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Drinky Crow Gamecube Appreciation Thread -- yeah, you heard me.

So thanks to my boy Rick Mears, I have a GameCube again after abandoning it in disgust roundabout late last year. I decided to take him up on his deal because I sorely missed Super Mario Sunshine, of all games; I know it has some big flaws, like the wonky camera for some shines and of course those interminable retarded cutscenes, but I just love the whole happy seaside vibe and the ridiculously complicated jungle gym levels that Mario 64 promised and never really delivered to my tastes. It's a fun summertime game that has a really off-kilter charm the more polished and overdesigned games like Wind Waker really fail to deliver.

I also picked up FF: Crystal Chronicles and Four Swords -- that's right, CONNECTIVITY, bitches. My brother got a GBA SP, and those two games are really amiable beer-swilling, dungeon hacking works of co-op genius. Whatta great way to waste time, and there is of course the KING of drinking games: Super Monkey Ball's Monkey Target. Late-night boozing just isn't the same without it.

Borrowed and played through Tales of Symphonia; a good albeit by-the-numbers RPG with a great battle system and the lamest cast/plot in videogames since Beyond the Beyond. The image quality in this game is just flawless, although the idiots saying the PS2 couldn't do it are off the mark -- the texturing is awful. Can't imagine the PS2 getting the AA quality matched, though. VA work is really, really good. God I hate Kousuke Fujishima's character designs, though. BELLDANDY MUST DIE.

It'll be nice to be able to play Pikmin 2 in a timely fashion, at least. The first was decent if dumb, and the sequel looks to be everything the original tried to be and failed. Better still: FIRE EMBLEM VCXXXIIVCVXIICVXICIIIXBCVXIIVCVCVCIXXXXIII

I'd get Mario Kart: DD, but I just can't muster the enthusiasm for kart racers these days.


*Note that this thread is NOT to discuss crap like Metroid Prime and the Resident Evil titles, or to hilariously suggest that I have bad taste. I *will* ban the first person who suggests that Metroid Prime is anything but crap, unless that person is on the Mod Favorites List, of course. Matlock, you aren't on the List, for reference. Also, the DS still sucks.

** For fans of irony, note that I traded my import PS2 for it. HAVE AT ME!



ToS r0x, but I'm getting sorta tired of it. They're like stretching the length of the game with stupid plot devices. I'm at about hour 31.

As for LoZ: FSA, as a single player game, it bores me to death.

I think the sleep depravation is getting to Drinky. :p


Which did you like better as a party game, Crystal Chronicles or Four Swords? I liked the more uncomplicated action in Zelda, myself -- CC gets a little too involved, I thought, while Four Swords always keeps moving at a good clip.


Wind Waker: Played it, beat it, gave myself a seizure from sailing tedium, promptly forgot about it. Master Quest OoT disk rocked some serious llama scrotum, though.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
is your daughter allowed near the gamecube? ;)

I've found that any child over the age of 2 goes apeshit upon first seeing Mario Sunshine in motion. It was the first time my youngest son ever demanded a controller.
Metroid Prime is the easiest FPS game ever made. U click ur left trigger and HOME on to enemies. HOW HARD! Again another terible nintendo game, and hey!? made for little kids!!!

prime is made for kids
called lock on fps
easy as fuck
u see we have a better game for xbox
fps its called halo
u see with halo, u aim with ur right thunmb stick
takes somewhat of talent,
not hitting the left trigger and homing on to stupid enemies



Edit: I agree with the short loading times deal. The PS3 better have some sort of thought paid to loading times. Sure Sony doesn't have to do it, but THINK OF THE GAMERS SONY!


yeah, in some ways Mario Sunshine feels more like a theme park than Mario 64, even though Miyamoto specifically aimed for that feeling for Mario 64...

yeah, I like the GCN for some things you mentioned, like the colors, very vibrant-graphics feel to most of the games...
You've talked a lot about liking Hot Shots Golf in the past. Now's your chance to check out Mario Golf Toadstool Tour, its just as good (but slightly different) sister game. I think you might just love it, whether you're a fan of the Mario characters or not.
Oddly, my daughter loves Tales of Symphonia -- she'd only watch the screen while it was playing, and she'd perk up when she heard the music. The rest of the games she doesn't give a shit about. God, I think she's gonna be an RPG geek, although her fear of Xenogears at least indicates she'll be on the side of GOOD.
bobby: Good call! Forgot all about that. I have a massive stack of trade-in games I'm gonna haul in later today; I'll definitely pick that up. The wife loves to play golf games, and anything we can play together while we're houseridden is ace.


trippingmartian said:
Metroid Prime is the easiest FPS game ever made. U click ur left trigger and HOME on to enemies. HOW HARD! Again another terible nintendo game, and hey!? made for little kids!!!

prime is made for kids
called lock on fps
easy as fuck
u see we have a better game for xbox
fps its called halo
u see with halo, u aim with ur right thunmb stick
takes somewhat of talent,
not hitting the left trigger and homing on to stupid enemies


"im guessing ur a 10 year old faggot who plays the gamecube!"
Reverend: I prefer Four Swords for just the reasons you mentioned. It really makes "connectivity" kinda, y'know, COOL, whereas FF:CC's use of it felt really forced. Of the two, I prefer Four Swords, but CC has TEH GRAPHIC SEX-AY everyone digs.


Xenogears is great! Just wanted to mention that.

Anyways, you should pick up Metal Gear Solid: TTS. I believe it's price-dropping a bit.

Also, anything else I can suggest? Nothing that wasn't already mentioned.
Azih: I can't abide Shenmue within a 30 foot radius. It took TWO YEARS of karmic cleansing straight from the Buddha himself to rid my soul of that taint, and I'm told I'll still be reborn as a cabin boy on a 1700's frigate for the poverty it inflicted on my spirit.
Ristamar: It's pretty, but it feels more like a rollercoaster than a racer to my tastes. I don't hate it; it just wasn't for me. I'm nore of a Rallisport Challenge type of racer d00d.


Four Swords also gets more mileage out of the constant imperative to fuck your teammates and grab all the Force Gems. Crystal Chronicles arguably has too much teamwork by comparison.

I'm trying to think of other GameCube games I liked. Puyo Puyo Fever, maybe, the strangest console exclusive in modern history...

Yeah, at least the first hour of any 4S game is spent dueling with fire rods and chucking each other off cliffs. FF:CC is so painfully sanitized at times, although granting a comrade the humiliating status of "bucket bitch" is always good for a laff.


Damn, I need to try Super Mario Sunshine, sounds like a great summertime game, I love that kind of games. And summer has been messed up in Sweden, freakin' rain, I need something to make up for it. :(
Right now I'm playing Wave Race Blue Storm (which I picked up for $10 CAD), which is pretty cool, but I'm surprised there seems to be so few courses. Tight little racer, though.

Four Swords is the quintessential connectivity game. Single player rocks, too!


Tabris said:
Xenogears is great! Just wanted to mention that.

Anyways, you should pick up Metal Gear Solid: TTS. I believe it's price-dropping a bit.
Knowing Drinky, I hope you were just fucking around there.


FoneBone said:
Knowing Drinky, I hope you were just fucking around there.
I forget whether Doug hated the original MGS or not. The odds are probably good, though.

Twin Snakes I'd buy after a budget markdown, though. The new Psycho Mantis stuff is worth a reduced price of admission. What they need to do is cut out the game and just sell a DVD of Kitamura's shit, that'd be worth twenty bucks...



WarPig said:
I forget whether Doug hated the original MGS or not. The odds are probably good, though.

Twin Snakes I'd buy after a budget markdown, though. The new Psycho Mantis stuff is worth a reduced price of admission.


I thought he hated all things Kojima? Except for maybe Boktai (which I'm not sure about one way or another).
To be honest, I don't hate MGS for being a shitty piece of game design ala Shenmue/Xeno*/Kingdom Hearts/RE*, I simply hate it because it's everything I despise in modern videogaming: noxious cutscenes, masturbatory writing, FUCKING STEALTH, tortured control schemes, and an almost arbitrary emphasis on realism at times. I can't find any outstanding flaws in the MGS games to pick at because it doesn't offend me for being badly created; rather, it offends me because I simply don't fucking understand the appeal.

It's like the GTA series; I can see why people like it, but it doesn't even remotely mesh with what I value in a game.


Drinky Crow said:
To be honest, I don't hate MGS for being a shitty piece of game design ala Shenmue/Xeno*/Kingdom Hearts/RE*, I simply hate it because it's everything I despise in modern videogaming: noxious cutscenes, masturbatory writing, FUCKING STEALTH, tortured control schemes, and an almost arbitrary emphasis on realism at times. I can't find any outstanding flaws in the MGS games to pick at because it doesn't offend me for being badly created; rather, it offends me because I simply don't fucking understand the appeal.

Twin Snakes lets you watch Denis Dyack get the flesh burned off his skull. That's pretty appealing.

I should also mention that I'll ban anyone that suggests Eternal Darkness is anything other than purely abysmal dreck of the lowest fanboy-jerkoff denominator.


:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( @ Resident Evil

I hope you'll try RE4 though. :D

But I reccomend Animal Crossing if you haven't played it already. If you're into multiplayer games, then Mario Party 5 is surprisingly good.


Banstick Emeritus
Drinky Crow said:
I should also mention that I'll ban anyone that suggests Eternal Darkness is anything other than purely abysmal dreck of the lowest fanboy-jerkoff denominator.
Hey Mike, gotta minute? Drinky's calling you again.


Drinky Crow said:
I should also mention that I'll ban anyone that suggests Eternal Darkness is anything other than purely abysmal dreck of the lowest fanboy-jerkoff denominator.

I wish I still had the note Matt Cassamassina sent to the editors list after the reviews came in on that one. God, it was fucking funny.

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