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Drinky Crow Gamecube Appreciation Thread -- yeah, you heard me.

I also don't get Animal Crossing -- could a game be any more utterly boring and inane? Seriously, I'd rather do chores than play AC; I'm still participating in the endless futility of existence, but it's not like I willingly volunteered for life. Doing repetitive mundane shit and indulging in OCD-like escapades of pointless collection isn't any more entertaining because it's virtual; in fact, it seems doubly tragic because I can't pawn my freakin' furniture collection when I realize what a creepy-ass old packrat I've become BECAUSE IT DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST. Getting excited over holidays with imaginary friends seems even WORSE.

I won't be going anywhere NEAR RE4.
Animal Crossing is one of the only games I play on a regular basis. I hope that's not ban worthy.

Your kid would enjoy the colors & the music & the cuteness.

I swear I didn't see Dinky's post above mine when I wrote this!


Drinky Crow said:
I also don't get Animal Crossing -- could a game be any more utterly boring and inane? Seriously; I'd rather do chores than play AC; I'm still participating in the endless futility of existence, but it's not like a willingly volunteered for life. Doing repetitive mundane shit and indulging in OCD-like escapades of pointless collection isn't any more entertaining because it's virtual.

IAWTP. AC is such a boring pointless stupid game. It's the Sims with unappealing characters and stupid ass quests.

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A friend bought me Animal Crossing for my birthday five months ago.

It's still in the plastic. On one hand, I have zero interest in perpetual games like AC, I just didn't have the heart to tell him that and ask for the receipt. On the other, I'm afraid to open it. I've seen it turn normal friends into shut-ins who murmur stuff about "bells" and secret codes inbetween their bowel movements into colostomy bags, because god forbid they should get up and miss one moment of that...thing.


catchin bugs, fish & finding the right carpet to go with your table sounds dumb, but it's fun for a while. Plus, setting up a NES arcade upstairs is pretty cool :).
MaddenNFL64 said:
catchin bugs, fish & finding the right carpet to go with your table sounds dumb, but it's fun for a while. Plus, setting up a NES arcade upstairs is pretty cool :).

The thing I want to know is, do you need to get a NES to play the NES games!? I have two games that came with AC (in the Grab Bag) but I've yet to figure out how to play them.
I fish regularly with my old man, I hide from my wife when she talks furniture/decorating, and if I want a NES arcade upstairs, I'LL PUT ONE IN MY REAL HOUSE WITH GUARDIAN LEGEND AND BATTLE OF OLYMPUS AND METAL STORM instead of fucking Donkey Kong Junior.


I dunno, man. There's easier ways to play NES games. Given the choice between grinding away at Animal Crossing and, say, illegally downloading 'em, you know what I'll pick...



Saint Cornelius said:
The thing I want to know is, do you need to get a NES to play the NES games!? I have two games that came with AC (in the Grab Bag) but I've yet to figure out how to play them.

Just drop the games in your house like clothes, or furniture, and they'll turn into NES's with the game cart on top.


The image quality in this game is just flawless, although the idiots saying the PS2 couldn't do it are off the mark -- the texturing is awful.

Well so far with current screens, it's hard to say :p But hey! 1 month left...
MaddenNFL64 said:
Just drop the games in your house like clothes, or furniture, and they'll turn into NES's with the game cart on top.

...that doesn't work with the Grab Bag though. It just sits there with the big kanji letter on it, mocking me. Maybe the Grab Bag isn't NES games after all?


Saint Cornelius said:
I swear to God, some of you take the fun out of videogames. Why even bother to play the fucking things? :(

Some games aren't meant to be analyzed, you just try it, and it will appeal to you or not.
But some people gotta analyze everything.


Drinky Crow said:
I won't be going anywhere NEAR RE4.


*runs off and cries*

White Man

I think fatherhood has changed your former calculative and well-paced passive-aggressiveness into a sort of seething and ejaculatory aggressive-aggressiveness. You can't be with us a lot anymore, so you only give us mainline HATERADE when you do get a chance to be here. It's pretty impressive. Your anaerobic-style hateratin' should be an olympic sport.


My tastes are changing, a lot, I played the new Harvest Moon for about three hours before trading it in.

I had a lot of fun with Symphonia, but I don't know if I can muster the energy to go through again on Mania mode like I had planned. The characters are pretty generic mostly, but I had a thing for Raine, espically the consistent party on party violence.

I like this topic.

Metal Gear sucks, Animal Crossing sucks, Metroid Prime sucks, Eternal Darkness sucks.

Mario Sunshine rocks, Monkey Ball rocks, FF:CC rocks, Symphonia rocks, although I am not sure if I'll get Pikmin 2 or not. Although, I'll be first to admit I don't have much knowledge of it, but judging off the first, I'll rent it on a lazy weekend.

Mario Kart: DD, with enough interested people is the best Mario Kart by far, until you suddenly run out of content. The co-op racing seems dumb, but we had some blasts with 3-player cup mode.

I'll probably pick up Four Swords when I get the time to get people together again, it's nice knowing it didn't turn out like the tumor of add-on that the original Four Swords was on the LttP cart.
I swear to God, some of you take the fun out of videogames. Why even bother to play the fucking things?

Because a small percentage of them seriously rock? I played Baldur's Gate 2, FM4, and SMS this weekend and had a bloody stellar time of it.
Alex said:
Mario Kart: DD, with enough interested people is the best Mario Kart by far, until you suddenly run out of content.

That's what I'm saying! I can't believe that as successful as the MK series has been, the one with the most tracks over three generations of consoles is the SNES version!


I could never make up my mind whether Beach Spikers was any good or not. I think multiple players would improve it immensely, though.

Since you can buy it for something like five bucks at this point, probably worth the risk either way.



I've been just as warped for years and years, I just shut my mouth nowadays, and faded into obscurity like Folken/Brandon F.
The way you turn your nose up at everything, how can anything even get a chance to seriously rock?

Well, they do; it's not like I turn my nose up BEFORE I've tried them and found them either overhyped poorly-designed crap or simply completely incompatible with my tastes.

I dig a lot of C-list titles, too, that some of you wouldn't give the time of day: Crimson Tears, Sub Rebellion, Grandia Xtreme, Spellforce, Etherlords 2, Amped 2.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Get Viewtiful Joe if you haven't yet...$19.99. Unless you're getting the PS2 version, haha.
Drinky Crow said:
Well, they do; it's not like I turn my nose up BEFORE I've tried them and found them either overhyped poorly-designed crap or simply completely incompatible with my tastes.

It all reminds me of my ex-GF, I guess; she could never say "I don't like this", it was always, "THIS SUX!" and any further discussion was dismissed. But at least you're willing to give the GC a little luv.


Drinky Crow said:
I dig a lot of C-list titles, too, that some of you wouldn't give the time of day: Crimson Tears, Sub Rebellion, Grandia Xtreme, Spellforce, Etherlords 2, Amped 2.

Trivia note: Drinky is also the only man on the North American continent who enjoyed Unlimited SaGa.

There's a TON of games I'm completely "eh" on: Wind Waker, for starters, and F-Zero GX. I don't exactly hate FF 7/8/9, either, but I'm not gonna sing their praises. I also don't dismiss any discussion; you're welcome to try and convince me otherwise, but 99% of the time you WILL get owned because I don't start publically hating until I can pull some good examples of what's wrong out of my magical nerd hat.


I simply hate it because it's everything I despise in modern videogaming: noxious cutscenes, masturbatory writing, FUCKING STEALTH, tortured control schemes, and an almost arbitrary emphasis on realism at times.
Heh, it's funny ... a lot of people look for that kind of shit in videogames (using slightly different wording probably).

Anyway, as for FF:CC and FSA, I've played both extensively and I've noticed a slight problem. I find it very hard to get the same 3 people together a lot of the time. With FF:CC, that means that one character might get left behind, resulting in 3 of 4 people having to go back to an older level to get some artifacts. Worst yet, if you get someone new, they'll probably want a completely new character made up.

With FSA, it's very easy to just pick up and go. Anywhere. Sometimes it's nice to revisit an old level, but the plot isn't really that complicated (it's the Legend of Fucking Zelda, what do you expect?), so carrying on elsewhere isn't a problem. Also, voting for the Hero of Darkness in 4 player is always good for a laugh.

Oh yeah, and the mini-games in FSA are infinitely better than FF:CC's Blazin' Caravans. I highly recommend 4-player hammer tag.


WarPig said:
Trivia note: Drinky is also the only man on the North American continent who enjoyed Unlimited SaGa.


Not only did I enjoy it, I think I'm gonna go play it a bit now.

Edit: You've gotta realize, as it took me a while to do it as well, I'm not ashamed to admit, when someone like Drinky brings out hate, a lot of the time its excessive to rile fanboys up. And once you do, its kinda fun.

Dragon Quarter and Baldurs Gate still blows ass though.
As much as I hate to praise Nintendo, the co-op design of Four Swords really *is* the most brilliant piece of adult-friendly game design conceived in this generation. The entire game requires an incredible level of cooperation to advance, forcing you to go against EVERY instinct to run for the loot or to endlessly pick on your buddy. It's so fundamentally HUMAN it cracks me up; it's amazing how fast you can go from a selfish amoral fuckwad hording all the Force Gems and torching Purple Link for being homo to working in precise and flawless collaboration with your pals to take down a boss.

Unlike MGS2, there probably *is* a Master's thesis somewhere in Four Swords. I would LOVE to see more co-op games that force the player to endlessly choose between altruism and selfish gluttony to progress like this. Halo had a bit of this, too, and that's what made it rock.
Kioku gets it. Nothing draws me to hate faster than fanboys who like a game for superficial reasons (it's by AM2; it has HAWT ANIME CHIX; it has RELIGIOUS SYMBOLISM OMG OMG; it's an exclusive for the Xbox; it has RAD GRAFX) and proceed to declare it the 8th world wonder, excusing all of its flaws and validating all of the retarded design decisions. I live to topple paper temples.
Drinky Crow said:
It's so fundamentally HUMAN it cracks me up; it's amazing how fast you can go from a selfish amoral fuckwad hording all the Force Gems and torching Purple Link for being homo to working in precise and flawless collaboration with your pals to take down a boss.
Damn, I never thought the best thing ever written about Four Swords would come from Drinkles of all people.

I'm so touched I won't even mention E.D.

By the way, once you and your friends are too drunk to play Four Swords, I heartily endorse Wario Ware.
Well, I call 4S "adult-friendly" design because you have to be old enough and experienced enough to laugh at yourself in order to truly enjoy it. If you're the sort of person who gets pissed off when someone pins you next to a fence with a Flame Rod for five minutes or can't put aside your smouldering temper long enough to take down a giant plant monster, you're aren't old enough to appreciate 4S. If you're old enough to not take yourself very seriously and to enjoy little games of rivalry and spontaneous tactics, you'll be all over this game.


True dat. I can see kids coming to blows over a game of Four Swords -- considering my friends and I got into fights over swiping lives in co-op Contra, there definitely would have been blood on the carpet over the Force Gem wars.

Playing Four Swords with my friends, I could tell who was really mature and who wasn't. Some people really, really got bent out of shape about it, and took everything personally. Sigh.
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