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drunk thread again

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I'm not sure if this happens to everyone, but I dont really get black out drunk.

What happens instead that I wake up, I don't remember shit, and then like....I get flashes of all the shit tha happened earlier before.

btw, I had my first alcoholic drink about two months ago. I might just be a noob.

Some don't get the black outs. I've been drinking for almost 20 years and there is only one occasion 15 years ago I don't remember what happened. I remember having some girl's toes in my mouth and watching teletubbies the next morning.

And in my experience the newbies are the ones who get blackouts. The more experienced you are, the better you tend to regulate.


I think.

I gotta stop this. Minus help me.

Go to a doctor. I had a bad time getting off cold turkey. Needed some valium. In fact, my gf who wasn't as heavy a drinker as me, got the worst of it. She had a few drinks yesterday but stopped herself from getting drunk. Its a damn tight rope.


I'm not sure if this happens to everyone, but I dont really get black out drunk.

What happens to me instead is that I wake up, I don't remember shit, and then like....I get flashes of all the shit that happened earlier before.

btw, I had my first alcoholic drink about two months ago. I might just be a noob.

Usually even after a really bad night I'll still see flashes of the experience. It's like trying to recall a lucid dream as the day goes on. Of course they're always the things you wish you couldn't remember.

But I have had a few nights where I was basically the walking dead. I have to peice together the whole night through other people's recollections like some Rashomon shit.

Damn I feel ya. Cop I thought you been drinking a long time bro. I been drinking heavy since 24 and I am 29, you should prolly quit while you can.

I never black out I just remember more and more as the day goes on like you guys said. Like Skype Pro .... wtf


I'm sitting here having lunch with people im supposed to know.

All I'm doing now is looking out the window hoping I was somewhere else.



Ate some lobsters, drank some beers, feels good man.

Funny thing is that I'm in the military right now (have most weekends off atm) and I still feel great about all of it, unlike most of my comrades there.


I could use some sleep. It's well past midnight already and my current wine bottle is nearly empty. Recreational drinking is tonight's theme.
Drunk at 6:36 CT with hateful. Fantasy draft going poorly.

Team (thus far):

QB Tom Brady
WR Marshawn Lynch
RB Frank Gore
TE Dwayne Allen
W/TE Chris Johnson
WR/RB Wes Welker
WR/RB/TE Justin Blackman
QB/WR/RB/TE Matt Forte

Drinking a drink a friend and I created called "Khan" - it is a superior drink.
sounds like lucky got illithid
this was clever


erotic butter maelstrom
At the bar drinkin drinks.

Saw this girl I made out with here recently but she's with her husband tonight. He seems like a chill dude.


erotic butter maelstrom
Waitress is wearing denim short shorts and has an incredible fanny. I just want to lay my face down on her ass while she's wearing yoga pants and let that shit contour to my face like a smart foam pillow. Is that too much to ask.


Woo drunk thread. Bud Lite Limearita, Cape cod, 3 Colorado Bulldogs all in blender bottle. Turning dirty 30 tomorrow.


erotic butter maelstrom
Lmao what are people in MI like. They seem interesting.
We're not very diverse ethnically, it's almost all vanilla round here, but yeah there's definitely a lot of characters. It's mostly a cool place to live.

Not sure if I should cash out and head home or ride this shit out. I'm being my typical loner self but shit gets more fun as the night goes on.


erotic butter maelstrom
What do you even do when you're sober but going out on the town. Seems like around here the only thing to do is the bar.


So I was walking to my porch for a smoke and my friend was taking a piss. I yelled out "Yo bro let me see yo big dick cuzzz". I wasn't even looking at him, (the door was open in my bathroom), and I guess he instinctively tried to hide his shit .... and this was the result. Pee Pee on the pantssss.



So I was walking to my porch for a smoke and my friend was taking a piss. I yelled out "Yo bro let me see yo big dick cuzzz". I wasn't even looking at him, (the door was open in my bathroom), and I guess he instinctively tried to hide his shit .... and this was the result. Pee Pee on the pantssss.



erotic butter maelstrom
So I was walking to my porch for a smoke and my friend was taking a piss. I yelled out "Yo bro let me see yo big dick cuzzz". I wasn't even looking at him, (the door was open in my bathroom), and I guess he instinctively tried to hide his shit .... and this was the result. Pee Pee on the pantssss.
This is great. Thanks for posting it.
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