Is there any benefit to playing an Assassin with a sword but NOT the shield? I noticed some YouTube videos where someone was running around one-handing a sword while leaving the other hand empty.
I found that grimoire thingy on top of the castle tower. Does something bad happen if I forge it? A rift pawn is telling me I aught to.
Roger roger.Actually there is some use in actually giving him the real grimoire.There is a quest to kill a Griffin that he will help in. So i suggest giving him the real one.
What's going on with the ending? And why is this motherfucker making out with my character? I don't even know him. I should probably be paying attention to the story instead of posting here.
Is there any benefit to playing an Assassin with a sword but NOT the shield? I noticed some YouTube videos where someone was running around one-handing a sword while leaving the other hand empty.
Is that for forging any magic weapon? Like a sword?I just read on GameFAQs that it won't work, but..
you get an achievement for forging a magic item
Anyone who saved 300,000 should now rent my pawn Hawkeye
Gamertag: Cth
I just read on GameFAQs that it won't work, but..
you get an achievement for forging a magic item
Anyone who saved 300,000 should now rent my pawn Hawkeye
Gamertag: Cth
When do I get toI haven't done all of those missions from the knight in Gran Soren, but I've done most I think. I knew about the idol quest, I just didn't know when I could unlock itmeet the duke?. I have everything good bought from merchant in Gran Soren.
Also, about the idol worship quest..who should I give the gold idol to? The guy, or the girl? Also..where is the silver idol?
edit: I'll add you Cth!
Is there any benefit to playing an Assassin with a sword but NOT the shield? I noticed some YouTube videos where someone was running around one-handing a sword while leaving the other hand empty.
Just beat the final boss. Now that's how you do a boss level. My ranger did shit as damage. My mage/sorcerer were dumb fucks and wouldn't give me ice affinity. When they eventually pulled out the big guns, they did major damage though.
What's going on with the ending? And why is this motherfucker making out with my character? I don't even know him. I should probably be paying attention to the story instead of posting here.
Oh, and where are these gargoyles at?
If you gave someone a "present" you raised their affinity towards you, the highest affinity person is the ending interest..the ending decision made me realize that the Duke was a real tool -__-
Just beat the final boss. Now that's how you do a boss level. My ranger did shit as damage. My mage/sorcerer were dumb fucks and wouldn't give me ice affinity. When they eventually pulled out the big guns, they did major damage though.
What's going on with the ending? And why is this motherfucker making out with my character? I don't even know him. I should probably be paying attention to the story instead of posting here.
Oh, and where are these gargoyles at?
If you gave someone a "present" you raised their affinity towards you, the highest affinity person is the ending interest..the ending decision made me realize that the Duke was a real tool -__-
The only problem I have with the game is that the way NG+ and the class system works, in NG+ you are an unstoppable ruinous beast. I kind of expected enemies to scale up a little, Souls style. As such there's nothing in the game that's a threat save for the online Ur Dragon.
I mean, there's all these incentives to get better stats, abilities and gear, stuff that's borderline impossible to get the first time around, but nothing to actually use it on.
Is there any benefit to playing an Assassin with a sword but NOT the shield? I noticed some YouTube videos where someone was running around one-handing a sword while leaving the other hand empty.
I... just brought down... a drake!
Apparently, it was a run-of-the-mill mini-dragon. Not the big guy that ate your heart.
But still, no easy feat at level 35-36. The two sub pawns were 40 but didn't fare better.
Not what I heard or read. NG+ is quite challenging according to some. I guess i'll see for myself eventually.
Not what I heard or read. NG+ is quite challenging according to some. I guess i'll see for myself eventually.
I've been hearing that the post game is challenging, but NG+ isn't.
I've been hearing that the post game is challenging, but NG+ isn't.
Yeah, the post game was vicious. But once you get around to it the second time around, it'll be much tamer.
I can't wait. I know I can breeze through the rest of the game but I'm being more thorough then usual with all the quests. I'm 49 and still havent done a lot of the main quests.
No idea why people are forging them for 300k and they may not work when you can just BUY them from Black Cats for 200k in NG+
Hey! Anyone want a portcrystal? >_>
No idea why people are forging them for 300k and they may not work when you can just BUY them from Black Cats for 200k in NG+
A little bit ago I decided to give the drake a shot seeing as how I was in the area and all, and ended up shredding him in about 3 minutes.
Bit of an anti-climax. Mystic Knight is absurd.
Well shucks. I was hoping that shelling out that much cash would get me one that actually worked. Only having one is a bit rough. Had I two more I think I'd be able to set up a perfectly serviceable set of waypoints.
Ah well. Guess I should decide where to drop it soon, then.
You get tomeet the Duke after finishing Maximilian's quests. I think you only need to finish two of the four before you get the option, but as soon as you meet the Duke the rest of the quests become inaccessible.
For the idols,Caxton stocks weapons and shields, Madeleine stocks some daggers, armor, and accessories. From the list of items someone posted earlier it seems like Caxton's upgrades are quite a bit better than Madeleine's. I gave the gold to Caxton and the silver to Madeleine and I've got no regrets.
The silver idol isa quest reward for a mission that appears on the notice board in the Gran Soren Pawn Guild. It only becomes available after meeting the Duke. It involves killing a cyclops at the Shadow Fort and isn't very hard at all, though the trip to the fort is a sizable trek if you haven't unlocked the quarry.
Speaking of which,if you haven't unlocked the quarry shortcut then doing so gets you a new merchant who sells quite a few nice pieces of equipment. Head more or less due west of Gran Soren to find the quarry. If you find the Miner's Hut you're just north of it. There's a merchant at the entrance with a quest for you to clear out the quarry. You need to kill three ogres inside and when you do you'll get access to his shop as well as an extremely handy shortcut from Gran Soren to the Shadow Fort. This can all be done before your meeting with the Duke.
The only real benefit would be if you're obsessive about keeping your weight down. There aren't any skills I know of that boost attack power from eschewing a shield, so I suspect the creator of those videos either had a compulsion about staying as light as possible or just wanted to be stylish.
You must have been higher leveled than me. I'm currently Mystic Knight, with a main pawn sorcerer, a pawn mage, and pawn ranger, we we barely survived.
Whoa! Awesome post, gracias, you've been a huge help!
One last question, since I haven't even met the duke yet, how far into the story am I?
Yeah, I did. I don't really see why they're special, but they do talk a lot and have a lot of area knowledge.Anyone used the special Capcome pawns?
Hmm? Sorry what?
Nice thing about Port Crystals is that escort missions cease to be a problem.
So guys, what do I need to know to make Mystic Knights effective?