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Drinky Crow Gamecube Appreciation Thread -- yeah, you heard me.

You haven't experienced RAGE until you've been run over by MAF with a Warthog. EVERY TWO MINUTES. JERK!

"Hurry, get on! Let's finish the level!"


"Haha, seriously, get on."


"Hahahaha, I'll be serious this time, now get on"

"um, okay"

REPEAT x 100

After that, he drove in circles trying to avoid my grenade spam. I'm a slow learner. :(


Kobun Heat said:
Playing Four Swords with my friends, I could tell who was really mature and who wasn't. Some people really, really got bent out of shape about it, and took everything personally. Sigh.

It is interesting, the way it reveals hidden personality traits. Nich's a perfectly nice guy until you plug him into Four Swords, he was the number one Force Gem hog in the entire office. It's that Catholic upbringing -- the demon's still in there, he's just buried real deep ^_^



hyperbolically metafictive
try pee en oh three if you haven't. it's quite good, and it makes you feel like a spastic asking for it in stores. or when your friends pick on you in four swords, you can say "screw you guys, i'm gonna go play some pee en oh three." and everyone will laugh at you.

four swords sounds neat, though. sounds very like what'd happen in chip n' dale's rescue rangers for nes, which is nominally a co op game, but is actually about throwing your fellow chipmunk off ledges and onto cacti and into the mouths of giant robot dogs. i'd like to try it multiplayer. shame the logistics exclude so many people.


Drinky Crow said:
You haven't experienced RAGE until you've been run over by MAF with a Warthog. EVERY TWO MINUTES. JERK!

"Hurry, get on! Let's finish the level!"


"Haha, seriously, get on."


"Hahahaha, I'll be serious this time, now get on"

"um, okay"

REPEAT x 100

After that, he drove in circles trying to avoid my grenade spam. I'm a slow learner. :(

Haha, that somehow cracked me up. I remember playing co-op with a friend, and we were at a slow part of the game, and I just got this feeling I should run him over because I was so bored. But since I didn't have a good reason to actually do it (meaning, one I could explain to him), I pretended it was an accident. Genius! :D


I still remember when a friend of mine shot down a Banshee and it landed on me, what the fuck. I still get harrased for that.
I actually enjoyed PN03 import against my better judgment. It's really hard to enjoy a game knowing that olimario is furiously masturbating to it at the same time.

I couldn't get into Smash Brothers Melee. It's almost worth owning for the great orchestrated Kirby themes, but the fighting just left me cold.

Dave Long

Drinky Crow said:
I couldn't get into Smash Brothers Melee. It's almost worth owning for the great orchestrated Kirby themes, but the fighting just left me cold.

Eh...there's so much to do in that game though. Me and DK can swat the home run bag hundreds of times. Target challenges. Multiplayer especially just can't be beat, especially with the kids. We were playing with the handicapper on a couple nights ago and I beat the three of them with a 1 handicap. My oldest (who is now 6 and can beat anyone's kids at video games ;) was none too happy with that. This was right after he shouted "You want a piece of me?!"


SSBM has provided hours upon hours of family and adult fun at my house.
I also recommend PN03, as much as it pains me to enjoy a game Olimario fapped over. The music is awesome, and I actually liked the art direction. It melded very well with the musical style. On the plus side you can probably find it for ultra cheap.

And if you aren't totally sick of Wario Ware for the AGB, you might wanna try and find Wario Ware GC. It's great with 4P.

Also: get Baten Kaitos this fall. I think you'll dig it, it has a VERY tri-Ace vibe, and reminded me tonnes of VP in terms of rethinking the RPG genre. Oh and it's a dungeon crawler pretending to be a regular RPG.

Outside of that, you might want to pick up Lost Kingdoms I and II. For From Software games they were pretty addictive for me.

As for your daughter already into Tales, that's a good sign! I think that pretty much assures good gaming tastes. :p


works for Gamestop (lol)
Drinky Crow said:
I actually enjoyed PN03 import against my better judgment. It's really hard to enjoy a game knowing that olimario is furiously masturbating to it at the same time.

I don't know if you're being serious or not, but I feel the same way. Haha, IGN review even links to Olimario's IGN profile...

Wish people gave the game a chance instead of passing it over because of 'bad controls'
Metal Storm rocks.

Damn you nesplayer.com. Damn you.

^ That's going to be my only contribution to this thread.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
WarPig said:
Trivia note: Drinky is also the only man on the North American continent who enjoyed Unlimited SaGa.


Ask him how he got his copy....


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Drinky Crow said:
You haven't experienced RAGE until you've been run over by MAF with a Warthog. EVERY TWO MINUTES. JERK!

"Hurry, get on! Let's finish the level!"


"Haha, seriously, get on."


"Hahahaha, I'll be serious this time, now get on"

"um, okay"

REPEAT x 100

After that, he drove in circles trying to avoid my grenade spam. I'm a slow learner. :(

I know this conversation happened... I have seen something like this in action at Crow Manor


If you're into C-list games, check out Space Raiders. It's a simple shooter, can be had for like $12, and might be awesome while shit-canned.


hyperbolically metafictive
yeah, pn03 was tainted by association with olimario. for that very reason i didn't bother playing it until the price had been reduced to $10. that definitely merits a spot on the "ways gaf has made my life worse" list.
I still kinda think there should be UN sanctions after the gameplay of SaGa Frontier 2 was so badly messed up, but hey, FM4 praise, what can I do but approve?


force push the doodoo rock
Drinky Crow said:
He's fucking with me. He knows I think the entire MGS series is the very herpes simplex of the gaming industry.

this is an opinion i can agree with.


Drinky Crow said:
*Note that this thread is NOT to discuss crap like Metroid Prime and the Resident Evil titles, or to hilariously suggest that I have bad taste. I *will* ban the first person who suggests that Metroid Prime is anything but crap, unless that person is on the Mod Favorites List, of course. Matlock, you aren't on the List, for reference. Also, the DS still sucks.

Cheers for the SMS love, but poor form on the rest. I rarely read console specific threads anymore due to their volatile and rather outplayed volatility. If sporks hadn't clued me into this from #GA, I wouldn't have even come near it. :p

As for PN03, it's a modern day graphical reinvention of the shooter genre with boring graphics and...well, that's the only dig I can put towards it, other than the rather repetitive boss battles. I mean, damn...how many times can I fight the same train?


WarPig said:
I wish I still had the note Matt Cassamassina sent to the editors list after the reviews came in on that one. God, it was fucking funny.


Please do elaborate. I am curious.


Well, Your gamecube that you sold to me is still kicking, currently burning through Tales of Symphonia. =)

No, you can't have it back. =)
Get 1080. All my snowboard-hating friends had a blast with this game. We were up till 4am playing this the other night. Good fun and a great thrill ride.

But seriously. Make the jump for Mario Kart: DD. You won't find a more polished or well designed kart racer ever. It has some of the best courses of the series and the multiplayer is wonderful. Bomb Blast will find its way to the top of your drinking game chart.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Great. I've got to add ANOTHER name to my Christmas card list now.

Seriously, though, can I take this moment to agree with Drinky about the sheer weirdness that is the MGS series? I started playing TTS with a vague notion of the "realism" of the game, then struggled to tolerate the odd mix of attempted "hyper realism" and "serious social issues" with the complete inability of the game to do anything other than scream out "HEY THERE! YOU'RE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME! LOOKIE! WE'RE GONNA BREAK THE 4TH WALL IN A WAY COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE TO PREDICT, THUS MAKING THE GAME A CHORE TO PLAY!"



I dunno why Namco Hometek never released Driller Land in the US (they actually announced it even along with Ace on GBA). It'd still make a good budget release today even if they ever change their minds (looking at Katamari)... is much localization needed?


I use the Freeloader swap disk, which may or may not be at your local games store...I haven't seen it around since last April, when I imported Soul Calibur II, heh. :p

Plus, at only $20, it's not all that hard on your wallet.


evilromero said:
Get 1080. All my snowboard-hating friends had a blast with this game. We were up till 4am playing this the other night. Good fun and a great thrill ride.

1080 is so underrated :(
Drinky Crow said:
As much as I hate to praise Nintendo, the co-op design of Four Swords really *is* the most brilliant piece of adult-friendly game design conceived in this generation. The entire game requires an incredible level of cooperation to advance, forcing you to go against EVERY instinct to run for the loot or to endlessly pick on your buddy. It's so fundamentally HUMAN it cracks me up; it's amazing how fast you can go from a selfish amoral fuckwad hording all the Force Gems and torching Purple Link for being homo to working in precise and flawless collaboration with your pals to take down a boss.

Unlike MGS2, there probably *is* a Master's thesis somewhere in Four Swords. I would LOVE to see more co-op games that force the player to endlessly choose between altruism and selfish gluttony to progress like this. Halo had a bit of this, too, and that's what made it rock.

Holy crap, I never thought I would see this coming from Drinky Crow of all people. Very well put Drinky. It's pretty much exactly how I looked at it as well. The game is practically a social experiment.
Tales of Symphonia doesn't have the best plot or characters ever, but after clocking like 25 hours into it and making it to the second disc, I really don't get what is THAT BAD about either of those things. The plot is weird and riddled with cliche ideas, but it's servicable and has points of interest. The characters are two dimensional and really don't develop personalty wise beyond what they're set in, but they're not uninteresting.

I don't know, I don't mind either of those things in this game... probably because I'm enjoying the battle system and dungeon areas more.

In any case, I'd check out F-Zero GX and Harvest Moon if you're into those types of games. I've enjoyed them most on the system thus far (outside of games you said not to discuss lol).
Drinky Crow said:
I enjoyed Tales of Symphonia, sir.

Yes, I had read heh. I was just bringing up the plot issues compared to other RPGs I have played. I don't think they're quite that bad... regardless of how enjoyable other parts may be.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
So did half of GAF just sit down one weekend, give the middle finger to the outside world, and vow to forego responsibility and sunshine until ToS is beaten?

I'm still only 10 hours in (though the 'guilty pleasure' Painkiller game and that Doom thing sidetracked me somewhat), but even Doug couldn't come up for air until Cam Clarke's last spoken dialogue has been uttered?

You magnificent bastards!

Oh and SSBM = Purest game experience still available on GC. Learn to fly son!
I'm on paternity leave for the month, so I just propped baby up with one arm and mashed through battles on the controller with the other. Life was good.
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