Just finishing up what is essentially a 12 hour long marathon of play (sadly offline ..

wish i could have helped out some others pawns but alas....)
Anyways.... I have turned a corner. I have how I like my assassin just about right. I know what kind of pawns i need for what kind of missions... I know certain pawns that always just do right be me and mine every single time. Went all the way up past that female bandit camp to hunt a chimera i saw there the first time i went up that mountain wwaaaaaayyyyyyy back at the start of my game and it was a good fight. Still hitting them for about 1/5th or 1/4th of a lifebar if they aren't in battle stance for those first few shots.
But... Dire Gouge... with the heated sword... oooooooohhhhh snap son. SAID SNAP.
I finally worked my way around to doing the griffon mission and it's just so funny .. everyone is so terrified and me and my pawn just mob up and do our thing. I can grapple just behind a griffon's leg ANYWHERE and as long as i gouge it seems like his wings always go up. The second one i killed (outside GS directly after the Blue Tower mission) couldn't have been longer than a minute after it touched down. So.... much..... dps. So glorious.
Also fought my first Golem this morning. Not as bad as a i thought but you really MUST go for those crystals. At the very least.. i know where to find freakin magic ore now! Huzzah!
For those wondering - ie no one- I specked everything out so it's always usable whenever but more or less it tilts like:
Sword - Bow - Big monster hunter. Big money ... such huge damage.
Keep daggers on you - switch when there's a TON of man sized targets. Instant reset. Are you kidding me? Snake bite and master kill both are delish and then biting wind i mean .. good bye bandits. It was fun and all.
And Lyncean sight just .. bah ... BAH i say. Head shots just ... BAH. They can't see you. It's multiplying your damage by soooooo much. One shot kills all over the godamn place.
This shit is amazing. I am sold all over. I want 5 copies. Inside of me.
Quick questions for those who beat it already:
I have the permanent fire enchanted sword and the Undulant and i'm reluctant to sell either one as I think both might be useful. Is this right? should I ditch the fire as soon as I upgrade the Undulant?
Where can i find/how do you make "Dappled Ore" I wanna upgrade SO FUCKIN BAD and there are like ... maybe 3 ingredients for 3 of my more important pieces of armor/weapons that i just can't find. That being one of the worst offenders.
If someone knows of an assassin style one handed sword that ol Eppy would just juke and cream for without all the huss and fuss freakin TELL ME WHERE IT IS ... i don't mind. It's not a spoiler. I'm just tired of sitting on the same gear for sooooo long.
Anyways... Can't wait till i also find some straight up assassin gear. Jesus this stuff is so good. SOOOO GOOD.
I thought it was especially odd that my large capable damage tank fighter version of my pawn got almost no love at all... but as soon as i got him a full face helmet and a 2 handed zweinhander looking thing i regular come back from hours long play sessions to 10 or 15k plus. And i have yet to spend a single crystal.