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Drinky Crow Gamecube Appreciation Thread -- yeah, you heard me.

Saint Cornelius said:
....how do you play Mr. Driller Drill Land on a US Gamecube? Does it have to be modded, or is there a software way around it?
If you wanna really play Mr. Driller you need to your GC modded. It'll work with the FreeLoader, but you won't be able to save. Donkey Konga has the same problem.


Rummy Bunnz said:
If you wanna really play Mr. Driller you need to your GC modded. It'll work with the FreeLoader, but you won't be able to save. Donkey Konga has the same problem.

In all honestly, modding a GameCube is incredibly simple - even I can do it!

Buy parts (special bits, wire, solder and switch) and open your GC up. Disassemble. Insert two wires in two holes, tape them down on the underside of the motherboard. Run wires to switch. Solder wires to switch. Reassemble.


I don't know how I feel about this...

True, I have a gamecube too. But I make it a point to NOT LIKE IT. As I pass it everyday, I point and laugh and call it names and question it's masculinity. I'm hoping it will grow up to have issues.
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