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Drunk Purchases OT


So I am about 3 months sober and looking back I’m amazed at how much money I’m saving but also beating myself up over dumb purchases.

What’s some stupid shit you’ve bought when drunk?

I’ll go first
I overbought groceries on Instacart and Doordash to hide my alcohol purchases from my wife…fuck me for being such a lying asshole.

I’m starting to think Door Dash alcohol deliveries are just fucking evil for alcoholics in a way but also a godsend: if I’d gone to a liquor store in a car instead of just lazily ordering more booze on my phone for years who knows if I’d be alive or in jail for a DUI or worse?

Also feel free to post any dumb purchases pics.
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What’s some stupid shit you’ve bought when drunk?

£250 in one evening on Dead or Alive 5 trying to get the full set of Kasumi costumes. Jet lag, drunk didn't keep track of what I'd spent so far and ten minutes later I'd try another costume set pack hoping I'd get all of them. Forgot all about it until the credit card bill arrived at the end of the month.

I didn't feel so bad about any of my previous drunk ebay purchases after that.
I got absolutely tanked at a trivia night one time. At the end they held an auction and I bought a really shit framed sketch of Muhammad Ali for $200 ($131 usd). The worst part is that the previous bid was $100 and it was my own. Yep... I actually outbid myself by doubling the amount. We all had a good laugh about it the next day. The drawing is still hanging up in my old bedroom at my parents' house.


This is going to sound weird but I bought like 10 guns not for home defense but because they are fun to collect and look cool. Don’t follow any sub-reddits about collecting if you’re having a substance abuse problem: it made my drunk brain think it was NORMAL to own even way more than 10 fucking guns if you see some of the collections on there. At least I impulse bought a very techy cool looking safe too…for like $2000.

I’ve only kept 2 for self defense but sold the others at a pretty big profit but still it was dumb to buy something like that drunk over a few years…and expensive.

If I were to do it again I’d probably just get airsoft replica versions not actual fucking deadly weapons.
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i buy everything when i'm drunk. buying shit makes me anxious so i need to be drunk enough to bring myself to buy something. after a few beers i'm in a fuck it let's do it kind of mood and go buy shit.

i'm obviously talking about "big" purchases or things i don't really need. i can go buy food and alcohol no problem but i mean if there's something i've got my eye on i'll keep thinking it over in my head and debating should i or shouldn't i?

i can't say i've got really drunk and bought something randomly. my thinking is wait until i sober up so i can stress about it for a few days and get drunk again to buy it.


Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
This is going to sound weird but I bought like 10 guns not for home defense
This is going to sound odd ... but I ordered 4 giant freezers for my basement that are hidden behind a false wall in a sound proofed room. Each one is large enough to hold an entire full grown human female. Sometimes when I have a hard day at work I go down there and lay inside them. All sound and light is completely blocked from the outside world. When you lay completely still it feels like being in the womb.

I'm just fucking with you lol. .


Do people really sit in front of a pc to buy stuff when they are drunk??

Don't you do the same when high?

I'm drunk and just purchased a new vibrator for the wife and new cock ring for myself.

The Shining Reaction GIF


I think I should buy this


Maybe wait till I'm drunk. Already halfway there anyways

Unrelated, I could've have used a cockring last night =/
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Gold Member
If anything, it makes me less inclined to buy stuff. I second guess everything. It is a double-edged sword.
I'm kinda similar, but mostly because i enjoying the process of studying and watching reviews before buying something.

Like tomorrow is cyber monday, last day of offers and i still need to buy mobo, cpu, ram and case for my new build :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Most of mine are digital movie purchases of movies I fondly remember but didn't already own on bluray / UHD. Probably watched the first 30 minutes before passing out. It's why my Movies Anywhere collection is stupid large.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I was a solid professional drunk for 19 years and mostly always remembered to stay away from drunk dialing exes & buying stuff on the internet.

One night while pissed I remembered I forgot earlier in the day to buy some boxer shorts.

I love The Gap's boxers so I go online and order 4 pairs quickly, check out with Paypal and done.

About a week and a half later I receive 23 pairs of boxers.
Turns out I wanted 2 pairs of one model and accidentally added a zero in the box 😀

I also have a good collection of autographed memorabilia, mostly movie posters & a couple of videogame ones.
One night while fucked off my face ike a raiding Viking I ignore my rule and stumble on a first edition LOTR book signed by Tolkien for 25K on Ebay.

Now regarding signed stuff you have to be ULTRA careful because of all the frauds out there.

But this looked very legit. My judgement is impaired but I also feel very giddy. That RUSH you know?

If I buy this I'm basically broke with nothing left except my next paycheck. No more "emergency fund" & sense of security.
I then have a vision of me as a hobo years later living in an alley on a dirty sleeping bag in the rain clutching my Tolkien book while sniffing glue.
I just laughed and went to bed.
Thank God.
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