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drunk thread again

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Hey drunk thread.
it's probably just some joke thing. like oh yeah lets post pics of me making out with you it's gonna be funny for facebook.

I'm not saying ugly guys don't get chicks I see it myself but for the guy to be this kind of player seems hard to believe. lighting doesn't strike the same place 10 times.
in the mornings from like 9am to 12 right in the middle of the quad the black dudes that go to this school like to hang out and they get tons of chicks. manny would be slamming ass every night.


PUA gibberish aside, one thing I do want to get better at is meeting/approaching women in public places, because I mean how many women actually desire to meet their future partners in nightclubs? I'm guessing not many.

Scouring youtube now.

All nightclubs suck. If I never see the inside of another one, I'd be good with it. Bars can be cool though.
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