lol my wife is. i'm a military spouse. :-*
however she doesn't drink much so I will accept all milbeers on her behalf.

lol my wife is. i'm a military spouse. :-*
however she doesn't drink much so I will accept all milbeers on her behalf.
Mac is from that dirty my wife is. i'm a military spouse. :-*
however she doesn't drink much so I will accept all milbeers on her behalf.
MuhahahahahaThis thread makes me want to grab some beer. And the store is too far away.
Tastes like shit. For try hards and weeaboos.How do you guys feel about saké?
How do you guys feel about saké?
I cosign this. The past few times I've had sake it's all been shit.plum wine > sake. real talk.
When you don't have much to do in this town you end up clicking random related videos to songs on youtube or soundcloud, do that for several years and you end up knowing at least two new artists.acrid how do you get these music finds. is it just a san fran thing?
snuggler you put ocean drive on this playlist you magnificent mother fucker
Just followed you, gurl.
I probably wouldn't do anything, but immediately pretend like I didn't see it and that it was not my concern. When the smoke clears, I would write down their license plate, bribe DMV staff for detailed information on the perpetrator, and find their residence, observe for a period of several months, recording their schedule, family interactions, sleeping patterns and behavior for signs of vulnerability and weakness. Finally I would exploit this knowledge in a horrific, psychologically devastating manner on the anniversary of their offense.What would you do If you saw someone keying your car?
What would you do If you saw someone keying your car?
I would join them. Fuck my car.What would you do If you saw someone keying your car?
What would you do If you saw someone keying your car?
mannny i don't know how to tell you this but making you shoot up ghb is not a drug test. but its probably better that you lost those three hours.Yeah
I'm negative for opiates! Yay!
If it makes you sleep it's not a drug you should keepmannny i don't know how to tell you this but making you shoot up ghb is not a drug test. but its probably better that you lost those three hours.
i feel like linkin park receives undue hatred