Magic Archer > double cyclops.
I ran into my first Drake after leaving this area. NOPE, ran like hell...into a chimera and a good 15 lizardmen. I was surprised that this was pretty close to the outside of the first town.
Where is that at, exactly?
Where is that at, exactly?
From the looks of it, the quest where you have to clear out the shadow fort. I may be wrong though.
Only played a few hours up to the escort mission to Gran Soren and this game is pretty cool. I arrived at the capital with the sun setting down and was kinda afraid to be rushed by night creatures before making it to the walls but everything went fine. The world is really vibrant with life, the combat feels like it's going to be interesting for some time with the different classes and stuff. Next to this, the shitty menus and by the books quest structure is nothing to bear with.
Found a few quests in Soren (going to get that magic book from thieves as a pawn knows where it is) but I still have the "kill 8 spiders in the witch forest". Will I have to backtrack through the mountain pass to find this place or is it near Soren?
Strider = Boss class. Can't wait to try out the smoke bomb move I just found.
Also, is it usefull to equip my mage pawn (who's getting quite some use btw, thanks to his healing methinks) with the light and dark weapon buffs spells that early in the game? Wanted to switch things up a little bit as I have a player pawn with the fire buff already.
Bought a potion to change my appearance. Can't find it in the inventory. Any ideas?
I can't wait. I know I can breeze through the rest of the game but I'm being more thorough then usual with all the quests. I'm 49 and still havent done a lot of the main quests.
Invest in an enchanted elemental weapon/shiled as well as a mage's staff that works with MK's. Levitation is always useful as well as a basic healing spell or one of the higher damaging electrical spells.
I wouldn't spend to much on leveling up skills for your staff, just pick the few that suit you and level up the one that makes your bolts more effective, invest in Magick Cannon and Great Cannon (this spell is a monster) Magic shield counters are very very effective, they each have different strengths and effects and work mostly during a perfect parry/block.
Just go with the flow and you'll be on your way to being an unstoppable wrecking machine.
I'll get to it after doing a couple of quest around Soren then. That bandit doesn't frighten me but the mountain pass... it's fucking harpy country!Witchwood is back near the encampent, so you'd have to go through the mountain pass again. There's a bandit that gives a lot of people issues leading to it though, so it's probably a good thing you didn't head that way before heading to Gran Soren.
I'll come back with impressions if there's something interesting about it. At least I'll be getting cool light effectsI'm level 32 and haven't used light/dark enchants at all yet. Fire/ice are still effective, though I might honestly be missing out by not trying a pawn with those, so try it out.
There was nothing wrong with the clarity of your post (seeing as you've just restated it), it just doesn't make any sense to me at a fundamental level. A lot of people are saying they prefer DD's exploration to Skyrim's for the same reason they prefer Morrowind's exploration to Skyrim's, which wouldn't seem to indicate that they're just irrational Japanophiles. These aren't just their opinions. They're arguments. Arguments aren't objective facts written in stone, but they also aren't "I like green better than blue, just cause."I don't know how you managed to butcher what I said so much, I think I was pretty clear.
Some people, who obviously like Japanese RPGs are trying to dress up their opinions as objective arguments when it's clear that it is a matter of taste.
The argument about there being better exploration in this game because you never know what danger lurks around the corner is one example of the above.
Ha ha, oh man. Spoilers about a mid-game plot quest.
I just finished the quest about Fournival's trial. I dutifully went around and collected all of the evidence and then, since I wasn't going to let my source of cheap Ferrystones dry up, I threw all of the evidence against him into the trash, refused to escort the guy who wanted to testify against him to the capital, and turned in only the petitions for his release. Then I bought a couple of the forged petitions in his favor from Reynard and threw those on the pile for good measure. Fournival was acquitted and I celebrated by clearing out his Ferrystone inventory with my new discount.
The real joy came when I turned the quest in. I talked to the quest-giver andI cracked up a bit. Then I took my money and experience, stuck my hands in my pockets, and whistled innocently to myself.when he said that Fournival was acquitted somehow with this sort of dejected tone
I really kind of love how everything that happens in the Duke's Demesne is sketchy and awkward. Every single event there is tinged with lunacy of one sort or another.
Where is Witchwood?
I'm level 23 and I thought I'd just stumble into it. Haven't yet and getting worried.
The escort guy was FOR not against.
great to see nice positive opinions on this game. Sequel in coming no doubt.
I'd rather see meaty expansion content, personally. At least for now.
Do you trust Capcom to do expansions the right way?
I'd rather see meaty expansion content, personally. At least for now.
Do you trust Capcom to do expansions the right way?
I'm curious, which class is better to start off with. Strider or Fighter? I was originally fond with Strider cause of the bow but I like using regular swords too.
ppl seem to like this game. I played the demo but didnt care for it. I like the design but didnt care for how it was executed and the graphics were bad enough to give me headache(on ps3)
should i give second chance or is the demo a good representation.
Found a dragon yesterday and damn he has a lot of health, like 8 bars. It took me an hour drain three of his bars and then I died. Today I'll try him again but this time I have other two pawn with me. The last two died in a cave and I didn't bother to rescue them.
OK, so I was enjoying the game a fair bit more, but now I've hit a bit of a wall. I'm level 16 and I haven't done anything remotely story related since level 8 or so... I did that first escort mission to the capitol, did the quest at the Pawn Guild, and now... some Ser is giving me Wyrm Hunter quests that I absolutely cannot beat at my level, it seems? What did I miss? I haven't seen Mercedes or anything else story-related for hours and I'm not sure I'm getting the right side quests for my level. I've just sort of been dinking around and exploring, which is fun and all, but I have a whole bunch of half-finished quests that I don't think I can complete yet and no sign of any kind of story momentum.
Have you looked at buying better equipment (and improving it at the blacksmith) and new skills for you and your pawn?
You can also change class at the Inn in the city.
Try looking at one of the Wyrm hunter quests again, and think about what party would have been better, then go and hire the appropriate pawns and re-set-up yourself and your pawn to do it. Stock up on healing items too, and give them to your pawns as well, it's necessary on long quests, if you just rely on healing magic your party will be running around on 1/4 maximum health by the time you finish it.
There are also several side-quests in the city you should be able to take on and beat at your level- how many have you done?
Did you fight one at Devilfire Grove near the Shadow Fort?
I tried the one that takes you through the mines to Devilfire Grove or whatever and got 100% trashed by the dragon there, so I went back and now I'm doing The Cypher, except that my current advice from the pawns is "we should head South". I'm exploring the south of the city but can't for the life of me figure out what I'm looking for.