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drunk thread again

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To be honest I'm pissed man. I been going to my gym regularly at the same time for 2 years now and the regulars there have not even said a hello to me. Yet they got their muscle bros club where they shoot the breeze and I'm the only one left out.
Fuck them

I mean, don't give a shit, SOBs are SOBs.

Talking about porn, you straight guys ever seen gay porn? Maybe out of morbid curiosity. I know I've seen lots of straight porn, not anymore, but I have.
Rule 34 bro.

To be honest I'm pissed man. I been going to my gym regularly at the same time for 2 years now and the regulars there have not even said a hello to me. Yet they got their muscle bros club where they shoot the breeze and I'm the only one left out.
Maybe they think you don't want to be talked to? I mean hell, most people in the gym are that way. Nothing wrong with introducing yourself if you can catch one of them on their way out or something.
I'd say there's some homoerotic stuff in there. There can be lots of touching too.

I remember seeing this one straight porn once where a girl had been sucking a man's business for a while and then another guy started making out with her afterwards, that was odd. Other than that, it was pretty normal.
Wool is still here. Sean got insulted and banished himself from drunkthread. Not sure about tinychat.

An empty room means we can adopt it and turn it into the drunkGAF tinychat we've always wanted though.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Wool is still here. Sean got insulted and banished himself from drunkthread. Not sure about tinychat.

An empty room means we can adopt it and turn it into the drunkGAF tinychat we've always wanted though.

Nope. I'm embarrassed by my stupid post, so I try not to show my stupid face in here.


Back when that thread was going, I think I made it like 28 days once and legit lost my mind. I swear I couldn't see straight.

I might start it up again though cause I did notice some positive changes in my overall amount of energy.

I went 48 days not too long ago. The constant, perpetual arousal was better than any 'bate could ever be. You've really got to work yourself up to it though.


New PBF comic for drunk thread:



it's probably a combination of the feeling of dominance and power over the girl, tight pussy, and dat ass all spread out in front of you. and it probably matters how your dick curves too.

in other words, it just feels gooooooood.


erotic butter maelstrom
Doggy style is the perfect finishing position, no need to drag it out. Once I'm done wasting my time on her business I like to flip the bitch over and get the poison out while holding on to her butt. Feels good.
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