It starts off pretty basic with you just killing goblins, harpies, and bandits. About halfwway there, I run into some lizardmen and start working on them when a chimera just drops down on us.
Its my first time fighting one so I didnt know what to do but my pawns did! They start yelling "cut off the snake head" and right at that moment, the snake comes at me, I jump and grab, and I end up right smack dab on the snakes forehead. I just sat there shocked and started hacking away. We go at it for about 20 minutes and I finally take him down. I look around and notice that the lizards are also dead. I guess they got killed by the chimera. Its dark now.
I continue walking along a ledge with falling boulders and one of my hired pawns gets in the way, takes one to the face, and slides over the edge. I had to run down to save him and thats when I notice all the lit torches in the distance. I tip toe away so the goblins dont see me and go back to the narrow ledge.
Past the ledge, I turn a corner and see more lit torches and goblins start after me almost immediately. I notice a bonfire in the background but didnt think much of it and started working on the goblins. I pan the camera back to the bonfire when I realized that it wasnt a was a Cyclops flaming club. And he sees me. And hes mad. Music blares up and have to go crazy on this thing now. Another 10 mins of fighting, goblins scattered about. It was nuts but I got him. At this point, my team is hurting and Im running low on curatives but Im close so I continue forward.
Pawn says "Keep an eye on the darkness for any hidden enemies" and then goblins bumrushed me. Theyre pretty easy so Im not too worried....then I hear a growl and see fire raining down from the sky. Wings start flapping and I know that theres a dragon out there. I just cant actually see him. I run and run, killing gobs along the way. The dragon never sees me but hes still hanging around above the trees, growling just enough to make me shit me pants.
I get to camp, complete the quest, and cry a little bit.
Theres no place to rest here, either. I have to go back