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drunk thread again

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Tears in the rain
I have one last beer to go through, but I feel like I am at the end of my rope...I really don't want that added buzz. Plus, a Maudite is super good beer and it'd be wasted on me right now.


Tears in the rain
Curiosity got the better of me, and I looked up this "balddemon" feller. And....wow. I'll probably never be THAT wasted. I must be a lightweight or something.


Junior Member
Lets see if I can keep it together. Two bottles of 13% wine, a 32 oz. Coors lite, and noob. I am working on my second of 6 Bass bears


So basically I'm still freaking the fuck out about my bar exam results coming in a few weeks, I'm hemorrhaging money due to unexpected circumstances (like car problems) while I'm looking for a job with no success, and my estranged brother is bunking with me for a few days while my biodad continues to start shit on top of all other pieces of family drama that is wearing me down considerably, and I'm still sleep deprived from serving as a DD for my best friend on his birthday party.

But my brother ended up bringing me aged Jamaican rum as a gift.

After half a bottle, best brother ever.


The fuck lol .... can anyone link me to the offending post? I tried to find myself and gave up =/

Asked him on steam maybe he will respond.

Mac always a good idea to put in no creepo bro

No creepo.


Ya NBA GAF really sucks .... wayyyyy to many sensitive ppl in there.

"He threatened to rape a man" ... rofl, pls (that was blackace who said that btw lol)

RIP BAald, realer then any of those mofo's I can tell ya that much.

Some cool people in NBA GAF don't get me wrong, a lot actually. A lot of cunts too tho. MLB GAF is nice, slow moving, steady pace, just like real life baseball. You can say whatever you want in there too, cuz only 1 mod goes in there and he is cool as fuck.


erotic butter maelstrom
Ya NBA GAF really sucks .... wayyyyy to many sensitive ppl in there.

"He threatened to rape a man" ... rofl, pls (that was blackace who said that btw lol)

RIP BAald, realer then any of those mofo's I can tell ya that much.

Some cool people in NBA GAF don't get me wrong, a lot actually. A lot of cunts too tho. MLB GAF is nice, slow moving, steady pace, just like real life baseball. You can say whatever you want in there too, cuz only 1 mod goes in there and he is cool as fuck.


Hey snuggler wanna do 1 on 1? We can sleep on my cherry wood futon later and talk about how we have no souls, but great looks.

You filthy Michigan bastard, I want you to feel my birth canal when it's stripped of no children.


erotic butter maelstrom
Hey snuggler wanna do 1 on 1? We can sleep on my cherry wood futon later and talk about how we have no souls, but great looks.

You filthy Michigan bastard, I want you to feel my birth canal when it's stripped of no children.
Quoting this post before you get embarassed and edit it out.


Why would I be embarrassed you stupid sexy fuck?

Btw don't cop an attitude with me because your shitty computer can't even play dead space at 1280X1024 it's not my fault dude. Put your money to a good fucking PC and stop spending it all on coke n cam chats. Luv you bro, can I call real fast?


Your tag sucks

I had an urge to listen to Suede and Bush. I doubt anyone of my current group of friends knows who Suede or Bush are. I love my friends but god damn, I wish they a little more culture knowledge.


^thanks g

Don't worry bro, this is like my 9th semester out of high school and I still only have like 50 credit hours. Just finish strong.

Basically this, who gives a fuck as long as you walk out with your degree.

I never made it that far : (

Being lazy as fuck has it's downfalls.

Acrid made a community AMA Devo and Timedog thread, lol.


Recommend me your guys fav beer please. I'm a broke ass student, and 40s are my go to. With the occasional case of beer like Dos Equis or Miller High Life. Help me branch out.
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