. It's just easier as a fighter since they do have specific skills for staggering purposes. Also, you can hold them down on the ground for the same effect so any knock down attacks are good too.
Game doesn't feel like a dead MMO and the combat isn't piss easy.
I've been doing Ensnare-->Toss & Trigger-->Run and double jump-->Air heavy attack.Strider + Ensnare + Helm Splitter = DEATH
If I liked kingdoms of amalur, but got burned out half way through, would this game keep my interest? Or is it apples and oranges? I'm on the fence. Played the demo which I thought was fun and great. If it can keep that up through out the game Ill be good and get it. I'm concerned about over questing and getting burned out of it. If that even makes sense.
That moment when you complete a quest then you realize you have to back track all the way back..then you realize its night ugh.
Ferrystone, baby! Expensive, though.
I know man, now I regret using it in the Everfall.Ferrystone, baby! Expensive, though.
It's foggy, it's dark and there are ghosts. .
How does an strider or fighter deal with ghosts?
Some of the sounds wolves produce before they die make me feel horrible,The goblins always seem to be having the time of their lives before I burn them to a crisp.
It's foggy, it's dark and there are ghosts. .
How does an strider or fighter deal with ghosts?
1. Run.
2. Mix items to make spells.
Some of the sounds wolves make before they die make me feel horrible,![]()
Has anyone tried fully upgrading Rusted equipment?MH =)
It's foggy, it's dark and there are ghosts. .
How does an strider or fighter deal with ghosts?
Hahahahaha. Man so true. I swear mine were so confused and also EXCITED about seeing Gran Soren that they just kept pointing it out for the entire hour I spent running around outside just farming for stuff. It was like a bunch of kids wanting to go to Disneyland!
I'm loving the whole duplicating thing.
Got double quest rewards once by giving the same item twice. Now I'm going to duplicate that ring and keep it because it says it decreases spellcasting time.
If I liked kingdoms of amalur, but got burned out half way through, would this game keep my interest? Or is it apples and oranges? I'm on the fence. Played the demo which I thought was fun and great. If it can keep that up through out the game Ill be good and get it. I'm concerned about over questing and getting burned out of it. If that even makes sense.
So where are the Amazon pre-order weapons located in-game?
Not 100% positive BUT...I was attacking them when they "possess" one of my pawns. That seemed to hurt them.
It's foggy, it's dark and there are ghosts. .
How does an strider or fighter deal with ghosts?
enchanted weapons or magic mentioned...after they attach to a pawn.
I'm loving the whole duplicating thing.
Got double quest rewards once by giving the same item to two different people. Now I'm going to duplicate that ring and keep it because it says it decreases spellcasting time.
Mystic Knight any good? I don't like being ranged characters in games like this.