Yeah that merchant sell new gears, he's the guy that sell the berserk stuff
I think the whole pawn rating system is pretty dumb and arbitrary, personally. It kind of reminds me of the player rating system in Demon's Souls in that it doesn't tell you anything of particular worth. If there's a sequel to Dragon's Dogma I rather hope Capcom follows From's lead and just abandons it entirely.
I always give 5 stars across the board and append one of the generic positive messages. My pawn usually comes back with 5 stars in the two vaguely worthwhile categories and less in Appearance. Scars do not seem to be popular.
Just did this last night and - if i'm remembering right - there is only a hand over hand increase in the quality of the gear you can buy there. And after looking at the berserk stuff (even the armor) i passed on all of it. Definitely cool you can "dress up" as griffith or guts but otherwise they are just TOOOO expensive.
I'm sitting on nearly a million gold and got nothing to spend it on. This game needs more merchants.
I had plenty of money when I did the quest, they didn't really sell anything new since lvl20ish for me so I saved up to like 300k when I went through that![]()
Alright, I have a question...
is not a reliable source? For mystic knight it says I should be able to buy ruinous sigil at rank 4, but I'm rank 5 and it still is not available..
I'm sitting on nearly a million gold and got nothing to spend it on. This game needs more merchants.
I disagree, the ratings make sense and i tend to rate accordingly, met a Female pawn named Fairy who picked up a wealth of items and weapons, i appreciated being able to mention that in the comments.
Gonna quote an earlier post, since I made it reallllly early in the morning a few pages back, and I never got an answer.
Did you buy Perilous Sigil first?
I'm sitting on nearly a million gold and got nothing to spend it on. This game needs more merchants.
The sense of adventure this game instills in me is really something special.
I'm still not far in after restarting, but I'm absolutely loving the Strider. Before going doing the caravan quest to Gran Soren, I decided to go search for Quina in the Witchwood. That was such an awesome adventure. I almost got murdered multiple times by bandits, and barely made it to the Witch's Hut before nightfall. I thought about waiting it out there until morning, but curiosity got the better of me and what followed was an extremely tense 20-minute lantern-lit romp through the Witchwood in the black of night.
The sense of accomplishment when I made it back in one piece to the starting town (forgot the name) was something else.
I now just made it to Gran Soren and have been exploring the town and buying stuff (already burned through the 40k I had saved up until that point). Right now I'm debating a class change to either a Ranger or Assassin.
Is it viable to remain just a Strider for the entirety of the game, or are the more advanced classes objectively better?
Does anyone know if NPC affinities reset in NG+?
The sense of adventure this game instills in me is really something special.
I'm still not far in after restarting, but I'm absolutely loving the Strider. Before going doing the caravan quest to Gran Soren, I decided to go search for Quina in the Witchwood. That was such an awesome adventure. I almost got murdered multiple times by bandits, and barely made it to the Witch's Hut before nightfall. I thought about waiting it out there until morning, but curiosity got the better of me and what followed was an extremely tense 20-minute lantern-lit romp through the Witchwood in the black of night.
The sense of accomplishment when I made it back in one piece to the starting town (forgot the name) was something else.
I now just made it to Gran Soren and have been exploring the town and buying stuff (already burned through the 40k I had saved up until that point). Right now I'm debating a class change to either a Ranger or Assassin.
Is it viable to remain just a Strider for the entirety of the game, or are the more advanced classes objectively better?
you know i just realized, the enchant weapon ability for the mystic knight will be a staff ability won't it? meaning to enchant my sword i'll have to go to the equip menu, change to staff, cast the spell, the head to the menu again? my god this game is begging for quick select.
also I was enjoying the warrior class but only three moves? why can you not use the left trigger for an additional three? do you unlock that later?
EDIT: just looked it's a shield ability! and it's the whole party? Damn!
All augments are equippable by any class. All core skills will carry over whenever you use that specific weapon type. As for the weapon skills themselves, look on the bottom right for an icon--if there's no icon, it will be available to other classes that share the same weapon; if there is an icon, the icon will denote that it is unique to that particular vocation. Learning offensive spells with staves will carry over to archistaves, but that's the only exception I can think of.Question: How do I know which Augments/Core Skills/whatever transfer and what don't?
All augments are equippable by any class. All core skills will carry over whenever you use that specific weapon type. As for the weapon skills themselves, look on the bottom right for an icon--if there's no icon, it will be available to other classes that share the same weapon; if there is an icon, the icon will denote that it is unique to that particular vocation. Learning some offensive spells with staves will carry over to archistaves, but that's the only exception I can think of.
Just started up the game over lunch. Got 78k in RC between last night and now when I rested at the inn from 5 people.
I decided to go on a small adventure and right at the end of my lunch break ran into the drake (again) in devilfire grove. I took off a couple life bars on it, but had to pause it lol.
He is ridiculously easy with a magic knight. I just spammed ruinous sigil and great cannon on him and his life bars just began to melt away, so I suspect this will also be an easy battle.
I guess I should just go beat the game tonight so I can do NG+ since it's no longer difficult.
man this game is sooo good when it toss you into just doing shit and exploring, they really should do something about the quest designs, maybe make it more seamless and just tossing you into the wild would benefit a lot instead of having to go through all the silly "talk to npc" stuff, the town stuff are really the worst stuff in the game outside of the main story stuff
Make sure to stay infor awhile, as it's the only real challenging point atm. NG+ is sadly just the same leveled monsters as regular(unless it gets difficult at some random point I haven't come to yet).post-game
Yeah, I planned on that after reading up on it. I actually don't think I'll do a NG+ to be honest as I just don't see the point in going through everything again with none of the challenge. NG+ is mostly for achievement whores and completionests, neither of which I am.
So, how do I enchant my own weapons? I'm sick of having to rely on my stupid ass pawns to give me the enchantment that I need, when I need it.
Totally, I started NG+ a couple of hours ago and as soon as they wanted me to escort the hydra head again I knew I was done with the game. No more fun to be had there.
Too bad I never tried the Ur Dragon, though.
You're not quite done with the game yet. Go to the beach in the starting town and on the far right side there's a separate part of the beach that you can go to which has a portal to the Ur-Dragon.
Where can i find/how do you make "Dappled Ore" I wanna upgrade SO FUCKIN BAD and there are like ... maybe 3 ingredients for 3 of my more important pieces of armor/weapons that i just can't find. That being one of the worst offenders.
Gonna quote an earlier post, since I made it reallllly early in the morning a few pages back, and I never got an answer.
Oh, cool. I watched a vid where someone went to the Ur Dragon and that was in the post game Everfall.
I'll check the beach out, thanks!
Anyone use a mystic archer? Are they any good?
Damn, that wind
Ah thanks, I'll try the archer first and see how it goes.They're one of the most popular classes. The class is well built and their melee/bow skills work really well together. It's also fun to play, but do note that it's geared more towards multiple target damage. If you want higher single target (and pinpoint) damage then you'd want to use the Ranger because it allows manual aiming, while the Mystic Archer has auto-lockon for everything so you can't manually aim for weak spots.
Goddamn Magick Archer is awesome. Immolation is perfect for the larger enemies - just set yourself on fire and mount so they get burned while you stab the shit out of them. Boss.
Ah thanks, I'll try the archer first and see how it goes.
Lol, its crazy shit like this, that makes me want everyone who gave this game a mediocre, dismissive, nondescript, poor analysis and depth-less, brief, brushed over review to be fired.
It probably doesn't help, but the guide lists it being availble at level 4.