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Dream up concept art for a new video game in DALL-E 3


This is what I got;
Thank you for putting that spoiler tag
Youtube Love GIF by Hyper RPG
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Hey, what was that thread years ago where we took good looking games and made them look as shitty as possible? I remember some hilarious titles in that thread that I want to feed into the generator.


The definition of art is the expression of human creativity, and while AI stuff is neat, it's certainly not that.
Creativity isn't limited to humans, unless you subscribe to some magical thinking re:the capabilities of carbon-based lifeforms.

You may not think that synthesizing these images based on shuffling its training data in novel ways counts as "creativity" -- but that's exactly what human creativity is. It's not "divinely inspired" or come out of a vacuum. True, human creativity at its peak is still superior. But this is like v0.01 of where AI is gonna be in 10 years.


Gears of War Reboot with me as the Creative Lead (with dictatorial powers regarding it's creation). It has the original crew and begins with the tone of the original until getting extremely dark and serious. Ammo comes and goes, no RPG lite elements at all. 13 hours. Events in game take place in real time, 6:00PM - 7:00AM of a single night. The fate of the universe is not on the line. Just a really fucked mission. Soundtrack by Zach Hill and Andy Moran. Barebones MP, but honed with razor sharp fundamentals. No progression, skins or even character customization. Just anal levels of stat tracking.




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